How do we detach Sup Forums from the ((( alt-right ))) and all (((kekistani))) bullshit?
Jaxon Nguyen
Jaxson Torres
You don't, it's good for redpilling normalfags. Sage for shill slide thread.
Ayden Stewart
simple: stop posting about it.
like you just did.
Dylan Myers
Umm, sweetie, Sup Forums IS Kekistan.
Anthony Wood
Lucas Ramirez
Kill yourself d&c kike.
Wyatt Cox
Sup Forums is a civic nationalist board
if you're not a based 'pede you can fuck right off
Chase Stewart
Look into my eyes, I'm Sup Forums now.
Luke Richardson
Angel Roberts
Sup Forums is a place for idiots of all persuasions to fling filth at each other in anonymous comfort. It's glorious.