The Hill Pill

Have you taken it yet?

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holy fuck could you imagine what shit would be like had she won? this type of thing over and over until you're getting beheaded by a muzzie in your home

You mean "What it'll be like when she wins".

Cyanide is deadly so no.

Silly drumpflings


Ya I'm sure she would just invite muslims in to kill us.
You young republicans are the most retarded people.

You know what's more disturbing? There are people on the internet who are so buttblasted at her devastating defeat last November that they put forth time and effort in writing fanfiction depicting an alternate universe where Hillary is currently the president.

I kid you not, search around.





LMFAO, you are a truly special sweety

That's a diaper crease you sexual deviant.

Thank you friend. This is a goldmine

>A hundred days. We’re just three menstrual cycles into this presidency, but Washington feels different. Over half the president’s cabinet are women. While testifying so often to the House Ethics committee, they gave her a parking spot that launched an investigation into how she got her own parking spot. Ma’am, we’re under so many investigations, I’m starting to think that FBI really does stand for female body inspector. It must be tough being the most hated person in Washington and even tougher for Ted Cruz having to relinquish that title to someone else.

>I don’t want to say Republicans were hostile during Hillary’s address to Congress, but she’s the first president who had to walk up to the lectern with her keys between her knuckles. Remember the good ole days when “communist” was the worst c-word people called the president? During President Clinton’s first 100 days in office, she’s focused on — well, you know, she’s gotten a lot done. Honestly, I don’t really know. It’s overly complicated and dull and I’m bored shitless. I almost feel like I’d rather have an idiot like Trump in charge just for the excitement.

GenXfag here who has been listening to her awful voice ever since '92, so pretty much my entire adult life. Her shrill voice has only gotten worse with time. I was sick at the thought of hearing it everyday for years so I decided to avoid it as much as possible if she won.

I had decided by the morning of Election Day that if she won, I'd only watch news if there was a major HABBENING and I'd click Drudge a few times per day to see what was going on out there in the world. I was gonna nuke my Twatter account, watch movies & documentaries and read Sup Forums

But then whadda ya know...

The level of projecting stuff that they actually are doing onto Republicans is actually painful

#5: Randomly capitalize words in sentences like a fucking mongoloid.

You got that right. After 8 years of the Muslim and the Monkey Queen, the Witch would have made me hang myself.

Samantha Bee wrote that btw.
You're right. It's uniquely idiotic


there is no doubt in my mind that the Trump presidency is God's will


Yep. I'm not one to get too emotional about things but it truly feels like something bigger than an election happened - like a great awakening, shackles were thrown off, free at last kind of thing...

You would be correct although He is against Trump. Trump is the final king of revelation. He must remain for a short time. Enjoy the summer of happenings. We have Revelation 12 on Sept 23. Democracy has been hacked since Regan.(They) don't make mistakes at the top of the order. When the time comes, if you are truly part of the chosen elect to redeem this land. You'll know. Stay tuned for the Final Eclipse. Will be the most photographed and witnessed event on Earth for the rest of the days to come after.

>Fun & Games

What are those games like?

Tours -> Vienna -> Trump