Never forget

Never forget

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>Never forget their shit-tier flag design

Got it.

>a fucking X

It's called a saltire, you peasant.

Dixie will never hold a candle to what Rhodesia was.

Rhodesia was doomed to failure from the start. You don't build a house in the middle of the monkey cage.


Never trust the Jewnited Kingdom.


They should have kicked out most of the niggers.

like a movie scene

Today, we are in the middle of the planet-scale monkey cage. If we don't learn from Rhodesia's failure, we're doomed.

we wont

it's beautiful


South West Africa never gets any love, but it was also extremely comfy:

wtf i hate the south now.

That's from the Belgian Congo, from the documentary Africa Addio. Every Sup Forumsack should watch it, it's intensely redpilling

Bust out your Rhodesia folder boys











is it possible to have nostalgia from something you were even alive yet to live though?

>Rhodesian thread

"Hiraeth: homesickness or longing for a place which is gone or you cannot return to."

Old Jawless married a negress so he was sensitive about the coloured folks. There was nothing dishonest about the film, except that being an Italian film the dialogue was recorded separately and dubbed over (and there was a song and dance number which was obviously choreographed) It's absolutely savage and raw and unflinching

Rhodesia will rise again, friends


I don't know if nostalgia is the correct word in my case. I'm french, without any kind of rhodesian background, yet Rhodesia has something that moves me. Like some sort of lost paradise.


Never fagget

The guy he shot burned down a school with children inside it

hol up
how did rhodesia lose? did nato/foreign intervention have to do anything with it??

man history of rhodesia is the history of the whole modern world, this is us on multiculturalism, even when you go full ethnic cleansing (as you should) fucking foreign intervention destroys everything

is there a way out?

A double assault of white guilt and fucking commies.

NATO embargoed Rhodesia while the Russians and Chinese funded and equipped commie black terrorist groups. Rhodies won every battle they fought, but to face a Zerg rush like that completely alone...

>getting this saltire over a fucking memeflag

They faced hard UN sanctions and the only countries who supported them were South Africa and Portugal until the UN eventually pressured them to stop supporting Rhodesia

>I honour muh great great grandpappy who brought niggers here by choice

Terrible. I can't believe Mugabe turned the whole country sepia

Rhodesia fought against Hitler

Rhodesia was a British colony. In 1965 they declared independence to avoid the black majority rule. Nigger guerilla and international pressure ensues, and Rhodesia became Zimbabwe in 1980, and everything went shit.

Shit, tell them how it is Zuca!

That's Mozambique

Best African regime

What's the best and/or most accurate movie of the Bush War?

>expecting an accurate (((movie))) about something so racially tinged
You might as well ask for an accurate film about the Waffen SS while you're asking for the moon

Ummm, SS vs. Mugabe movie would be sublime.


Watch Africa Addio, it features mercenaries in the Congo (some of them supposedly former SS) BTFO out of cannibalistic rebel niggers