Anons from:
>New Brunswick
>Prince Edward island
>Nova Scotia
Share your miserable existence with us and try to redeem your shit province if you care too.
Newfoundland Labrador and the Territories don't count. You can't shift the hate on them.
Anons from:
>New Brunswick
>Prince Edward island
>Nova Scotia
Share your miserable existence with us and try to redeem your shit province if you care too.
Newfoundland Labrador and the Territories don't count. You can't shift the hate on them.
Québec masterace, stay mad anglo
Toronto used to be extremely conservative and religious, we were known as Toronto the good, we had the strictest Sunday blue laws on the continent, even tobogganing was illegal on Sundays, when buying alcohol you had to ask the guy to go go the back room to get what you wanted in the shops, we were called the Methodist Mecca.
Go for a drive downtown, every other street corner has a church on it, there's literally dozens of churches downtown within walking distance. Toronto used to be the stronghold of the Anglo Orangeman, now? Well I don't have to tell you how it is now.
Quebec greatest accomplishment, finally stopping dumbing its garbage and sewage into the river in the 2010's now only 30% of waste and sewage ends up in the river! Congratulations on finally going ahead of india maybe you'll join the first world soon
>>Nova Scotia
Over the past few years there is a pro-migrant parade and a LGBTQLMNOP parade on the same day. I think the fags think that if they parade down the same street as muslims they can use them as human shields to prevent bombings.
river? You must be an Amerishart proxyfag.
Toronto is a fucking shihotle, I hated that city so much. It's full of shitskins.
What is NDP? Good or bad?
UN PAYS! Eille les élections s'en viennent. Je suis indécis entre QS ou un vote stratégique PQ.
>What is NDP? Good or bad?
Bad. Worse than liberals, if that's possible. They are unabashed communists. Imagine if the worse Berkeley ideologues formed a political party. They are currently destroying the only economically viable part of the country.
Former Canadian here, love my country up until when pussies like Trudeau got into power, can't even call myself a Canadian to people without being reminded about how much our country is fucked up right now.