Biggest problem with white history

Why the fuck did the visigoths sack rome?\

Seriously man??? Why did white people nig HARD CORE on romans? why the fuck did we do it??? if it weren't for our NEET monks white people would be the equivalent of NIGGERS in africa.

I unironically believe that white people stunted science and are 100% to blame for the Islam problem

islam is responsible for the islam problem

Jews aren't white

pretty quick, no substance responses.

well except for islam. white people pretty much created christianity and islam was a response to christianity

Because they submitted to the Jewish poison that is Christianity.

had white people joined forces rather than fight each other for hundreds of years yes they could have stopped the islam problem
that does not mean they are responsible for it they just didnt stop it

There are no white people. Only tribes.

romans submitted to it and then white people did too. so what the fuck happened there?
if white people can't solve the islam problem then we will end up like the romans against the visigoths. not even kidding

See my comment here

Romans weren't white that's why

ok so then what makes white people so incredibly stupid is that 1607 years later white people are making the same mistake the romans did by allowing foreign people to mass invade their country. white people are inferior because we invaded and then we are willingly allowing ourselves to get invaded with no fight.

>Romans weren't white
Jelly shitskin detected

Greeks were white too desu

let's be honest man. if romans were white then there would have been no sacking of rome

Fuck off shitskin, white people have fought whites for thousands of years

People are T R I B A L

Also, post proof you're white desu, you aren't white

you're fucking retarded and have no grasp of history, rome died from within

Anyone using the term "white" is a Jew trying to infiltrate a tribe.

Picture related, USA deems Jews as White Europeans.

im white bro. at least i think i am.
i know man christianity ruined it. but then white people took the christianity blue pill. Why?

We sacked Rome because we got chased off of our land by the fucking Huns and faggot Romans didn't help. Better than becoming fucking Mongols.

this is the first real answer. which goes back to the ultimate question- how do we get white people off the christianity blue pill?

>Why the fuck did the visigoths sack rome?

Are you mentally lombarded?

are you one of the last romans living?

So I guess we're going to blatantly ignore the historical facts that Christianity was looked down upon by Romans and wasn't even accepted until the Byzantine Empire was formed long after barbarians and pagans sacked Rome.


answer me, when was the edict of milan????

i'll answer for you, 313 AD. 100 years before the sack of rome.

Alaric did nothing wrong.
Rome looked better after his army had sacked it than it does now that it's full of fucking niggers and sand monkeys anyway.