Whites never created anything!

Well what civilization did you create?
We WuZ KAnNgs and civilization starters!

Other urls found in this thread:


It's terrifying that that's unironic. I guess he'll never amount to anything so he's a toothless dog.

As he posts from a cell phone, through an advanced internet infrastructure, powered by electricity from complex turbines and generators, distributed through and advanced power grid, in the comfort of a climate controlled room, all invented by whites, he wonders "what have whites ever done for me."

Should have never taken these "people" out of the jungle.

>2x 69's

The Western one... you know, the one that keeps trying to convince everyone that niggers are human...

>the one that keeps trying to convince everyone that niggers are human

It's time we just stopped fighting their battles for them. Let them convince people they're human themselves.

Global. You're welcome.

You'd think so but that's what affirmative action is for.

Not even triggered.

America was built by whites sadly with the help of niggers.
your biggest mistake my friends.

The most advanced civilization.

>what civilization did whites create?

all of them.


The best ones.

This would be Africa without White people.

This has to be joke, honestly, noone can be this retarded.


You must be new to Sup Forums if you don't know that is pretty standard fare for niggers


Should have killed all niggers when it was still socially acceptable.

>What did the romans ever do for us?
This timeline 1000 keks

Every single european one, for starters. Plus every successful African civ.

Not even 1

>I did it for the culture

>>I did it for the culture

Except China but yea most that actually matter

Yeah, niggers are nothing but cancer. If I were religious and believed in hell, I'd be convinced by now that they crawled out of it to destroy everything.

Ain't your friend, Ahmed.


what game is this?

Civilization dummy, read the background

I am fucking blind holy shit