Why does the World Hate the Israeli Soldiers so much, They are the most Reasonable Army. PALESTINIAN IMPLORES TO BE SHOT By The IDF Israeli Soldiers And they refuse to even touch him.
Jewish Soldiers Are Hated but They are The Most Reasonable Army
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Jews dont mistreat the Palestinians
Aye. They're the bravest soldiers around
Someone post the gif
Whats that have to do with the video
>blown out in iraq
>blown out in lebanon
>blown out in afghanistan
>blown out in syria
Now Iran has significant control over all of these countries and the world is dropping Israel and demanding that all sanctions be lifted on Iran.
The entire IDF couldn't even put down a few thousand Hezbollah fighters with small arms.
9/11 cursed Israel for all of eternity. You haven't won anything since nor shall you win anything else ever again.
Roling for left most waifu
I wouldn't be surprised if this happens so often that the israeli army specifically trains for these situations.
When you're surrounded by muzzies, the whole martyrdom meme is ever-present...
>Why does the World Hate the Israeli Soldiers so much
Everyone hates Jews across all nation and periods of history for no reason. Jews didn't do nothing and they are blameless even though every nation that has ever existed, at some point, banished them from their borders. Why do they persecute me so?
If a muslim country will start war with Israel, USA and Russia will join the war
The stupid people blame Israel for everything
They get bored
Israel's several hundred nukes could easily get WWIII started if they ever felt like their country was going to be overrun. That's a compelling reason to fight for their existence.
we fought Iraq?
lol is that the Sup Forums platoon of the JIDF?
Samson option?
Basically Israel is the mad dog with nuclear weapons and they wish to keep it that way.
I don't blame them.
you want the honest, unironic and jewing free answer?
you were going to if the US didnt intervine, sadam woulda launched an attack on israel
The goofy one with glasses in the middle is my future waifu!!!
sadam couldn't even sustain an attack on Quwait dumbass.
your white germanic frankish faggots invented this system and literally imported jews to do your money lending for you
then prohibited those same jews from working land and joining guilds to ensure those jews utterly depend on the feudal lord's good will for being able to eat
and so when jews realized they were getting fucked over and try to fuck europeans back (like shaving bits of gold off english coins), they were easily expelled because the public already hated them
basically, you fucking dickholes, the only reason jews even came to Europe and adapted to survive by jewing others is your medieval policies. the proverbial created monster turning on the fosterer
well thanks but im Filipino
your perspective is skewed though
>Just as Jews lent money to Christians, so they also frequently borrowed money from them, also on interest.
LOL Sadam captured Kuwait then America joined the war, you are a jew