Anons bump this thread a few times so every one will see this and be reminded
They play multiple sides and just attempt to confuse you with lies, hoping you will walk away demoralized.
>BUMP THIS so it will stick around for a few minutes allowing for other anons to see the reminder.
Reminder there are Shills coordinating subversion on here
rural and suburban retards
It's true
the last two weeks were worse than ever
Just laugh user. Loser coal burners will never be accepted back. Their shame and betrayal will forever ruin them while we are mostly unaffected.
yeah m8 it is infested with them. They want us to not be able to coordinate any more. Millions of bucks have been thrown at us.
BUMP. They are trying the old divide and conquer technique again. Don't let us down /nu/pol.
Here's a reminder that you are fucking delusional. Please go outside.
This. It's been fucking brutal. Like those threads about that youtuber yesterday
>reeee racisumm is bad guyS!!!! We have to disown and ruin her, because she likes white people and fuck GiRls!!! Ahhh just do it goyim!!!
lol @ low test nu-male faggots organizing anything.
Thank you for bump fuel.
Of course there are. Russians have probably been shilling on here for years. Russians are fucking great at propaganda. I really have come to admire their tactics. They fool the stupid people so well.
So if you are retarded you are allowed to study with children? No wonder rape culture is invading our country.
You will get immune to the pain. Focus on yourself - work out, make money, get some guns, learn a martial art, find a wife have some children, find your people and make your fortress. Our society is dying it will get worse: way, way worse - you must strengthen yourself for the horrors that will come.
>find a wife
what about 3?
>pissing in a sea of piss
why would they try and shill on a board that is itself mostly right wingers purposefully baiting other right wingers for shits and giggles?
daily reminder most "shill" posts are bait
t. bait poster
More tactics learned. Thanks ShartBlue.
Kill Marry Fuck
Holy shit! The nog on the far right is The Captain Now!
>little Sven meet Ooga Booga. He is a new immigrant to the country and is a very 'special' person. He is 26 and will be working with you on your addition and subtraction homework tonight so help him out of you can.
>also avoid using the bathroom at the same time as him.
That's actually pretty smart and they have a decent understanding of this site. That's not to say that all the negativity towards the influx of people who came since the election of Trump is fake though.
With an increase of users, there's a lot more variety which strays from pol's traditional values, so people are rightfully accused of being /nu-pol/ or a /r/The_Donald blow in are often valid.
Starting on my left:
Oy vey goy stop!
How long did that take you to make in gimp?
They have an understanding of T_D users but they're still newfags here. They're mad because they lost their controlled opposition group and the brainwashing is slowly wearing off.
Remember /nu/pol, they don't hate Trump, they hate YOU. Pic related.
Shilling is integral to what we're doing here because learning how to counter it is training for learning how to defuse their arguments and subvert their narrative in real life. There's like 1,000,000+ eyeballs a day (and that's probably conservative) scanning what gets posted here, on the watch for shills, calling out anything suspicious instantly - they come out with something, we recognize it, we adapt. I have faith in the collective problem solving ability of this board.
Literally y tho? Are you still here? What do you get out of BLACKEDposting?
3 minutes in ms paint
>what are you a fucking vegetable? Get gud
They get (((you)))s and they like that because they think it is weakening us.
>after being here for a while it really loses its effect.
Here you go
Might better. Thank you.
delet that I forgot something
Did you change the background color slightly?