Jewish Celebrity SPOTS A FAN With Swastika Tattoos And Pays Him To Cover Them

Jewish Celebrity SPOTS A FAN With Swastika Tattoos And Pays Him To Cover Them, Jews are the most Reasonable and MORAL people.

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Aren't jews always bribing people to think and talk how they want them to think and talk?

It is just soft control. Still control. Still enslavement.

Thtas a swastika

Good goy

Poor dude is probably an ex-con. He probably had to get the swastikas in prison to survive.

I think I watched some documentary where some Jew was forced to ally himself with the Aryan Nation to survive the niggers in prison.

The neo-nazi fan was the one folowing them and wanting a picture with them, How is it the Jews's fault ? the yjsut helped the man clean himself up


That is an abomination, not a swastika.

You're calling blacks ''niggers'' you just exposed yourself for being racist

the swastika is poorly made, looks like a prison quality tattoo.

I don't remember the documentary about the Aryan Nation or prison gangs. But there was a guy there who had a Jewish mom or grandma but they let him into a white prison gang in a heavily black prison.

prison makes everyone racist. You can take the most liberal Jew on the planet and put him into a maximum security prison full of niggers... that Jew could come out ripped, covered in swastikas, and cursing niggers for the rest of his life.

or he just meant that, you know, the niggers of the black community are the ones who end up in prison. The reasonable blacks don't fuck their lives up for gibs.

>reasonable blacks
Trained chimp is still a chimp

You do realize Prisons have Guards, its not like in the Lord of the Flies

Jesus this is fucking old


>prisons have guards
And I have bribes and smarts to make them look the other way. Your point?

Guards that don't give a fuck and are just there for that sweet government cheese

Fuck me is that Tom Arnold? Saw this year's ago and had forgotten this clip existed.

They show up after the niggers already prolapsed your anus.

Prisons are like Hogwartz for racism. In prison, blacks at the majority.

"Hey white boi, we're the kangz here."

If you aren't racist, you die. You keep to your own kind in prison.

i fuckin love jesco

Thats Jesco White you ignorant fucks.


Guards are paid for keeping you inside, not protecting you.

Lol the whole cast was triggered except based Jon goodman

Ivan, you son of a bitch!

The 2 founders of the Aryan Brotherhood were Jews. Tyler Bingham and Thomas Silverstein

that doesnt change the fact that he had a swastika tattoo and was a fanboy of jews

What country

Lol they probably made it to surround themselves with whites so the blacks would stop raping them.

I know right? How could people not know who he is?

i watched the whole vid and i still don't know who he is , he does say he was in jail though

Hes on the GTA V radio

Probably somewhere in Asia. Nobody finds swastikas offensive there.

What happens to kikes in prison?

Do they get killed by niggers?

Cochin Jews, also called Malabar Jews, are the oldest group of Jews in India, with possible roots claimed to date to the time of King Solomon.

Hes right though,nigger

That doesn't look like a swastika to me unless there are some variations I'm unawate of.

can you stop plugging your retarded youtube channel here?

They should leave INDIA , indians are a dirty race and would be a shame to mix with the jews. thanks for the vid

Nazi German is angry


Some people think the Jews came from India originally, but got kicked out for being filthy bloodsucking kikes!

The the Swastika was the symbol of Emperor Vikramaditya in 7000 BC.
Hindu swastika 卐 卍 symbol is as old as the Hindu OM ॐ symbol more than 12000 years old.

>but you know, what the hell

based John Goodman!

Not gonna happen even if u scream louder

Jews are white and many have blodne hair so imposible since the native indians are dark cuz they adapted to the envoirment and climate

those are Khazars

>soft control. Still control
This honestly....

Lol where do you think you are nigga?


the swastika is actually two ''S'' standing for SS but one is horizontal on the other

you rage you lose Sup Forums

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Swastika Mukherjee

Prominent building in the center of Reykjavík built before the nazis were a thing. Covered up in 2008.