>When you're so angry that you decide to run for President, win, and proceed to release your petty frustration onto twitter every other minute instead of learning how to govern 300 million people because your anger makes you too impatient to understand what's happening 90 percent of the time
When you're so angry that you decide to run for President, win...
My hero!
You can't make this shit up
He's fucking pathetic. I voted for him but I regret it already. I wish I had voted for Hillary so we would have a progressive SCOTUS, higher taxes and path to citizenship for 30 million people
I wish we could have had Hillary, my butt hole craves a foreign dick to penetrate it.
But seriously, we can't let him have the scoops.
How big a dicking will Putin give Trump next week?
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
>Aussie flag
Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!
Just how insecure is he? You're the President of the United States, people are going to shit talk you no matter what you do. Just ignore them and implement your agenda.
Only good comment so far.
fuck off you dumb yank. When Sup Forums is gravitating away from being a WN board it is a satire board. WN is the only thing to be taken seriously - everything else is shilling or shilling the shills to make fun of the shilling coz the fucking whole board is fubar and most of us have moved on.
Red state Trump voter here, I'm so sorry
They will suck each other off for 30 minutes on live TV. Digits confirm.
Is this the same retard than can't figure out how to change his flag to shitpost b8?
the POTUS really doesn't have that much power, he's more of a symbol, think on the disgusting pretensions that Wbush and Obama admins were engaged in. it was fake af.
W was probably diddling kids and Obama was buttfucking fags and smoking crack on the weekends but they made a grand show of how 'noble' and 'elite' they were. America isn't about some uppity upper class haughtiness. Trump is bringing it back down to reality. His tweets are far more in line with what the founders often said and did than King Nigger. and the media tries to prop up that false reality b/c they were apart of the upper crust and now Trump is destroying their hifalutin delusion and its driving them mad.
nice quads
yeah but could not be fucked.
>all this projection
And a WW3 with Russia in the middle East
Man, the angry paid-for shills are really losing their minds on these slide threads.
>just sit back and take it goy
>no need for republicans to ever fight back
>just use the playbook of the last 30 years and do nothing while everything around you slips away
Get over it
He's a professional troll and he's using a simple technique of misdirection. He wants everyone to talk about his tweets so they can't bitch about the important stuff he's doing. It's no coincidence that he fires out a provocative tweet every time he looks like he's having success.
SHILLS are shitting.
>Something is coming user.
(((They))) ARE FUCKED.
Susan Rice
Loretta Lynch
Donna Brazil's
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Eric Holder
Jon pedosta
>see you in September
Can you imagine that something like this would happen two years ago? Electing a fucking shitposter?
You are all fake news. and your all just jealous that this man can be both commander in chief effectively while also being a shitposter on twitter
Anything that angers liberals is a good thing.
>>When you're so angry that you decide to run for President, win, and proceed to release your petty frustration onto twitter every other minute instead of learning how to govern 300 million people because your anger makes you too impatient to understand what's happening 90 percent of the time
lmao @ america
i take offense to this so you better start being nicer or i will report you to the british ministry of hurt feelings to have you put in jail
>learning how to govern 300 million people
That's not the role of the President. The President is just the head of the Executive branch of the Federal government.
Seriously, look at all these niggers talking shit. So fucking funny. Keep crying over your deportees
I will masturbate to it.
The fuck are you trying to slide nigger?
Wouldn't it be hilarious if all the world leaders were that fucked up? Imagine NK fat boy, Putin, the Queen, Merkel, and all the rest trolling the shit out of each other in the wee hours of the morning.
You burgers do realize these people are being ironic? If you actually read and pay attention besides HURR MUH DRUMPF DEY SAY BAD TING, these people are imitating shill posts as an attempt at humour.
well, no one here actually dislikes drumpht so he had to use what he could
Now he has to drop his first F-bomb as POTUS and he got his place in history
we elected Obama. After that, anything was fair game. There will be no return to normalcy ever. Democracy is now the biggest meme.
oh user-kun i wish you were right, and sometimes im sure u are but there a definite shills on this site... they are everywhere so its impossible to know whos a smelly fucking retard and whos an user looking for lolz
It was funny at first.
It's honestly getting embarrassing now.
Is this really how you want our president to behave? It's pathetic. He acts like a petulant spoiled child.
It's a little of both.
Can you believe that people thought he would become serious once he took office?
He's only shooting himself in the foot further and further
Wish he'd be more coherent, his tweets would punch a lot harder
>Just ignore them and implement your agenda.
He elevates them when he calls them out
Trump's insults were also much better and creative early on
Now it's just fake news!!!
Trump, elected to be President...
Doesn't 'act' accordingly...standard opinion of all demoncrats...
Who cares faggot...I'm enjoying the show, and watching all you fuckers get your panties in a bunch...many laughs are being had these days...