Post redpills Sup Forums refuses to swallow


Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Is there not a greater cause?

communist revolutions are a form of wealth redistribution you fucking idiot. think about the complete problem or fucking kys.

Communism requires socialism before it's implemented and socialism always leads to tyranny. Just look at every "communist" state in existence. Also sage

Ah yes, Marx.. Champion of the little man. Funny thing though... he was closely related with the richest man in the world, a myriad of powerful jews and a whole bunch of european aristocracy.

Im sure its just a cohenincidence.

Both of those things come from socialism goyim.


Muh day of the rope !


Go sucking (((their))) dicks somewhere else fag.

Blaming the Jews for everything isn't really an argument, you know.

The only haters of it are kikes, sandniggers, lgbt, feminists and fedorashitters.
Truly a coincidence.
Literally calls people nothing more than agents of change. They aren't humans but rather tools

>redpills Sup Forums refuses to swallow

Assimilate or fuck off. If you think national identity and pride is toxic then you should kill yourself. Commies should kill themselves anyway but that's besides the point.

>blame them for everything
Dishonesty is all over you statment, I blamed them for communism, which is proven beyond reasonable doubts and your strawmen is I blamed them for everything. Revealing your shill nature. sage in all fields

Thank you, user

Communism is shit.Economy crashes and all the people are equally poor meanwhile the leaders bathe in money.Fuck off with your jewish shit

>rolling his window down

I am the only real person in the world. All of you are literal NPCs.

Mumma doesn't really like feeding her boy his tendies


May be the actual dumbest thing I've seen

Immigration is a good thing, if you are rich. See, most pools come in and take out debt. They can't pay it off and default on it, ruining their future ability to earn more debt. So, who pays off these defaulted loans? Bring in new people, recycle them, make more debt, play the debt lottery, and eventually you come out on top. Banks can sell their debt to others, who can then confiscate everything the poor have to compensate for the debt. If you're right you want immigration, because every fucking society sans best Korea follows this model.

how is assimilating into the culture you're entering bad?

you people are fucked up and don't get the most basic things right

>working at starbucks or being an indigogo app designer is the same thing as working in a coalmine

Hipsters are trans working class.


What about Jewish identity politics?

BINGO. Fuck that gommie, if anyone is doing id politics, everyone has to do it in order to not get fucked.

"stop triggering me"
"assimilate into my culture"

not even the other side of the coin, its the same coin's same side.
fuck off karl darx and the bbc-crew.

>take idpol to the trash
Kek. You're not only incapable of memeing, but also a retard.


Actually thinking there is a coordinated Jewish conspiracy is embarassing honestly. Can't believe you fell for the meme.

Powerful Jews that have a victim complex spreading propaganda is one thing, but thinking they have secret meetings is autistic user.

I feel bad for you. To hold these views, you most be completely out of touch with reality.

I'm not a Larp,Shill,Jew,Frank,Think Tank,AI, etc (Pic Related)

Just someone that is very good with Knowledge trying to get information out.

Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Shilling must be so hard. I can't even imagine how bad your carpal tunnel must be. You should take a nap. Just lie down and get some sleep. So sleepy.

How exactly does communism deal with the reality we live in an imperfect universe in which equality does not exist?

Your picture doesn't make any sense either. Right and left are economical. Both can be authoritarian, but only right can be libertarian :^)

Also fuck off commie.

that was the case with me

You do realize that what is working class in the west is considered bourgoise in other parts of the world

Marx didn't fight for shit. Marx beat his wife, raped his slave, and abused his children while drinking himself to death and writing empirically false screeds about the future that never came true.

The fact that people still take Marx seriously at all is laughable. I'm still waiting for that evidence that the Law of Value isn't a made-up justification for why being paid a wage is the same as being stolen from.

kek leftypol is such cringe

Additionally--Marx couldn't even take his own trash out because he didn't own a pair of pants. If he had ever so much as poked a "nazi" in the chest he would've gotten every tooth bashed out of his mouth, then been kicked in the side until he died, crying for Engels to come and save him like always.

Karl Marx was, objectively, a failure. A NEET loser who wrote a bad book that failed at everything it set out to do (There was no revolution, the dialectic was empirically false and there will NEVER be communism) had kids who killed themselves, and then died like a bitch on the dirt floor of his shitty flat, gasping for water that nobody would get for him because he was a cunt who never, in his entire life, did a SINGLE good thing for anyone else.

Think about this. Karl Marx was actually the living stereotype of an evil human being. A parasitic lamprey who had an exclusively negative effect on everyone around him. If any of you knew Karl Marx IRL today, you'd hate him. You'd call him what he was: A sack of shit whining for other people to pull a revolution so that he wouldn't have to feel bad about not working anymore.

If Marx had been alive when Lenin took over he would've been gulaged. This is a fact. Every single one of you knows it is true. Why would you even talk about Marx, knowing what kind of person he was? More importantly why did you trust anything he said? It's pure ideology. Marx is comparable in sheer disgusting anti-social negativity to Nick Bates.

>national identity

Pride about what?

>muh identity politics are bad!!

Say the trash that uses class as identity politics.

t. ((((Wall street)))) shill

National pride is the recognition of the achievements of your people and of your responsibility to carry on the traditions and legacy you have inherited from them. Without pride, there is no society. People become nihilistic and apathetic and descend into atomized antisocial behavior.

This is a well understood social dynamic. You can see it playing out everywhere today. When a people no longer believe they have a responsibility to their heritage, their culture decays and they simply cease to exist as a people. Marxists of course love this because they believe (incorrectly) that this will result in class consciousness, but class consciousness isn't real, because class isn't real--so they in fact play into the hand of Capital, who benefit the most from the atomized hedonistic consumerism of a world without identity.

The only thing sex is good for is reproduction, besides that, it's a worthless distraction that corrupts people's minds and produces a pleura of social problems, especially in relationships. Artificial wombs should be created and even everyone should be turned asexual. We would have a much more productive society when we don't have to worry about putting our dicks in holes all the time.

I'm a communist now

anti-identitarianism is still an identity... The people that say "us and them", become the "other", the identitarians become "them", while the people that reject-identity politics speak in terms of "us". It's the third man problem basically.

>pic related


>We would have a much more productive society
but what about efficient time-wasters? if you measure people by their mediocrity then the most mediocre is the most excellent mediocrity, and the excellent, mediocre... What does productivity even mean? and is it not simply the MEANS rather than the end? how can the means also be the end? it makes no sense!

But identity politics is the sole preserve of the left. Marxism has lost all other meaning. That is what it is now, all its supporters are massive cucks.

capital gains are compensation for risk undertaken. If you think you have a good business idea, you can go to a bank and take out a loan to finance it. It's pretty difficult to succeed as an entrepeneur.

>assimilate into my culture

>it makes no sense!
u sound like a fucking retard, are you on acid trip? or just somoked too much weed?

>But identity politics is the sole preserve of the left

Your entire raison detre as far-right/neo-nazis is identify politics - identity with racial and ethnic groups. The right is far more obsessed with these Identities than the left. The otherkin only exist on tumblr, I've never once met someone in real life who cared about pronouns.

>I've never once met someone in real life who cared about pronouns.

Well how about the whole fucking canada, where it is now illegal to misgender xDDD?

¨why are you here

Left- populist parties are taking away your electorate in Europe. Stay butthurt, marxist-leninists


ID Pol was developed precisely because the workers of the world had it too good and were not falling into Revolution(TM). Communism failed on strictly class lines so now the socialists are trying to pull it off by atomizing the world and setting everyone against the "oppressor" of the hour. Do you even know your history or are you just larping?

That robowaifus will be a net positive for civilization

>workers unite

I want to kill my lazy coworkers just as much as I want to kill the rich greedy people. Considering my coworkers are still alive, I might as well not kill the rich people either and live a peaceful life.

this triggers me. delet now

>this triggers me. delet now

funny coz it's true :D

Islam is actually based as fuck. The only reason the left is pro Islam is because of media brainwashing. Islam is rightwing as fuck and despise everything the left stand for. They've known the jews tricks for centuries. The only reason the right despises Islam is because arabs don't look like us - thats it. If the right actually looked in into Islam they would agree on 90% of the issues and would be great allies, but the (((media brainwashing machine))) knows this and is obviously trying to keep the two separated by orchestrating terror attacks by (((ISIS))), which furthers the (((agenda)))

Why is saying assimilate into my culture and white and proud bad ?

Sleep tight, rato



Commies are delusional

I am starting to think this is more true every day. We are hundreds of times more efficient then we were 50 years ago but have the same quality of life. Both the man and woman need to be working in a household now to maintain it. The extra earnings is all going to the investors and not to the people doing the work.


Oh No! Assimilation! Bad!

Post the full version next time

Isn't worker vs owner identity politics?

>intelligence is chiefly influenced by socio-economic status

do i need to dumb it down for you


Subscribing to an organized religion is one of the biggest bluepills out there.

Worshipping ancient sand niggers because you were told to is blue pilled as fuck.

hi rabbi
you are not supposed to work on the sabbath

Made me kek as well

Bro, can you explain why are women paid less than men, generally speaking ? :D

for example somalia have next to no school or an educational system how can they do good in an IQ test

> Noticing patterns and demographic trends means you believe in secret rooms filled with cigar smokes and plotting.
wtf I hate the JQ now

woman work less do jobs that don't make a lot of money

And why haven't they ?

> Remote racism, of course.

Eh that's not very in line with your other bluepilled opinions.

Here's one that /leftypol/ refuses to swallow

Communism is a jewish construct.

Why do poor whites outscore rich niggers?

You would be nowhere without identity politics.

If you give up identity politics, you have to give up that people are divided into economical classes. Just like how feminists think men are born sinners, and just like how Nazis think non-whites are born sinners, just like how Christians think everyone is born a sinner.

YOU think the rich are born sinners and the only way to absolution is to give up self and property ownership and be part of the churc... Err... I mean the state.

Either you are a dumb upper to middle class who is feeling guilt for being well off than most.
Or you are a sheep, who's a loser and will never amount to anything.


When your whole ideology is backed on 'Identity Politics' but 'you're against' them..

Comrade Logic!

More proponents of communism who have never done manual labor in their entire life?


>Either you are a dumb upper to middle class who is feeling guilt for being well off than most
These are all the western college leftists. Good analysis at least someone has spent the oil shekels for good use.


Serious question

What kind of person over the age of 18 can honestly believe in socialism and communism unironically?

The US has a mixed economy, and the socialist parts are the worst parts about it.

Crumbling across the nation and cannot be funded due to political corruption

Gets worse year over year. Crippled by political correctness and becoming more about left wing propaganda than education. Teachers unions hold the education system hostage

>Police force
Delivers an inferior and poorly trained product, with absolutely no power checks. How a police union can even be allowed or even be considered legal should just blow everyone's mind.

And then the communists want to double down on these AND starve you to death

How can anyone believe this? scroll down a little