Gender pay gap

It takes five minutes to understand why it exists and how it isn't discriminatory. Why do some women refuse to accept the factual explanation?


>why it exists
it doesnt

women working less and getting paid less is not a "gender pay gap" like feminists say
its a work less and get paid less gap

>I've btfo'd the salesman on the efficacy of his patented snake oil, why is he ignoring me and still trying to sell it to people?

I think user just phrased the statement poorly.

>Reading anything other than erotic fantasy

>women use their vaginas to manipulate the world
You don't say?

They look like a group of confused chickens clucking for more birdseed.

because even feminists realize women can't do anything for themselves and need men to literally choose a major for them.

Because in pretty much all apples to apples situations where a woman is making less than a man (it's more often either not the case or the other way around) it's due to salary negotiations. Salary negotiation performance is entirely dependent on the woman's skill to negotiate.

Since in the feminist narrative, women couldn't possibly make less than men due to any deficiency on their part, they ignore the hard truth and cling to comfortable, well worn, and widely debunked lies. I can't be arsef to look up links right now but as of a year or 2 ago I had found at least a dozen articles written by feminists pleading with feminists to stop lying about the pay gap because it makes them look disingenuous

Where are the statistics to prove its a myth? None. Just some shitty info graph pics. Its real.

The pay gap is fake but the math IQ gap isn't. Flatly, women suck at math.





There is something of an argument in pointing out women do an unfair share of unpaid domestic work, but in my opinion that's for each household to sort out itself.

>I don't need statistics to prove it's real, and your statistics that prove it false are wrong because they were put into an infographic

wew lad

If it was real then you could just hire women and out compete everybody, because you get workers just as good, if not better, but you save money on wages compared to those other businesses just hiring men.

It's one of those things where if it was real, people would put their money where their mouth is.

Because it isn't in their best interest to accept the factual explanation. Women are vicious opportunists. You have to learn that before anything else. They want as much as they can get for as long as they can have it, and they always want more, better, faster. "Consumerism" is entirely driven by women's need for more than what they have. Debt is entirely driven by women's need for more than what they have. It's always more, more more.

Tl;Dr Women are women, and so they will behave the way women behave.

women and cucks are so retarded they actually think women are equal to men in any way shape or form except talking shit being emotional and having babby

fucking what

It's not presented honestly, it's a political rallying cry

Expecting women to respond favorably to a reasoned argument is a recipe for madness. Women act with emotion and thus are easily gaslit.

Nah. If a woman sees a man do "woman's" work she becomes less attracted to him. Therefore if you want more sex with you wife/gf then don't do housework, do stuff that makes you sweaty/dirty. This problem is 100% their own making.

But it does exist. If I work less than you and am paid less then there is a gap in our 2 pays.

Earnings, not pay
