Andrew Anglin

>Andrew Anglin
>Johnny Monoxide
>Nathan Damigo
Why does the alt-right seem to attract predominantely manlets?

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I don't like Andrew Anglin he seems like a shill who isn't white. I like Nathan Damigo. He's great.


6'6 serb here

yeah, but you're a faggot so the story checks out

Inferiority complex, I myself am 5'8 and admit that I can be short tempered and opinionated. Also, Nathan is a really well-rounded dude

What makes one white? He seems white to me

Oh one other thing, fuck off commie jew

Anyone who identifies with the MSM made term "alt-right" is controlled opposition.

5'8 here. Cuz unlike hot girls and chad's, we need to actually build personality to be noticed, which makes us better people.

Why do faggot leftist seem attracted to a dead ideology? Wtf is national Bolshevism anyway? Is there anyone that actually publicly aspouses that bullshit manlet or no?

6'3 voted Remain. I'm a centre-left pragmatist, and to smart for the alt right.

Why do you think attacking a person's physical characteristics is somehow an argument against their ideas?

>to smart

Good job

All of these people are under 6'0.

the vicious snakes from vice teamed up with HBO to medis lynch Andy Anglin

>tfw 14 and 185 cm

I didn't say that, did I?

I asked why manlets seem to be attracted to alt-right ideology, I don't say anything about this invalidating their ideas.

underage b&

where the fuck do you think you are?

This guy is on an island nothing happens on, so he needs to overcompensate his non-happenings.

Because we are the rejects of society

Maybe the deeper question is, is why do libtards use made up labels and throw them at people and then make assertions based off them.

>Call specific people X
>Why is everyone in X ______

It doesn't work on anyone outside of your social mindset and thats why you retards losing.

I see where you are going with that.

Non-whites arn't humans though.

>5'8 in the Netherlands
Holy shit I'm so sorry man

Great sample size, faggot.


Nathan Damigo is pretty smart and articulate though

Yeah, I'd rather that than being blown up.


25 seconds in:

"This is Trump's America now." sounds like something a Liberal would think a White Nationalist would say.

For sure a paid voice actor.

Can relate, but why the fuck you on pol?

You can't apply logic to something that is based entirely on the emotions of people that have been sheltered from reality for their entire lives.