Olny ETERNAL races may post in this thread

olny ETERNAL races may post in this thread

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there's only 1 race in this realm.

not you fritz


Why is Mosley the symbol to the Aryan hating Eternal Anglo when in fact he was jailed for calling for peace with Nazi Germany?

Eternal Turan reporting in.

What about the eternal Hibernian?

hey guys, welcome on board.

>when are the jews turning up?

Eternal Ivan reporting in.

Eternal José reporting in

Here I am, what now?

Checking in.

Who /beady/ here?


got my DNA back today lads, turns out im more irish than anglo, im ready to fucking kill myself

That's the least of your problems

Estonian checking in.
Whatsup, retards?


yeah but i already knew i was atleast 25% european jewish, i just thought that i was about 65% british and that the rest was abo

apparently im 0% aboriginal which sucks because i cant claim benefits now

Thanks, yes, we basques. That is what you were talking about, isnt it?

ETERNAL virgin standing by.

Eternal we wuz romans and shieet reporting in , over


You can apply to be an international banker now though, just be sure to mention "Muh holocaust" and the 6 grillion lost.

it was actually 8 million :^)

greatest ally

You're doing the meme wrong.


thats pretty fucking eternal though, good job

kaixo,zer moduz?

I'm part Basque , pretty ETERNAL if i do say so myself.

or sorry, wait a minute...

At this point you can say WE as well britbong. It's awwwright.

why is your country called you are gay

A Guarani word for a river filled with colorful birds. Pretty gay desu.

I found out that I have about 30% of anglo blood within me, thanks to a DNA test.
Am I in, gentlemen?

>When your chin tells you to "just do it".

Outwards projecting chin you mean.

Because a Turk with a German flag successfully forced a meme with 90% persistence and 10% by making Brits laugh.

What's the rest? that's key.

American by any chance?


Sure, niggers are eternal.

Meh , depends on his behavior. Purity died in WW2 desu senpai , we need behaviorally White people on our side. Mike Cernovich comes to mind.

It's a compromise we gotta make , i'm afraid.


shit ur rite

Wrong Jew , i meant Mike Peinovich. Although Cernovich is alt-right imo.


Eternal Afrikaner here
>Be Dutchman in Western Cape circa 1800
>Napoleonic wars break out
>Bongistan wins by sending Prussians and Scots to die for them and jewing everyone's trade with sea power
>Cape Town is now the Cape Colony and belongs to the Empire
>Dutchmen set out on the Great Trek because traveling with nothing but your oxcart, your family and a rifle into an unexplored, arid wasteland infested with bloodthirsty savages in search of fertile land to farm that you don't even know exists, is preferable to being ruled by Bongs
>After enduring numerous hardships and cutting your way through hordes of Zulus, finally manage to get independent Boer republics set up
>Live peacefully off the land, minor scuffles with the locals but on the whole things are good
>Oh shit, it's the fucking Bongs again
>They want the Republics to be part of the empire
>Does a fucking Anglo ever stop to ask why
>Bongs make a shitty half-hearted attempt to just march into Pretoria and declare Transvaal is theirs
>Get utterly BTFO by armed citizenry
>Retreat to lick their wounds
>Gold discovered in the Witwaterstrand
>Bong eyes all around the world light up with the greed of a million kikes
>Make an even shittier attempt to sneak into Johannesburg and rouse blacks and immigrant Anglos to overthrow Kruger's government
>Fail horribly, again
>England cannot be snubbed by a bunch of stinking farmers!
>This means war!
>Send in the redcoats, think the war will be over in months
>End up needing 400 000 troops, 3 times the entire fucking population of the Transvaal, to defeat 50 000 farmers armed with horses and rifles and it takes you 3 years
>Only win because you raid Boer farms, burn them down and take the women and children to concentration camps where they are starved to death
Perfidious Albion strikes again


I'm starting to dislike the English a bit.


It was worth it though.

>Go to Africa
>Kill white people
Was it autism?

>000000000001.1% of the overall territory we came to.

No , it wasn't.

I hunger for wh*Te BLOOD!

Should I ?

Back in those days White people were more numerous.

Really makes me sad.

Dracula reference.


literally gas yourself, shlomo

Are you being serious? is anyone on Sup Forums being serious anymore or should i migrate to that other Sup Forums site where all the serious people seem to have gone to?

>there is no such thing as the eternal German
Guter Anglo.

Wouldn't be too concerned to be honest. English people in the North West/East are genetically, linguistically and culturally much closer to Scots/Irish. Pretty much every border, with the exception of Ireland, is political. The British Isles are a clusterfuck of Irish-Scots-Welsh-English.

>tfw let france get invaded by Germany
>france is weakened and falls to leaf Anglos
>use this excuse to take France


It is the 21st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the ANGLO and his descendants have sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Albion. He was the master of mankind by the strength of his perfidy and once master of a million nations by the might of His inexhaustible lies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Industrial Revolution. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast British Commonwealth for whom a thousand ARYANS are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.

Yet even in His weakened state, the ANGLO continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty Anglo businessmen cross the Muslim-infested miasma of Europe, the only route between distant and more important nations, their way lit by the ANGLOnomican, the psychic manifestation of the ANGLO's perfidy. Vast armies give battle in His name in uncounted countries. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the SAS, the Special Air Servicemen, blood-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Royal Navy and countless blue-water defence forces, the ever-vigilant British Police and the Snooper-priests of the Internet Hate Crimes unit to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from ARYANS, POLES, AMERICUNTS -- and far, far worse.

To be a man in these times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody shadow-regime imaginable. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been stolen away from us, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only BLOOD. There is no peace amongst the Europeans, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting ANGLOS

Absolutely beady

Maybe don't take one-sided shitposts from an obviously biased party so seriously. The Boers were a huge tax drain, started both wars (the second one violently) and the only thing the British did wrong was the camps, which the Boers also ruined for themselves because they were homeopathic quacks


I'd have good stability if you guys didn't bomb the fuck out of me before I let you guys go. I just needed factories to prevent the Canadians from bombing me.

I am Locutus of ANGLO. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us. Lower your walls and surrender your borders. We will add your biological and cultural distinctiveness to our own.
Resistance is futile.

Negotiation is irrelevant. Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant.
You must comply.

I paid a visit to Europe. It's far more primitive than I expected. I don't understand how anyone could prefer a crude environment to ANGLO perfection. We only wish to raise the quality of life for all peoples. You are imperfect beings, created imperfect beings. Finding you weakness is only a matter of time.

>"But you cannot just divide and conquer entire countries and peoples!

Brave words. I've heard them before, from thousands of peoples across thousands of regions, since long before you were created. But, now they are all ANGLO.

You question us about the ARYAN but their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation. Why assimilate a people that would detract from perfection?

We won't turn you into ANGLODRONES. You're much too valuable to us with your individuality intact. But we've left humanity behind. Try to abandon their petty emotions as well. Fear... anger... vanity... They've corrupted you. But the damage can be repaired.

You like having friends, don't you? Annexation turns us all into friends. In fact, it brings us so close together, we can hear each other's thoughts.

I don't really like imperialists m8. They're all assholes.

Imperialists built this fucking world ya cunt.

absolutely perfidious. no wonder we took to each other.

lel 10/10
give us maddy back

Yes , and they were all assholes.

that elephant looks pretty shifty.

Shouldn't have stolen our land

Imperialism is returning.

My point is that it wasn't that one-sided, they were happy to side with the British colonists when it suited them but tried to get out of paying back when it didn't.

Kaiserreich is the real man's game


Sigh , let's just say the truth : everyone's a fucking asshole.

The Anglo has awakened from his nap. He is still dim eyed, but awake he is. The only possible follow up could be world conquest.

We're coming for you

To do what?

When we were a kingdom we had some good relations

We know you've got ARYANS in your country,


You're doing productive things conducive to the success of our cause when you're not shit-posting on Sup Forums , right?

Yeah , so?

Dude , don't be an asshole. Why do you feel the need? we can be friends.

>european jewish


>Mexican bastard baby of Spanish raping native manlet savages
>eternal race

I have bad news for you Jose.

check them

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
