Are you racist against pitbulls?

‘Dog racism’ behind move to evict pit bull, lawyer claims
"It's dog racism," Bailey said. "What is it - like you don't like someone because of the (color of the dog's) skin?"

>memes aren't real they said.

Preferences are racist. You better start enjoying eating shit you racist.

Well based on crime statistics and dog attack statistics I would venture to say that being racist is correct behavior, it is survival behavior, and racism will be passed on to successful generations by natural selection.
Pitbulls are trash. Live around them and you will see. The only people that like them have severe personality issues.
"Oh, Brutus is really mean to everyone but he likes me, hes kind of like my dad"

Oh no the R word, I'll racemix and keep a dangerous animal in my house now, I promise.

First of all, the color of the dog's skin doesn't define it's race.
Second, we hate pitbulls because of their aggressiveness, not the way they look like.

>durr chihuahuas and other small dogs are usually more aggressive
yeah but they can't maul you to death

Pitbulls were made specifically to be deadly. Whoever owns one doesn't do it because they like pets, he does it to feel stronger. Its just like owning a weapon.

Thats a staffordshire
not a pitbull you autist

My sister was attacked by a pitbull last year. She survived but only because the pitbull was intent on killing her puppy and some mail deliverers saved them.

If I could slit the throat of every pitbull and every pitbull owner, I would do it with glee.

Breeds that look like peoples and peoples that look like breeds.


Awesome dogs, staffords also, very intelligent and loyal.

>it is okay to make assumptions and judgements based on the breed of a dog
>what was that? You think Black people commit more crime and murder based on statistics and are therefore scared to be alone with black people? FUCKING RACIST NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST ARYAN SUPPORTING LITERALLY HITLER KILL YOURSELF REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Pitbulls = NIGGERS of the dog world
Pitbull lovers = NIGGER LOVERS

Look at these killers. Nobody should have these as pets.

only brainless faggots obsessed with power and the realization that they have none own these things, they should all be gassed. ill happily do it for free.

They're monsters. They eat small children. One of them even registered democrat. My local PD made me put them both down when they picked up the salad fork during dessert.

While pitbulls are more violent and aggressive, we should not simply eradicate the pitbull race. We should ban the breeding of pitbulls and allow the current generation of pitbull to live happy lives and die off normally.

pitbulls are fine but the owners who cut the dogs ears like they still were battle dogs are faggots who should be gassed.

>look at this killing machine. Nobody should own them as weapons


Certain breeds are better.

Pitbulls are peaceful creatures you fucking racists

Most human manipulated dog breeds are total faggots, pitbulls are one of them.

Is literally >inanimate object is comparable to an animal bred for killing and are mentally unstable

lolbertarians everyone.

It's sad to say, but I honestly think that pitbull ownership should be something harder to acquire than any other breed.
Pitbulls are a lot harder to train than most breeds, and a lot of the people that get them are not aware of this and you end up with "amazing pitbull travels 2000 miles to attack owner".
I think if the breeder could be made responsible for vetting the prospective owner, you would see less attacks since if you let Jaykwondrius or Billy Crackdealz get a pup, what happens to them is on your head if you didn't do your due diligence as a breeder.

>1 post by this id
hello faggots.
this is a slide thread.
stop posting in slide threads.
sage goes in all fields.


kys faggot
>sage goes in all fields

>someone trying to post fun, lighthearted pictures to distract from the toxic shitposting
>this is somehow bad

what's your problem cunt?
these pics are actually interesting.

they are lab dogs

>lab dogs

Perfectly safe breed of doggo you racists.

niggers even look similar to pitbulls in the face

this must be because of high t levels

Oh great, another poorly hidden anti-gun thread. Fuck off.



>another pit dindu owner comes in to defend his lawsuit on legs

Pit owners are worse than pits themselves

Dog owners are just dindus. Dog never dun dindu nuffin wrong every single fucking time.

It's an animal.

Huh... mexican hairless dogs dont look to bad when they arent tiny and inbreed to shit

Pitbulls just like to play all the time.

>At work
>Walking to a nearby lunch spot
>See this faggy looking white kid with a pitbull on a leash
>Pitbull is pulling this guy around and the fag can barely control it
>Pitbull climbing all over shit while white faggot just chuckles and smiles nervously
>Think to myself that if the pitbull lost his shit for no reason, that faggot wouldn't be able to do anything about it
>play it cool and ignore them both

>Dog owners
Pitbull owners*



The thing is this isn't just pitbulls, people have shit tonnes of breeds they can't control and if they have a small dog they think they don't have to control it. I've literally had my leg torn open and until the guy saw the blood he was going he's just playing, pet him he wants to play, he doesn't bite.


>Hard to train

Damn it must suck to be this retarded. Pitbulls will do anything for a liver treat. Took me like 15 seconds to teach mine how to sit and lay.

I don't know why you didn't start punching it in the head

Because it didn't happen.

The shit that annoys me about pit bulls... is that they're so dangerous, that people own them ONLY to show how "peaceful" pit bulls are.

>"Look, see, h-he's not ripping some girls face right now"
That's their literal argument.

Pit bulls are the Muslims of the dog world.
>s-see, not all pit bulls are bad, don't blame the 7% of good pit bulls for what 93% do.

Pit Bull owners are degenerates.

It fucking did, I kicked at it and it let go but it did enough damage that I had to go to hospital.

Sure you did. This ranks right up there with the inevitable "I shot one that charged me through a fence" and "I poisoned my neighbors dog because they're both niggers" stories.

You need to stick a finger up the dogs ass, he'll let go of whatever he's got a hold of straight away.

>a dog biting someone's leg is incredibly unbelievable
>t. dog dindu owner

pitbulls are nigger dogs of the left
there's a massive push to normalize, breed and promote them to kids
look at the pictures of pitbulls in superhero outfits and bullshit names like "pibbles" - they are nigger dogs and it's a fucking funded shit through grants and shitlib funding - seriously, like fucking 56 NGOs in America promoting adoption of shitbulls
THE TRUTH? they are not rescues


Ty for it heavy thread

Exterminate the nigger dogs

fuck off nigger



Yes I am. I consider them nigger dogs. They are ugly and violent. Yes some can be "nice" just like some blacks can be "decent people". But on the inside they (and blacks) are violent animals with no impulse control. I would never trust one around a child.

Pic related. Its a proper White man's dog.


easy solution:
owners of pitbulls have to go through the exact injuries their pitbulls cause - and have it streamed on youtube
look at that stupid fat cunt - who was the owner of this dog?
why is that cunt in the highviz pretending to his the dog? like those cucks in 'nam who would shoot above the heads of gooks
the cop as well, what a nigger "hey stop doing that, instead let me slowly walk backwards holding the dog"
fucking dumb niggers
fucking dumb niggers
fucking dumb niggers
REMINDER: the guy at the start of the video is PRETENDING to hit the dog.

That breed is toast. In 50 years it'll just be a walking hospital bill similar to what happened with bulldogs.

german shepherdd in america have been destroyed by shitty breeders and the akc sadly
most have fucked up spines

Hit it with the car.

this this this
It's not to show how they are - it's cognitive dissonance - it's called default path idiocy:
because the question comes up
because they go with the liberal narrative
because there is ANY question to not have one
you see?
You are so close: it is LITERALLY a pathology, literally a fucking nigger facet of our non-brains

>dat nappy ass head

You are a mixed race nigger. Of course you would have and defend nigger dogs.

>Jamal understands the danger of the Pitbull

Why don't you?

It's too bad retards buy into the "muh purebred" meme. There really needs to be an effort to try and fix breeders ruining the genes of dogs.


I had a neighbor that had a pit bull. In his backyard he had an old rope swing left from before his kids had grown up. It was just a thick rope with a big knot at one end that hung from one of the branches. His pit bull would run and jump up to bite the knot and LATCH ON. The momentum of the beast would cause the pit bull to swing around the tree several times, with the vicious beast still biting down on the knot, until it would be arrested with a meaty thump as the body of the animal struck the tree. The pit bull still wouldn't let go. It would then swing as the rope uncoiled around the tree and then back again with another meaty thump as the pit bull's body struck the trunk of the tree again, all the while never letting go of the rope. I never timed how long it would do this, but I'm pretty sure it took hours before the beast would let go of the knot.

TL; DR pit bulls are good at swinging from ropes.

the problem isnt purebred you kike
the problem is akc making abominations

modern breeders have ruined purebreds that are thousands of years old

thats a pug from 200 years ago btw forgot to mention it

People are stupid, they will never learn until it happens to them.

Should be illegal to take your pitbull outside, keep it in your home

Purebred is a meme that makes breeders force litter mates to reproduce and causes their genes to become a cesspool rather than get other healthy purebred individuals from other litters all for some weird unnatural trait that they get from breeding litter mates a billion times.

You know your stuff it really works. Same with Staffords mine used to get in fights and that was the only solution absent of a break stick.

Every day humanity gets dumber than the day before.

Do Huskys also count as whiteman's dogs?

What the fuck

I love german shepherds, probably the best dogs.

Also, no, some pitbulls seem "nice", but they can snap at any time. They're specifically bread to be violent, aggressive and have high tolerance to pain.

>why are americans obsessed with guns

thats a lovely doggie

can confirm, friend has a shepard and its the most loyal and friendliest doggo i've ever seen


pitbulls are the niggers of dogs, and dogs are the niggers of pets

The statistics show that pitbulls aren't that dangerous. But the idea that if I shoot a pitbull charging at me and this bitch is on my jury, makes me wanna kms.

yeah it should be the law that you have to keep your AK 47 on a leash and if they snap and get out of control they should be immediately euthanized

Best doggo, but get in his territory and he'll fuck you up
All my stupid friends have pitbulls cause it's "macho" fucking faggots

i remember reading a plebbit thread where a house burglar did an AMA.

he said any time a house had a dog, he just disabled it by dropping a tasty dog treat in front of it and the dog instantly shifted his attention to enjoying the noms.

look at how pathetic those cops are


Dogs are the protectors of whites, that one obviously tried to stop the bean from harming its family

How many times do you gently hit the dog with a small stick before you give up on that tactic and try something else?

I once saw a dog attacking another dog. It was the worlds biggest husky(easily as tall as me if it stood up, probably 3/4 horse) and it was trying to murder this dumb nigger's rottweiler. The nigger was just tugging on the rotty's leash while the husky was trying to get at it's neck, so I wrapped my arms around the husky's neck and squeezed him and yelled at the nigger to leave. As soon as the rottweiler was out of site the husky was calm and let me walk him back to his house so I could berate his owners for not keeping him on a chain.

I mean yeah the guy wouldn't have been in the wrong if he'd shot the husky, but I was more scared of the negro than of either of the dogs in this situation, so I handled it because I'm not a pussy.

> so I wrapped my arms around the husky's neck and squeezed him and yelled at the nigger to leave
Problem is, that won't work on a pitbull. They have high tolerance to pain. They just don't give a fuck. They just go until they completely tire or die.

I like to think I'm stronger than a pitbull, though. And fuck your pain tolerance, if your brain gets no oxygen you're going to calm down.

I'd be more scared if it was a pitbull sized cat. They're good at wriggling so I could be straddling a cat with my arms around its neck and before I'd know it he'd be flipped around and biting my face off.

Cats are way more scary than dogs, they're just small so you can't tell.

are you...are you retarded?

I guess if you can manage to cut his oxygen, that'll work, but it's still pretty dangerous to get so close to it.

>Cats are way more scary than dogs, they're just small so you can't tell.
Pound for pound, definitely. Cats have weaker bite force, but can use claws to great effect.

While I do hate pitbulls the poison I leave just off the local trails is quite indiscriminate.

#im so bad ass #thingsthat never happened

I may have aspergers, but I don't have insurance or money to pay to see the type of doctor that tells someone if they have aspergers, so it's all just speculation. From many people. LIke everyone I know. "You're probably an assburgers, dude".

I like dogs. Dogs shouldn't fight. I'll break up dog fights if I see dog fights.

Nah dude neither of them was a pitbull so there was no danger.