What is the point of Sup Forums anymore?

Sup Forums managed to help win the Brexit and Trump elections, which is awesome.

But we have not succeeded in every other test since. Norbert Hofer in Austria, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Marine Le Pen in France - all lost.

So what can Sup Forums now do to protect our countries? How can we advance this agenda?

There are the German elections in September, but if we didn't win the last three European elections, then how can we win this one? And what else can we do / support globally?

Other urls found in this thread:


Attempted bump

Another attempted bump

Only anglos matter. There is not even any organized effort to meme for the German election.

Europe is cucked and people are fools.

Sup Forums claims britain is cucked but at least we voted against the cuckoldry, even if the government is cucked beyond belief and the people won't do anything about it

>implying /pol is your personal army.

/pol has simply been a place to say the unsayable, think the unthinkable and generally oppose whatver establishment and taboos are at place.

Once /pol "Wins," then /pol shifts essentially back the other way and attacks whatever new establishment created.

Fucking Hayek would be proud.
>BASED Troll contrarian equilibrium

Why not? Do you not want to save your country?

What else can we do though?

It seemed that Sup Forums had such vigour, such PURPOSE, such determination to achieve its goals, and in the case of Brexit and Trump, it did!

But what are we working towards now? What is there to work towards now? It seems our power and our influence has been reduced to fuck all.

>i'll just oppose everything and achieve nothing
You truly are a faggot aren't you?

And it's "Sup Forums" not "/pol" you fucking gigantic faggot

Sup Forums is so last year. Meme warlords of Sup Forums:

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
/biz/. Trust me, it will be after the crypto crash.


Well what the fuck are you doing here user? Go make a meme production thread and inform people about the election.


>Sup Forums managed to help win the Brexit and Trump elections, which is awesome.
this meme has to end

>Why not? Do you not want to save your country?
Of course not.
Saving Germany would destroy the actual worthwhile countries.
You must accept we will always be enemies. If we go right you go left. If we go left you go right. Like trying to connect the wrong ends of magnets.
You are either pro-Europe or you are pro-Germany. And I have picked Europe and I will fucking destroy Germany from the inside.

The only way to save Europe is to

The Kaiser was actually awesome and did nothing wrong. He made my ancestral homeland great.

Sup Forums works in mysterious ways, be patient.

and not your army faggot!

Kaiser, Hitler & Martin Luther are great, fuck off dude.

you can't help people who don't want to help themselves nor should you waste your time on them, anglos are the master races and germanics are shit cucks fuck em

What do you have against Kaiser Bill? World would be better if he won.

Get off your high horse. The only people who helped elect Trump, are people who voted. Likely would have happened the same w/out us.
Stop buying into this false pride narrative, where we pretend to influence others, like the MSM...it's a bunch of BS.
Those people who love Luther/Hitler for telling the truth about Jews, but don't know Jesus said all the same stuff, maybe worse.

norgebroder, the german is an actual cuckold
don't even try to communicate with him

There aren't enough natives from those countries here to allow the collective consciousness to drive an outcome.

Interesting opinion I guess

This is an anglo board, we don't have much or nearly nothing to do with europeeings. There's not enough of those people here.


That is bullshit and has been debunked so many times.

They speak english. Culturally they only get along with the anglosphere

They have nothing in common with us and that is what makes Anglos great.

I'm not saying it should be my army. I'm saying that Sup Forums used to achieve things, it used to be focused on achieving particular goals (He Will Not Divide Us is another example), but now it is focused on nothing.

No I reckon Sup Forums did at least AID the Trump cause, of course it did. Think about how many Americans were united on this board, and were determined to go out and vote because of the energy surrounding Trump on this board.

Sure, it might only be 1% or 2% of the total Trump vote, but Trump took some of those states by a small margin.

I think Sup Forums absolutely was a place where people energised about Trump came and were more energised. There have been a lot of media pieces written about Sup Forums's influence on the Trump and Brexit elections and I think they do have a shred of truth to them.

Of course the memetics as well being spread on Twitter, which wouldn't have happened without Sup Forums.

>he thinks some shitty butthurt board filled with balding neckbeards matter in real life

lmao average poltard is 14 years old

t. Shariablue