im a pretty normal standard guy. about 30yo, have family good looking, 9/10 wife, good income, house, car, no debts, you could say im doing pretty well in life. HOWEVER, even tough im one of the nicest guys you will ever meet i have one addiction. im addicted to barfighting. i dont understand why, i dont like violence. i hate arguments doesnt matter if its people i know or dont know i just hate conflic because i know it tends to escalate. if im in a bar however and i see a person that allot bigger then me or thinks he owns the place (you know not some innocent guy doing nothing wrong) i just start provoking them. to make it perfectly clear, i really am a nice guy and i would never hurt an innocent person but barfighting is like my hobby. is that degenerate pol? it has come to a point where my friends and wife dont want to go out with me anymore, i enter, look for the biggest douchebag there is and i start provoking.

>bar fighting

I call bs LARPing.

You'd get half a dozen security on your ass so quick, arrest, night in jail and court if done again.

OP watched one too many westerns.

getting yourself rid of a habit like that is no joke

not everyone lives in nanny state

>I call bs LARPing.
no larping, im serious.

>You'd get half a dozen security on your ass so quick, arrest, night in jail and court if done again.

i live in a med/big city and security is pretty shitty around here. got in a couple fights with bouncers also, got my head smashed trough a window once by a bouncer.

i know, i stopped going out for a while but then i just wanted to kill myself because muuuh bored af

>Actually chooses the European flag instead of letting us know his actual country because he's scared of being ostracized.
You're a twink. Don't flatter yourself.

belgium if you must know....

>You're a twink. Don't flatter yourself.
are you mirroring?

You mean projecting? Like you're trying to do now? Belgium? Are you drunk too on top of everything else? You are beyond even yourself, good fucking luck. Just eat a bullet and save us the trouble.

wow rude

but i tought pol was a safe space!?

Organize a fight club, than overthrown EU with it.

You sound like someone who shouldn't go to a bar. Picking fights with people trying to get intoxicated and laid? You sound like a fucking pussy

i actually never said i was good at it tough. i just like doing it.

Become a prizefighter if youre so tough. Youre too old to build into a champion but you could make a lot of money having a go against journeymen and losing to those smart enough to turn their violent streak into a positive when young.

sounds like a fun hobby until some psycho guts you

Stop watching action hero movies you manchild.
Pick up a real hobby like boxing

again, i never said i was good at it. i dont think im bad at it either but im no mcgregor

Also have you considred that youre a total asshole who is instigating fights with people you deem a douchebag even though they are totally innocent

Not for the likes of you.

Did I harm your pretentious sensibilities? Better pick a new fucking flag, homo.

not politics
sage and report

If you're not a larping fag, you do realize there is this thing called MMA right?

then youre just an asshole identifying people bigger but weaker than you and preyingon them. You are the problem not the other people. I hope one day one of these guys friends is someone who really knows how to fight and teaches you a permanent lesson.

You need a hobby to rant, to let off all the stress.
That's why you pick barfight, manly, wont get in too much trouble if you play it right.
Hear me, hear me, that are other great hobby.
Why not start with... refugee hunting?
Pro tip, you need to be smart for no catch up by the police.

if you're not larping you're rather old to be starting,- why not in your teens? By rights a 30 year old with said mindset should be disabled, a soccer hooligan or in organized crime.

You sound like a downright faggot larper,i did 3 years for knifing some fuck back in the 90s.What you describe is known here as the local drunk always picking fights and getting his shit pushed in everytime.
By the fact that you dont show your flag i know its a larp,even in eastern european shitholes if you would persist with that behaviour you would get aressted eventually and trown in a penitenciary.
Either that or the local mafia beats you to death.If you live in western or central europe you might get away with1 or 2 fights but after that you would get arrested.


It's gonna be really unfair to your wife and family when you pick the wrong fight one day and get yourself SERIOUSLY injured (brain damage, permanent disability) or killed. Maybe there's a 98% chance of any given fight not resulting in that outcome but if you engage in 50 fights you'll eventually get in the wrong one and that'll be it.

Do it for them if you can't / don't want to do it for yourself.


>I'm upset but I have nothing to say so better try to deflect
Same fucking story every time with you faggots.

I am never the person who says this because it's not something I think or care about but YOU sir sound like a projecting homosexual

And you sound like someone who wasn't part of this conversation to begin with and are injecting on behalf of your boyfriend. Mind your business if you're going to continue spewing your tripe.

Obvious lack of male energy expression in daily life is obvious. Get into boxing or another martial art, I get you´ve a family and a job but start light, once or twice a week just short passes. Also take hikes into the forest (with family can work if old enough kids) and build shit or kill shit and eat it, good for masculine stimulation. Being a "nice guy" 24/7 has repressed your inner man.

actual advice

I recommend you give up this 'hobby' before you get killed or get your brain turned to mush. You'll run into the wrong guy sooner or later, guaranteed.

>i enter, look for the biggest douchebag there is and i start provoking

What if I told you that you were in fact the biggest douchebag?