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Whites need to become ruthless again if we want to save our race.

As i Christian i am dont approve this shit, but as a russian i am proud what our guys still can make some liberation.

cruelty is unnecessary and inefficient. put a bullet in his head and move on to the next one.

Is this in Chechnya or something? Why are they torturing the sand nigger?

It is isis member

Actually ISIS or just another random Syrian civilian? Your country has done barely shit to fight ISIS. America did 99% of the heavy-lifting and Russians want to claim credit for the victory. Pathetic.

>torture video not filmed in vertical
wtf, i love russia now

At the end of the day I know Christ was tortured for this behavior. I understand their hatred and I think their anger is righteous but just kill the fucker and move on. Of course it's easy for me to say this not being in the thick of combat.

too bad spics are the only ones with the balls to eradicate niggers.

I bet you would love it if it was you laying on the ground there

This kills the /sg/ shill

Well, you right, but if this guy was doing a worst shit? At least - Lord Jesus is Judge.

What a stupid fucking thing to say.

fuck off back to t_d you kike faggot

I had a very shitty day at work and this made me smile, the way he cries out like the animal he is, thank you Ivan

>muh snek flag

you don't like russia because they don't swallow big based black guy ™ cock like the lolbertarians do

How long would it take to wipe out ISIS if we started actually torturing people?

Alsoyou're a faggot.


fuck off back to /sg/ you sandnigger faggot

>muh fascist flag

you don't like america because they don't swallow big based sandnigger ™ cock like your buddies at /sg/

Go back to your propaganda general faggot shill

youtube.com/watch?v=lbTge_k99SY бaмбитo пaчитo мaми мaми yeбeм шeбeм eтo клacикa иди oт cюдa пидap гpязний cкpимep

>America did 99% of the heavy-lifting

He is literally a nigger with white skin.


>not a argument


isn't lolbergtarinism for open borders ? hmmm and you say i suck sandnog cock.

>бaмбитo пaчитo мaми мaми yeбeм шeбeм eтo клacикa иди oт cюдa пидap гpязний cкpимep
It's trying to speak!


What ever happened to Alextime? last I saw was when they were releasing him out of the hospital in a wheelchair


He got what he deserved. How is one person stupid enough to enter a country where violence is rampant and insult their people.



Just like in WWII, right schlomo?

>doesn't know how to greentext


Piece of shit probably tortures prisoners every day, give him a taste of his own medicine, if they don't want to be tortured they shouldn't terrorize other people

Russian's might not swallow nigger cock but they sure do love swallowing central asian cock

A dead nigger is a dead nigger so I am not complaining

pic - I will make you very very pain

Russians are subhuman animals. There's a reason every civilized country wants them the fuck out of Europe.

>Russia said he was bad so I accept it

literally no proof he is anything other than a random guy and considering Syria is a complete cluster fuck I wouldn't be surprised if it was a citizen. It wouldn't be the first time Russia has tortured and killed civilians.

t. achmed

>I'm just gonna hurt you really, really, BAD

Russia confirm for capeshit loving DCucks.

Cheeki breeki

>they fell for the new Mossad publicity piece
Saged this fake shit. Blaming this on Russians is like blaming 9/11 on Osama Bin Laden. Mind Slaves.

>some sandnigger in dhgate adidas pants gets his feet and hands smashed with a sledgehammer

couldn't care less desu

Does anyone have any updates on Alex i'm worried about him.

this was hohols wasnt it

Go to the place in Mexico where they rocked the fuck out of him and ask them personally-- make sure to tell them that you're worried about his well-being too.

Why are you so upset Pedro? did he personally shit talk your mestizo brethrens or what?

He is ok. But he dont want to leave mexico because he told that he loves here.

Russia Russia Russia stahp

calling animals subhuman is a bit redundant. not your fault for lacking proper grammar though, the public school system in the u.s. is aimed at creating populace of lobotomized lumpenproles with negro culture and ghetto vernacular


hey pablo a bit off topic but how common are white mexicans exactly

Central asian immigrants have basically no rights in russia and treated as the lowest class of ppl. I'm not denying though that pootin is a massive muslim-lover, but that kinda applies only on russian niggers, aka caucasians.

Yes. Without usa Moscow would've fallen to the Nazis. Fuck Russia in the ass. Bunch of sand nigger loving kike Jew faggots. Putin is a bitch kike and you all fall for the propaganda.

Can I get some backstory behind this video? Any kind of evidence of anything?

I've seen this one before. You know, I am convinced more than ever that people who resort to these kinds of things are just psychos and degenerates looking for an excuse to torture someone. I am not defending the people they torture necessarily, because sometimes they get the right guys, thats just not the point. It takes a certain kind of degenerate to torture someone for no strategic reason such as information retrieval. Justify it any way you want, if you torture even a very bad person for no other reason than your own pleasure, you need to be put down all the same. Just put a fucking bullet in his dome, AND MOVE ON. Got what you needed? Got nowhere to keep him? He is a liability if kept alive? Kill him, and MOVE ON. Fucking subhumans looking for excuses to be subhumans. A subhuman that takes out its degenerate fantasies on other subhumans is still a subhuman.

Military conscript in Russia showed that slavs even tortured each other, of course they would do the same to prisoners of war. I'm not surprised.

It's how they have fun in Russian military, no backstory needed

very common, we rule the country

European Mexicans
Total population
Estimates ranges from 11 to 56 million[1][2][3][4]
9-47% of Mexican population[2]

United States
5.4% of United States population
32.2% of Hispanic and Latino Americans)


What's the big deal? Poos do this for fun.

jew colony flag..

Ended up with some more brain problems and thrown into a mexican prison, he will be there for a while and then freed upon the Yucatec peoples as the divine punishment that he is


Putin's mother isn't Jewish, stop spreading FAKE NEWS.

>America did 99%
And now i wonder who have more respect for kurds: you or turks?

Wildstorm's "Global Frequency" maybe
Other than Chaos! all other comics' shared universes lived enough to become their own mere shadows.
