What if we paid Whites to breed extra kids?

And gave the extra kids to gays to raise?

Could that be a solution to the population problem?

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the Latino rise is inevitable
any attempt to alter the timeline will lead to even worse outcomes
expect refugees in the U.S mixing with your precious blood should you attempt this

Giving kids to a fag couple is a complete waste.
They will have a very high chance of turning gay ( no offspring and wasted genetics) and become bigger degenerates.

But that would be racist. I bet you voted Adolf DRUMPSS too. :^)

Like there aren't enough sub-100 IQ whites out there, you want them to breed just to keep pace?

How about instead we gas anyone with an IQ under 110, regardless of race? Jim Jefferies was right. It's hard to argue with the results of Eugenics.

Who the hell is 'we'?

And now you fucking imagine how much hate this idea would receive from liberals. Muh racism

White women don't want kids unless it's a niglet they can parade around to show how progressive they are.

Also, why give the extra kids away? There are studies that show that kids from non-normal families become messed up in one way or another.

The gubbermint

Poland is paying for children... For me this is another shitty socialist """help""", but I can't do much about it. Most likely some of the normal people will make one more child, while degenerates will breed like rabbits because free money.

The whole point of the hwyte babies meme is to link more bodies to the federal reserve scam to pay for aging boomers and ensure republican victories. Gays may be capable of raising a good wage slave, but they do not raise right-leaning voters. Your request is denied.

Richfag here
Can I setup a private company that pays intelligent whites to have kids?
If the parents can take an IQ test in font of me and show me they are above 105 I will give them $2,000 for each kid they have.
How do i go about doing this?

wtf... gays should not be allowed to adopt kids

gayness is a mental illness, part of sexual deviancy. Those children will get molested

I'm pretty sure I can raise a right wing baby.

Here's your award for signalling that you're not like the vast majority of lgbt. Screenshot, print, and frame it on your wall.

>extra kids


>hey guys let's feed the pedophilia rings directly

For pure effectiveness? A Craigslist add would suffice. You'd have to screen out the idiots that try it first, but they spread the word like nobody's business. I'm sure there are better ways to advertise for such, but making a generation or two's difference will be a major long term victory.
May I also recommend having both prospective parents psychologically evaluated as well as seen by a couple's therapist? A stable home environment is a major contributor to success and intelligence later in life.

They do this in sandnigger nations

To compete with the sandnigger you must become the sandnigger!

You think 2k will motivate to have a fucking child that they wouldn't otherwise? They would spend that on diapers in the first year then there's clothes doctors school cars etc you retard

That is no good because a 110 IQ nigger still has violence and other subhuman traits on him. Not only that his children and the children of his children would be likely to regress back to the average nigger IQ, which has been observed countless times now


we would die

There aren't enough gays for this to be helpful. Also:
>giving your kids to people who will more likely molest them

Find me a study showing gay married couples are more likely to molest their kids. I'll wait.

The fact that it has to be a study is already starting from a biased point. Noone in academia (the public sector doesn't give a fuck) would ever dare to conduct a study that would even imply this. It would be homophobic and career suicide.
But everyone knows gays multiply by pedophilia.

>Find me a study showing gay married couples are more likely to molest their kids.
>gay married couples
what? you expect there to be data about gay married couples when gays have only been getting married for a few years?

like it or not white men are NOT gonna "man up" to broken goods which means a entire generation will be lost

So you agree then that all the existing anti-gay research (Regnerus et al) is shit for judging gay men's parenting abilities as married parents?

What if we tax whites unless they got kids?
and give them complete exemption when they reach the number of 6.

If gays in general wanted to raise adopted kids so much, the orphanages would be empty.

>pay more for babies
Been there done that. Stupid idea. The hicks breed like rabbits while blowing the money on HD TVs.

Mathematical cost of a child is a million + dollars to bring them up to college level. An extra three or four thousand dollars isn't going to convince the smart to breed and those that need the money are the ones that shouldn't breed.

Stupid idea.
Peter Costello's shitty baby bonus.

The only population problem is overpopulation. Sterilisation of darkies is the answer

>English, Irish, Scottish background
>light brown hair and blue eyes
I'm pretty good looking, but I'll probably never have kids. If any lesbians want my seed they can have it

I mean I want your seed. But more orally speaking.


There are many solutions to the population problem. Good luck enacting any of them!

Whites may be a total joke at the moment, but rest assured there are greater powers at play making sure they remain on this path.

Romania has a good point. They're all gypsies. Look how fucked up they are

only if it's a final one

Let the demographic situation collapse instead of trying to keep the ponzi scheme going. This supposedly problem is as old as civilization. We are nearing the end of a cycle. Let it fall so we can rebuild.

Someone should have molested you desu

Your sort of comments are gonna be illegal real soon, krautbro.

Report to FBI

No, move along now

>pay to breed
>give to gays
why the fuck would you give them to gays?!?

Pedo ring what else?

>population problem
Isn't it funny how the media was talking about overpopulation being an issue for over a decade and alternate food sources was the thing such trying to get us all to eat bugs? Then the moment they decided to go full open borders mode and its suddenly we aren't populated enough?

what if you removed the shitskins from your country you fucking retard? whites don't deserve to exist if they allow all the shitskins come into their country and breed. if somebody invades your home you don't have babies you remove them. if you don't then you deserve to die not have babies.

Well you aussiefags would know all about those

Population and food security were ongoing issues because a few years back phosphorous supplies were dangerously low.

Somehow they began using synthetic fertilisers to do the job. Even then food security is still a priority, you can't allow free trade and open borders to decimate your means of production so you become reliant on imports or you end up with Tonga.

Pension funds are failing at the point, as soon as the issuing of new credit collapses(credit crunch). They try to keep the scheme going by importing, male work slaves who are ignorant of any economic theory's and sell them new loans. And thus keep the new imported debt slaves in servitude. It is all about keeping up the status quo.

I wanna raise a kid D:

I'll disembowel the first faggot who tries to suggest I'd molest it

Fuck off sheep shagger. Don't you have a cow to molest?

You're implying that gays can still be allowed to live unpunished when population numbers are at stake. They cannot inherintly contribute anything to a functional society based solely on the merits of their sexuality. They must learn to be white men again first- and cockgobblers second.

Let us know when you've figure out how to be a white man again.
Only whites I see are:
>Pol """Nazi""" crybabies

The problem is the scale, that wouldn't have much impact.

It was better in the past when gay men would have families just to pretend to be straight and fuck men on the side.

It was better when straight people had arranged marriages so you didn't have to worry as much about sexual purity or genetics

This. How can you be conservative if you can't experience the natural beauty of a mother and a father. Same sex parents are just unnatural.

Its called an incentive, its better than nothing. Or are you one of those cucks that complains when they get a free handout that it wasnt enough?

Reminder that the gay gene is an X gene carried by women.

Why would anyone willingly give up their kids especially to fags? And no, it doesn't. They need to be raised in a good environment.

Welcome to Canada :D


dude, thats exactly how all the other races breed, breed first, figure out how to pay for them later, if your only issue is population levels then overbreeding is the solution, ofc that increases poverty

its not done because then youd stop being a superpower and turn into a shithole, a white shithole


Is it common for mestizos to LARP as spaniards? Does mexico have any spanish DNA?

or or or hear me out orrrr!!!!

you could stop importing millions of brown third worlders thus skewing the rates

how bow dah

they already are doing that in a lot of european countries, the extra cash is not what we need....we need housing prices to go down and banks to loan us money like they did with our parents



Yea and it's has not helped at all the measley white birth rate in the US of is 1.9 which is still considerably higher than Europe and we have non of these benefits.


It's not just about numbers, you absolute fucking retard. Fags shouldn't be allowed to live, let alone raise children.

>Fags shouldn't be allowed to live
Yet you're still alive, so how do you explain this?

Good old Johnny Howard tried that, marketed a $2000 (iirc) bonus obviously marketed towards young white bogans and they would breed like rabbits so that they could buy new plasma TVs. It works but only for your welfare leeches.

That's assuming you have someone to have sex with and settle down with.

>paid Whites to breed extra kids
that what civil marriage was about before faggots were given the benefits for no reason as well.


And I want to be a happy normal productive person who didn't have a Jew chop his dick in half. Stuff it, defect. Not everybody wins at the game of life.

Raising the white birthrate is pointless unless white countries halt nonwhite immigration and abolish the welfare state. It's like planting more vegetable seeds in a weedy garden instead of just pulling out the weeds.


With modern science, genetic research and in vitro, we won't need pure whites anyway.

The elite will create a new kind of human, which is eternally young, beautiful, smart, yet docile.
We shall call them the Eloi, who will serve as living sex dolls. Once they've reached the end of their life cycle, they shall be given to another class of servants operating the machines keeping civilization running. They shall be called the Morlocks.

And all is well.

sage this shit jheeze

Sounds good I'd have kids for enough gibs.
But you already get paid to have kids here.
pic related
Got any better ideas?

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking other guys. Women are for children and men are for pleasure.

it's fucked up here in the Netherlands
Dutch families can't afford to have more than 1-2 children most of the time because we pay tax a lot of and the tax goes to non-Dutch families with over 4-5 children who don't even pay tax

>And gave the extra kids to gays to raise?

Are LGBT people delusional? There isn't extra kids in the countries that permit LGBT people to live peacefully and low birthrates of whites means that there aren't white kis to adopt.

My country has a TFR of 1,31 children per women. We are all going to be replaced per % and our politicians want to import more 3rd worlders including refugees.
Gays can't have one and Lesbian women (with artificial insemmination) can't compensate by having 4 children.

> What if we paid Whites to breed extra kids?
>And gave the extra kids to gays to raise?
1) No is going to breed for other couples or gave their childrens - specially giving to LGBT couples. Only with economical motives and probably when the rent womb mother has no genetic relation with fetus
2) It's too expensive - a rent womb (look at Ronaldo).

It's part of your own fault - the birthrates. The Muslim world at least keep buttfucking to themselves in secret/casually but marry their wives and have children.

>extra kids
here waiting lists are pretty full desu

Waiting lists for what? Adopting other peoples' unwanted kids?

Trump wants more white immigration and to reject almost all of the third world. So it's not as impossible as we think. If anything the Hart-Celler act might be repealed during his Administration. Till then we need to raise our birth rates to get ready for it.

> opens door
Step into showers please. You need to be clean before you meet your kids, faggot.


It is not only the gays and economic/voluntary will of heterossexual and lesbian couples..

>estimates from 1997 suggest that worldwide "between three and seven per cent of all [heterosexual] couples or women have an unresolved problem of infertility.

Since other couples can't compensate for these infertile women, it also decreases.

We have to prepare for a Brown future that we can't even exerce anymore apartheid.

How bout we pay white ppl to have kids and gas the fags...

Natural selection will solve the White fertility problem itself. People genetically predisposed to have a stronger urge to reproduce will have their genes selected for, and people who do not reproduce in the modern environment will have their genes selected against. Evolution has not yet had time to adapt to the modern environment, which is why fertility rates are so low. Increased religiosity in particular will be selected for.


Where can I donate for gas.

We do already... it's called welfare... "child benefits"... all it does is cause plebs to outbreed the non-plebs...

My IQ tested around 150 as a kid; at this level it's almost a disability. Mixed with a lower IQ female though the mean would be a healthy number. I'm already married with kids, but I'd bang out a few for the sake of country, kith and kin if there were some kind of program to ensure the kids were red pilled properly and raised to my standards.

Not a terrible idea but our Jewish overlords would sooner die than allow it.