What the fuck is wrong with women?

What the fuck is wrong with women?

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Identifying yourself as a miserable whore doesn't make guys jealous, feminists want to be men so bad.

>ask how many guys they've fucked
>they get mad
>lol whore

why would you be passive aggressive if you really were proud of it? spastic bitches it must be the pills they buy

>shame a guy calling me a slut by telling him i'm a slut

I don't understand, when the fuck would a man ask a woman to rate her own attractiveness? The whole 1-10 thing is supposed to be something you discuss with your friends "dude that chick is like a 3/10" or "I saw this hot chick with a sexy pair of tits who was like a 7/10". When would a guy ever ask a girl to rate herself?

no, number of fucks.

I think you misunderstand, when she says "number" she means number of people you've fucked.

Don't shame a slut, just leave her slutty ass alone.

The number is how many dicks she's taken in her STD ridden vagina.

if it's not bad why does it bother you.

how are irrelevant cunts verified on twitter

>Tell him exactly what he wanted to know.
Oh, so pump and dump it is, then.

Am I the only one who thinks the term slut shaming is ironic? It's like saying, "Don't nigger shame Tyrone!"

>higher than yours
oh I'm sure of that, honey

>leaf education

She writes for VICE!!! And was nominated "Slut of the year"!

Pic related

>Ask how high their number is
>"Higher than yours."
>I figured you had more than one STD.

>how much of a slut are you?
>"a bigger one than you ;)"
>haha you fucking whore
>"no wait"

>higher than yours

As if that's an accomplishment?

looks like a malnourished boy

>fucking that


For a lot of guys its sort of a game so feminist dykes who think they're the same as men assume that men view them through their lense of feminist delusion

It's mostly other women and Sup Forums types.
Out in the Field, it's more like "slut identification"

Thank you Mr. Skeltal.



Funny how someone writing for "Vice" looks like a junkie.

You can't slut shame me if i identify as a slut and own it!!!!

Idk why but this picture always pisses me off for some reason. Her face and mannerism just look so cartoonish, like an uncanny 3d animation, idk, it just makes me cringe

>nanna nanna boo boo Im a giant fucking whore
The infinite wealth of knowledge
that is women everyone

no way a woman gets paid more than a man. their whole argument is based on the opposite

I've taken 0 dickings in my life, so that reply is pretty meaningless.

woops, i misinterpreted as well

no they arent

Dont you DARE slut shame me!

fortunately, skank and whore are still offensive to them. though i dont think ive heard "skank" used in years now

I'm sure you get payed plenty, Mr. Illiterate. Did you post this on your phone?

>Strippers are people

No they're not, they're prostitutes, two different things.

Heroin will kill the cunt before STDs do

>implying I would be emasculated by that
Sluts on suicide watch

that's mrs.skeltal to you

Reply: Want to make it higher?

Holy Sluts Batman this one is a FUGLY Slut , quick run for the Bat mobile save yourself !!

notice so called "proud sluts" are all ugly whores with red or purple hair?

I do this to every girl I talk to on dating apps and I've been single for 6 years because they're all whores and I'm not going to date anyone who isn't a 0 or 1 max (if long term ex who isn't a fucking minority).

Hedonism is the problem. Sure, she can go fuck as many guys as she wants and 'enjoy the best years of her life', but don't expect me to be around when she finally hits the wall and realises that her time's running out to start a family.

dead soulless eyes

Disgusting. Wouldn't fuck with my worst enemy's dick.

My response: Silence and stare

The little voice in my head: Make sure you wear a condom when you fuck this bitch.

What I do: Fuck her as many times as I can without investing any resources.

>man implies woman is a slut
>woman confirms she is a slut
Makes sense

>thinking "higher than yours" is an awesome comeback
she's just setting herself up for the knockout punch

She wrote an article about how there's nothing wrong with cheating because "most people do it"


Tell me if you still think cheating is okay when you're 30 and desperate to hold a man down.

Women are literally babies until they hit the wall, only then do they start to SORT OF see reality.

"yeah that's gonna be a problem"

>girl - "omg this guy just left after I was a bitch to him on the first date, men are such pigs!"

That's silly, I have never bothered to askthat question. A slut is a slut and only good for one thing and it's pretty obvious who is one up front. And 15 is as broken as 500

If I imply that you are a slut and you confirm this, I am not the one that got got honey :)

Women are basically just a bunch of annoying stupid children.

I'm pretty sure the guy asked "Hi, what's your number?"

>implying i'm a manwhore

only fucked girls i really liked because i respect myself, now where's you my boo

Is it just me, or do whores have a "look"?
I'm not talking about fashion, but their skin always looks dead, they have red splotches in their eyes, their lips look chapped, and they are... masculine, sort of.
Am I crazy? Is it the diet of cocaine and cock?

Women truly are the nigger of the earth

> Who are you calling a whore?
> I've had sex with way more partners than you
> Demands apology

That chick is a degenerate whore

Bitch doesn't understand the dude is calculating her value like a used car.

The moment she says "higher than yours" is the point where he deems her a piece of shit and goes to look at the other cars in the lot.

Some of them are still cheating in their 40s plus


"No, I meant what is your number of STDs? I bet you have every one known to medical science!"

>higher than yours

Reply: so all used up then.

See, this is why I'm going to pay for a surrogate pregnancy and just skip the relationship completely. I get kids and I don't have to deal with unfaithful roasties.

oh for sure I mean when she gets older and her pool of guys is constantly shrinking because she cheated on more desirable guys when she was younger

That's not shutting him down. That's the guy realizing the woman is a whore and walking away.

In response just say: "Good for you whore"

>is on a dating app
>trying to get a virgin

>hemorrhaging into her eyes (look at those disgusting red streaks)
>scrawny and malnourished like an AIDS patient

I bet she has those disgusting AIDS tumors on her somewhere.
>confirmed whore

All it takes is one. That's surprisingly tough though so maybe there are actually zero.

Booze, pills and malnutrition.

This is a pretty good analogy. The woman is the car the man is the driver. A guy who's driven a lot of cars is gonna be a pretty good driver but a car that's old and overused is gonna be a shit car.

All her articles are about sex and kink and shit, which is funny because she's clearly perpetually single so she's probably practising the shit she writes about with random dudes one night stands


She's an expert on anal sex orgasms!



Join the gay team, guys.


if the number is more 0 she is a whore. only thing to do is walk away.

more like decaying skeleton of the year

because aids is delicious

>fucking a guy who has been with 300 dudes is better than fucking a girl who has been with 30 guys
u wot m8
see a therapist

Shekels denied

but she is ugly

who is fucking her?

I would not even touch, this is some ugly bitch

>ctrl-f: roastie

shes being fucked because shes an easy skank

That's what discretion and preventative measures are for.

>fucking a guy ... is better than fucking a girl


How do gays communicate their lisp properly in text? I've always wondered this.

Yes gorim. It's ok, don't shun her like in olden times when it was the proper and working solution to snuffingers "loose" women befoee they became full blow sluts

just respond with
>so I'm right, you are a whore
and then walk away, don't respond to them any further, let them suffer and sperg

they crave the attention.

if you can't get away, like you're in class or something, just laugh, and keep laughing at them. Everything they say is funny. This is just as effective.

>how high your number is

Is this some sort of American slang I'm unaware of?

We gay up our text messages in different ways. Lots of emojis, lots of SLAY! YAS! Also the simple message of "u lookin"

It's nigger/slut babble for 'how many people have you fucked'

This totally won't backfire ever....

It's "how many people have you fucked, you whore?"

People here just call it that sometimes because they all feel ashamed that they're disgusting but won't do anything to change it except bitch at each other and lie about it.

Lets be honest: if your dick got bigger each time you had sex we would all be gaywhores.

I'm not talking bigger as in dripping flesh from all the forceful insertions like roastes but strong hard steel.

But it's mostly other women who "slut shame" other women, isn't it? I hear more women calling other women sluts and whores than men do, way more.

>strippers are people

then explain why I feel nothing when i bury them in the desert kek

What the fuck, did you just fucking slut shame me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in nigger dick sucking, and I’ve been involved in numerous orgies in the BDSM club, and I have over 300 confirmed dicks sucked. I am trained in swallowing and I’m the top cum dumpter in the entire brothel. You are nothing to me but just another opponent. I will wipe you the fuck out with speed the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

AIDS incubator detected