Ben Shapiro to debate Cenk Uygur at Politicon 2017

Don't know who to root for here

Roach versus Kike.

Place your bets, folks!

Obviously Ben will be the winner of this debate, Turkey has nothing on Israel.

nigga. God help Cenk Uygur

i hate that faggot
but he's going up against a jew

for your brethren. if you support a Jew over your own, you are a Jew.

Jesus why would Cenk ever agree to do this?

There's no way he's so deluded he actually believes his clumsy rhetoric can stand up to Ben's weaponized autism rattling off legal cases and PEW research.

I place my bets on TYT and double down.

Cenk has already checked out. Hillary lost. He knows all of the "conspiracy theories" aboit jer and the dems are real. This for ratings. Even he knows his mild retardation is no match for Shapiro.

It's irrelevant who you root for

Shapiro is going to eviscerate Cenk.

fuck kike Shapiro I hope junky yoghurt makes him squirm

Shapiro is the lesser of two evils.


what the fuck is cenk thinking

And the chick is debating Ann Coulter. Definitely tuning in for both.

no one cares
Tiny Ben still gets the toaster oven


Ana Kasparian debates Ann Coulter

and Toni Lahren debates Symone Sanders



the turkroach will just end up shouting over him so it will be inconclusive

>Ana Kasparian will be debating Ann Coulter.
Ana's going to get fisted live on stage.

Cenk doesn't debate, he acts like a carnival barker and plays to his audience. Within minutes of this being over TYT will have a CENT BLOWS SHAPIRO OUT OF THE WATER video courtesy of selective editing.

Having said that, it'll be fun to watch Shapiro deal with his bullshit

Shekelpiro is an obnoxious kikeservative fag but he should win this easily.

The hottest political convention you can imagine.
I hear there's gonna be some great merch this year in the dealer's room.
Hope I run into the Spice.


Liberal hubris to be specific.

Eh, it'll just be Chink packing the audience with his retard trained seal fans who will clap wildly after all of his nonsense and shout over his opponent.


You can hear the fear in Cenk's voice. I'm so excited.



I disagree with Shapiro on most politics but he undeniably is a top tier debater. And he can talk as fast as he thinks.

There aren't many liberals I would put up against Shapiro, and Cenk definitely isn't one of them. I think Sam Harris would be good against Shapiro.

oooooh Benny gonna take that fat boy turk down

>I think Sam Harris would be good against Shapiro.

I know they differ in some areas, namely religion, but they politically they aren't that far off. Not like Chunk Ogre vs Oven Dodger.

>Ben a podcast host
I guess he kind of is, but he's basically just a modern [spoiler] internet [/spoiler] radio host.

(((Civic nationalism))) of the divide and conquer variety vs Obama era "I have shit colored skin and my opinion matters" plz drop a nuke on the city this is taking place in.

Kek, fucking Cenk will get obliterated.

It's just going to be the fatass interrupting and yelling at Ben Shapiro.

I hate Shapiro, but I might hate Cenk more. Either way, Shapiro is 6 million times better at arguing.

Are they gonna debate a specific policy or what?

Can't wait to see Ben destroy him while rattling off Jewish favorites like "dems r the real racists."

Also that mudnigger is retarded for agreeing to debate a Jew with that level of autism -- last time Cenk debated a Jew it was Sam Harris and it was fucking embarrassing for Cenk, and I don't even agree with much of Sam on anything

If nothing else it'll be interesting to sip for every "of course" by the roach and for every Jewy egalitarian platitude by Ben

>Cenk yelling at Shapiro
> Shapiro just making irrelevant witty remarks

Both sides are going to say they won without even listening to anything, I think I'll save my time. These meme political figures kill any kind of real debate

I want the roach to win. Then he can hopefully invite Alex Jones back on for another meltdown.

Could Cenk be hiding some serious shit under his sleeve or is he being seriously retarded?
I have no read on the situation.

He's a fucking retard

more of an argument than a debate

Wot? Disagreeing on free will is just about as philosophically incompatible as two people can be - it is that basic tenet from which a lot of political belief can be ascertained

Also Ben is as neocon as they come, huge erection for military intervention literally everywhere and while Sam pays lip service to muh Russian aggression and muh thought experiments they're not very close in that regard.

Also Ben's free market fetishism isn't exactly in-line with Sam's quasi-demsocialism

I mean even on the things they agree on like gun control its because they're starting from fundamentally different axioms and examining the issue from different perspectives

I agree it with in that a Ben vs. Sam Jewoff would be interesting but it could also get stuck in the weeds and go nowhere. Ben is a policy nuance and detail guy and Sam is a big-picture philosophical guy and it's all too possible that both are made aloof by the other

kike v roach.

I'm supposed to care about this?

Not a fan of little Ben but he's going to shit all over sink yogurt

Outside of Muslims, they would disagree on most issues, either on the position or the reasoning.

I see what you did there.

sinister lookin jew

Everyone who goes to those events is already super-lib. When he debated coulter/desouza he just turns to the crowd and riles them up in a mob mentality, gets them cheering for things. Plus if you throw any facts at him he just denies them.

This will end with Jenk being unable to control his anger and yelling over Ben. Jenk stands no chance.

Whoever wins, we lose.

Shapiro is an S-class Jew and and will run circles around Junk's basic bitch shitlib ideologies.
I'm a little surprised he hasn't gone into politics because he could have retarded neocon boomers eating out of his hand for Israel.
Also, Chunk would be able to fall back on
>but you're a fucking white male!
since Shapiro can pull the Jew card.

That'd be great if Cenk gets anti-semitic.

Of course. They are the spawn of Satan, after all.

but if you lose, you win

watching that d'souza debate was painful because cenk is such a roach piece of shit who refuses to actually acknowledge and refute points i.e. participate in what debate should be

and this is coming from a guy who would deport desouza and laugh about it if he could. Then again I'd also deport Sink yougare

I hope he does kek

I hate Ben's shilling for Israel as much as the next guy, but I really liked that he called out Rebel Media and Cernobitch for their autistic meltdown the Caesar play.

honestly don't know what cent is doing. say what you will about shapiro but the cunt can run circles around the smartest cunts, cenk had either slipped into complete delusion after november, or he has some secret weapon, maybe a small mic into his ear with someone whispering.

Kike vs Jew
Neither have my Christian interest in mind

why do they like picking on the special kid so much, it's cruel.


>inb4 crowder shows up in drag wearing a yarmulke

I honestly feel like Crowder's cringey Cenk impression has a better chance against Ben than actualy Cenk.

hopkins will fall in the 4th, screenshot this, the irish have control

stop using that word you dumbfuck, Jesus Christ. Anyone who non-ironically says "e-celebs" has crippling autism.

>This will end with Jenk being unable to control his anger and yelling over Ben.
Pretty much. Cenk might even cross the line and say something anti-semitic, like when he got assblasted by girlswritewhat (Karen Straughan) in a men's rights debate and told her "go get me a ham sandwich." I can see them arguing about Trump, and Cenk pulling the "Trump is like Hiltler, and as Jew, you..." card, and it falling apart from there.


the best part is that i couldn't care less who loses or wins because i hate them both. i win either way.

i think on policy ben can run circles around the best of them but when it comes to the philosophy undergirding any of his beliefs I think he'd have trouble

i think someone like jared taylor would give him a serious run for his money but he'd never do it, nor would he dare debate a geneticist about his belief that race is a social construct

but ya cenk is a retarded ape and i think a 5th grader could dance around him in a debate because he doesn't rely on knowledge, facts, or presentation, just having a crowd that will cheer for him every time he spews a retarded, vacuous, left-wing platitude

I'm a super liberal and the young Turks is the worst and that guy is the least capable of debate from the whole network

What's wrong with Ben Shapiro? I am a moderate lib and have massive respect for his rhetorical abilities for the most part.

Always bet on the kike.

Kikes always win.

Fucking always.

RIP Cenk

>toaster oven

audibly kek'd

I've yet to see a debate where Shapiro got his shit kicked in. Anyone?

>inarticulate yelling
t. Cenk

even though he's a kike, cenk hasn't got a chance in hell against shapiro

He's a jew who goes after the alt right, while shilling for Israel. He's in fundamental opposition to white interests.

because 90% of the people on this site aren't moderate libs

we hate Jews and their ideologies, and Ben is notably a neocon with a hard-on for Israel, muh wars, and muh race is a social construct let the 3rd world in after we remove muh food stamps

Chunk will get his ass handed to him om substance, but he'll create the appearance of a close contest by throwing out enough personal insults to keep the lefty crowd cheering.

Oven-dodger Shapiro is going to wreck this greasy buffalo

>differ in some areas, namely religion
False. Harris is a Jew. They are the same. Jews who always pretend to be atheists are only doing it for show. Jews love show-business. You can never trust them unless you really know them (in other words, being a Jew yourself) otherwise they are playing a character. Always

He's friends with most of the Alt Right guys but hates the stormfags that attach themselves to the alt right as any person should.

it's not his rhetorical ability i have an issue with, shapiro is a great and thorough debater. unfortunately he's also a slimy zionist (though he'll call you an antisemite if you accuse him of being an israel-firster) and neocon. was also a major #nevertrump guy. basically i agree with him on most issues relating to domestic policy, but i think his foreign policy opinions are just abysmal.

The alt right is a fundamentally racial movement. In any, case he was even anti-alt light, and was really anti-Trump. At best, he's a cuckservative.

I would agree with this 100%.
I think the man is incredible, but his Israel and Anti-Semitic garbage gets old

I hate kikes, but at least Ben is conservative. I hate roach libs even more though.

One doesn't come to mind, but I've seen him give stupid monologues on stuff like global warming where, if there were someone competent debating him, he would get his shit kicked in.

(((shapiro))) is smarter, but i'm hoping the roach does well


not all magicians are jewish kids but all jewish kids are magicians

>The alt right is a fundamentally racial movement

It was, but not in the way it is now

Just like how the libertarian party once advocated that you couldn't have sovereignty without closed borders, the alt right was saying the same thing about how flooding the US with Mexicans and Muslim immigrants will destroy the culture of the US

Then the meme lords, liberal media, and "unironic" redditors warped it into some kind of white pride movement and the rest is history

>Cenk Ugyar

Literally sucks at it.

Cenk is gonna get demolished.

I'm not a fan of Ben but that little Jew is gonna run circles around him.

>supporting the only non muslim country in the middle east is bad
>supporting a radical Sunni country that sponsored terrorists in america and the middle east is good

Are you Obama?

Cenk will probably go into this the same way he did with D'souza: interrupting, talking over, and just acting like an all around dick bag. Ben, however, will have none of it unlike D'souza and Cenk will have to resort to drinking bacon grease and reasonable discussions.

Nope, alt right was coined by Richard Spencer in like 2008 for the expressed purpose of dealing with racial issues affecting whites.

Ben Shapiro is going to destroy that guy as he raves and swings his hands around.

Cenk is one of the worst political commentators and isn't a journalist. I don't know what that guy would ever agree to this. He is going to be dragged through the mud.

One thing the every so hated Ben Shapiro does right, is debates. Sup Forums hates and loves him at the same time.

>implying you have to take a side besides your own