Question for millennials:

question for millennials:

how many of you were liberals at a younger age but became redpilled in college or afterwards?

i grew up surrounded by liberals on all sides and felt SO ANGRY and disenfranchised and when i finally found Sup Forums i cannot explain to you the hours and hours i spent laughing my ass off on the verge of tears as i finally realized i was not alone in the way i felt and that i could, in fact, think for myself and it was okay to feel UPSET at the world without being ashamed about it. it felt like i was meeting a long lost friend.

its still sad that i cannot relate these feelings to real life.

i was never a liberal my entire life. My dad grew up in communist eastern Europe and redpilled the fuck out of me why the left is wrong.

I'm from the deep south so I was never a "liberal" but I was a mainstream center-left Democrat in college. I was never very ideological but I preferred to see the best in people or even overlook some evidence right in front of me because I thought it was important to look on the sunny side and be positive. Since I found Sup Forums I've fully embraced the truth about people.

I was never really liberal. I always ASSUMED I was liberal because my parents never spoke about politics and liberalism is what is pushed by the media. In high school I watched the Daily Show and the Colbert Report and laughed along when they took shots at Republicans.

When I actually started actively thinking about politics I immediately realized I was conservative.

I'm still a liberal but fucking hate SJWs and trannies.

I was liberal at a young age, primarily because I liked the ideas of classical liberalism, and did not want to start conflicts with my other friends throughout Middle School.

However, when I got to High School and I was heavy into computers and did a whole lot of computing on my own time, so I eventually joined the Robotics and Techie clique of our school.

It was amazing, for the latter three out of four years of high school I was with nerds and other enthusiasts who were as smart and witty as I was, and simply did not give a fuck.

We did great stuff together, we lost so many sides with puns, inside jokes, and especially all we made a massive mockery of Social Justice and other Leftist contemporary politics.

The school itself was really (((progressive))), but me and the rest of the techies operated pretty much with impunity, we could say and do what we wanted without school intervention for the entire time.

Right now I'm a reactionary, socially conservative but politically liberal.

This, being a former liberal I remember my thought processes.
Liberals do legitimately think they are doing the right thing. They do, despite how it appears, want the best for the world. They just dont realise that they have been lied to their entire life and deny certain realities such as human biodiversity.

Backwards for me, I was a fedora tippin' libertarian until I actually needed to use social safety nets for a time, and then I realized maybe not everything that the left says is wrong.

My story is not new itt, I grew up conservative, even in California, because of my personality and my parents raising me to be responsible.

But I very much relate with finding Sup Forums and realizing I am not alone. Anons talk about getting redpilled on certain things, but I always feel like I had identified a lot of problems with Western Civilization, I just didn't, or maybe couldn't, articulate them.

Been posting on stormfront since I was 10 and Im not even scandinavian, literally have hated liberalism since the day I was born

>human biodiversity
Coming from the deep south I grew up with reality all around me. Unfortunately I blocked it out. Dude, you nailed it about wanting what was right. I still haven't gone full 1488 but I recognize that people are different in more ways than superficial skin coloration.


My parents are Viets, so they've seen Jewish fuckery and how shitty liberals are to real life issues. Because of that, they raised me as redpilled as possible.

Oh shit guys it's Sargon.

I used to like democracy in high school but I was never "liberal". Now I'm far right monarchist who sees we are too far gone and want to watch the world burn

this sounds like me

only i'm not conservative, only redpilled.

>from the deep south
Same, Alabama here. Ive watched towns get engulfed in the oncoming tides of orcs I mean blacks. If you know anything about Birmingham you know of a town called Ensley where the football stadium is. My mother grew up there. Now you wouldnt want step foot there even if you are black.

I know the truth of human biodiversity, but I denied it. It stared me dead in the face every day.
"Dont go there, thats a sketchy part of town"
"Lock your doors"
Or evenjust the fact that the black kids in our school were always causing trouble. Whites so it too but almost every black caused trouble.

>only i'm not conservative, only redpilled.
actually, to clarify:
im not a republican, but i hate liberals and dumocrats

Meant to reply toBut same difference


Some fat youtuber manlet? Never heard of em.

>be spic
>dad says that the only thing niggers want is free money and not work hard for it, he thinks gays are digusting,still votes for democrat.
parents are both redpilled yet they vote democrat

I can remember my high school senior class being probably 30% black yet only around 10 percent of those who actually graduated. It was something people spoke very quietly about that summer. This was despite the fact that our faculty and administration was truly diverse. In the years since my high school has gone from among the best public schools in the state to very very average which in our state means not so great. They're probably 60% of the population now. Many of them are from middle class backgrounds, but still. Our area has grown a lot in the last few years and there are new high schools which everyone knows as the "good" new school where the demographics are implied to be overwhelmingly white.

I was always skeptical, took the strongest bluepills available during college (at one of the world's most leftwing colleges), and they failed.

At this point I don't just take redpills, I produce them at a growing rate.

I know what you fucking mean. Schools are usually representative of the people attending it.
I find this terrible cycle that will never end until death stays his hand:
1) white people make cheap housing for working class white people. City is great and crime free.
2) decent smarter working class blacks move into the cheap housing for work. Their children return to the mean and shit the place up.
3) white flight. They are tired of their childrens bike getting stolen by the niggers down the street. They would rather just commute 45 minutes to work.
4) housing gets incredibly cheaper than it already was.
5) nigger expansion.
At this stage the city is far past being lost. Most major cities have ended up this way. You may not be 14 (you dont have to be 88) yet, but take a look at south africa, rhodesia, the paris of the usa (detroit), baltimore, birmingham, you name it. I see the coincidences. They are not coincidences

You nailed it dude. That's the rise and fall cycle of every city, borough, neighborhood, or suburb in the country.
>Schools are usually representative of the people attending it.
That's exactly the case. Schools are mirror images of the communities they serve. What is the crime rate? What is the price of a new home? What is the employment and other economic data? It's not the schools that fail. They don't exist in a vacuum. It's the larger community that fails.

I remember hearing one commentator (I can't remember who) ask a guest with whom he was debating if they could name a single successful community anywhere in the USA where a majority of the population was black? Just one. No answer.

The truth is depressing but I will never give up hope for a better world for my children

I was legitimately a card-carrying member of the CPUSA (Communists) for several years in my youth. I constantly had my beliefs challenged because, at the time at least, such a view was controversial and you expressed being a communist a decade ago then you were ridiculed and called a retard. Being a rebellious youth, I largely ignored all of this, but one criticism I could never ignore was the fact that communism exists in the world today and in all the cases where it does exist, it is a terrible thing. See, to an idealist youth who has faith in the good of humanity, communism is something that you can truly believe in. It is like a religion. It is only when you actually experience hardships in your life and discover how cruel and difficult the world is that you begin to understand why, exactly, communism would never work. The simple answer to that question is: human nature.

Ever since I came to this realization I have been drifting more and more to the right. It is true what they say. These social issues are created to push Marxist agendas. Not all people are equal! This is propaganda. Some people are better than others. That is the very basis of capitalism. To dispute that is to dispute our economic system - it is no wonder that their wish is to undermine this philosophy!

I was liberal untill I went to college. I was so liberal I choose Economics. After my History classes I finally saw the truth.

I always assumed the same type of shit like any leftie did. Europe is rich because colonies, in the medieval times Europe was poor while the muslimworld was awesome.

So when I got my hands on raw data and saw how wrong I was, I slowly started to see the superiority of the European people.

We had fucking trade surplusses during the 7th-8th and 9th century with the Arab countries. We were storing arab gold like jews while selling them our wares.

Also the communism = perfect in a theoritical sense is the biggest meme ever.

When you're studying economics you'll see and learn that the most perfect system in terms of Wealth creation and Wealth distribution (consumer-surplus and producer-surplus) is a COMPLETE FREE MARKET with PERFECT COMPETITION

Oh god shut up i have been here since grinman was new and i went the opposite way because i realized righties were mostly autistic inepts.

Europe is rich because of colonizes you dingle berry.

Even before we had our colonies, Europe was already the richest of the planet. Those colonies only amplified our greatness.

>yfw you realize africa was richers under Pagan/Christian control than under the beautifull muslim golden age

I see my past liberalism as an advantage, because I know the thought process and I know what they really think even if they won't say it, so I can call them out easily.

sounds very familiar, although because of my out-of-the-ordinary upbringing I'm a bit more radical than a run-of-mill conservative

I grew up as a democrat. Bernie Sanders and his whiny, entitled fanbase redpilled me. Only went further down that path when Hillary adopted some of Bernie's platform.

i went through a stage were i listened to "punk" music which is pretty left wing but i was never political at all.

No one cares about your life story that doesnt eve answer OPs question.

I grew up a HUGE liberal. Like, basically a stereotype.

>raised by literal hippies; long hair, tie-dye shirts, Grateful Dead, the works
>reading Michael Moore and books by black radical activists in 4th grade
>HUGE environmentalist because I watched fucking Nausicaa
>actually believed Mexico had a right to reconquista by the end of 6th grade
>protesting the Iraq war as a tyke
>seriously dove into Eastern spirituality in middle school and started meditating and trying to open my chakras
>stepmom smoked weed openly in the house and it was basically allowed
>fucking man-hating Lifetime movies playing at all hours
>sex-positive household where I was just allowed to have girls sleep over
>agreed with the democrats on literally everything and would do mental gymnastics to make them right somehow
>wound up being le reddit atheist and joining speech and debate in high school; went vegan around this time
>family had a fucking PORTRAIT of Obama and the first family put up with our family photos (NOT EVEN KIDDING)
>was part of Occupy when it happened

Occupy was the first redpill and my first exposure to actual SJW-ism. Watching identity politics tear us apart changed me forever. Found Sup Forums pretty soon after.

Granted, I was already on the path to being redpilled as a kid, too, at least in that I was a conspiracy theorist by the time I was like 7. Now I'm some kind of weird alt-right kale-munching hippy.

can you go into more depth regarding the identity politics in occupy?

Sure. I just chugged a beer, so this might be a rant. Or not. We'll see.

Basically, I expected us to DO shit. Instead, we never did because INCLUSION.

To put it another way, every time we had a meeting, we were unable to progress the dialogue towards a plan, or towards anything productive, because EVERYBODY had to be allowed a chance to speak, no matter how redundant, unrelated, or trivial what they wanted to say was. And, of course, EVERYBODY wanted to speak. That ate up time, and we always disbanded without having accomplished anything.

Then, when we actually DID do shit, we ran into the same problem: a leftist mindset. We didn't assign work to people for the sake of getting it done. We made work so that everybody had a job. A task that could've easily been accomplished in a night by one person wound up being divided between 6 or 7 uncoordinated people so that EVERYBODY had a role. It wasn't about getting the job done; it was about there being a place for every superfluous fucking worker.

Then the fucking narrative fell apart, too. As you may recall, Occupy was originally ABOUT Wall Street corruption and Big Money. Other shit started creeping in. Basically, SJWism. This fed into problem 1, so that not only did everybody have to speak, half the shit that was being said had nothing to do with what Occupy was supposed to be about.

I believe, to this day, that Soros or Obama or the Alphabet Soup Agencies or SOMEBODY pulled a fucking PSYOP on us using useful SJW idiots to disrupt our message, and it fucking worked, because there was enough SJW idiocy among us for it to spread to begin with.


Part of what was so fucking insidious about the introduction of identity politics is that it DIVIDED us. The whole "we are the 99%" thing was golden in terms of messaging.

If you could turn blacks against whites against asians against latinos, though, and straight against gay against asexual queer, and men against women, it stops being the 99%. People start fighting and arguing with each other instead, and seeing one another as the enemy.

Fucking brilliant, but damn, was it evil. Worked like a charm, though.

I became a national socialist in high school. I think I was sort of a liberal cuck before that just because everyone in my state is like that but I was a child so I wasn't really political.

I was the worst kind of liberal commie faggot throughout secondary school. Though at least I always had the nationalistic pride going for me that liberals don't seem to have anymore.

Then I went to university, and there was something... off. The way EVERYONE had the same screechy ultra-liberal views about how Europe is to blame for all the problems in the world and how we're just evil to the other races and everyone is the same and all that crap.

I had known about the 4chins for a while before this, and had visited some of the more "acceptable" boards in my time, but then one day I stumbled onto Sup Forums and it was an eye-opener. Here were people discussing real issues, albeit with heavy language, but the use of "nigger" and "faggot" actually helped the discussion. These were people who weren't censoring themselves at all to fit the socially acceptable narrative.

That was many year ago, and I haven't looked back.

I was kind of forced to have liberal views by my surroundings but my early exposure to anime gave me the impression that success has to come from hard work which made me always have capitalist and conservative tendencies.
Conservative especially because talking to children and other young adults made me realize that something horrible has happened that destroyed almost all family values in the west, or in cities at least.
Be honest, guys, how many people do you know who grew up in fucked families or divorced households? This should not be normal and it should not be normalized.

I was never liberal. The only thing I did which I regret is becoming vegetarian. But never a feminist or lefty liberal even though my group of friends were extreme feminazis. I heard that women are more prone to being affected due to peer groups but I don't remember having liberal ideas at a younger age.
Sup Forums was a relief