Are women born gay or do they become gay after bad experience with men/insecurities?
My ex gf just came out the closet and cheated on me with another chick yesterday and texted me about it like "yeah I cheated on you" like she was all proud of it and i was all like idgaf but I'm actually kind of concerned if this whole situation was my fault or not.. Like was I such a passive pathetic excuse of a boyfriend that she changed sexualities because her "man" isn't a manly man he just goes to school to learn STEM and plays guitar all day when not on Sup Forums
Are women born gay or do they become gay after bad experience with men/insecurities?
DO NOT blame yourself. Whatever you do, DO NOT let her get inside your head, this is what she wants.
My ex tried to wind me up the other day by talking about guys she finds attractive. My response? Nothing. I didn't ignore her, though I didn't respond to that particular comment. I just carried on as normal. Her response to that? Obvious disappointment.
Women WANT to get into your head and be the centre of attention, even once things are over. Don't give them that satisfaction, not unless it benefits you.
I'm not suggesting you go MGTOW, I'm just saying don't blame yourself for this girl turning out to be fucked in the head - because one way or another, we all are.
Yeah Nah its them hours. Postem cunts
If you aren't trolling you need to dump the bitch before you contract diseases you can't get rid of. Slut women are a biohazard. Always wear full protective gear before going in.
You clearly are a pathetic excuse for a man. You're not a man at all, in fact.
You're a sissy.
You should dress like a woman from now on. Your ex won't take you back, but maybe you will be permitted to serve her and her new lover as their sissy sex slave.
Dump her, and do not come crying here again.
What are you, a woman ?
Then she was already a dyke
She's just a dickhead. Also, 75% of dykes are fake.
Sauce: am dyke
Fake as in they back out when the chance comes to actually have dyke sex, or fake as in they pretend to be bisexual/gay, but only to gain male attention and never even try to get with women?
You know the rule.
Tits or gtfo!
What are you like 15?
Women can't be gay.
Only gay men are gay.
Women can be lesbians.
You should've made fun of her for "cheating" on you with a girl.
Women literally cannot have sex with one another.
Backpedaling though i think she wanted you to dominate her and call her a slutty lesbian bitch as you fucked her.
She wanted you to "turn" her straight again.
They become gay to be edgy and different for attention. This is true for all gays. I wish people would grow up already.
You deserve a (you) for that my friend.
Where is the proofs. Dyke tits or gtfo.
Good. Lesbians are awesome. Who the fuck wants to love a man? And penetration isnt enjoyable for her. Nah, she made the right choice. I think everyone is born asexual, but women just need to figure out what it really means to be loved and that they can only truly be loved by another women. You grow into your sexuality really
>Are women born gay or do they become gay after bad experience with men/insecurities?
Daddy issues or """"rape""" (Aka got drunk and slept with a dork once).
Oh, or trouble with boyfriends after exclusively chasing nigger-tier pump-n-dump dudebros for 10 years, never learning from their mistakes, then concluding they hate all men.
One of the 3 invariably
Stop with the sissy hipnos dude. That shit is bad
>My ex tried to wind me up the other day by talking about guys she finds attractive. My response? Nothing. I didn't ignore her, though I didn't respond to that particular comment. I just carried on as normal. Her response to that? Obvious disappointment.
Bad move. If my woman started talking like that, I would immediately throw her out of the house and she could live with her mom until she came back sufficiently contrite.
Every day they get overwhelmed with propaganda and do not have the mentality to deal with it. Should have trained her better and controlled her more
Did you miss the word "ex" in there?
Cheat on her with a girl and send her a picture of you kissing. I guarantee you she'll come crying to you saying it was a "mistake" and she was "confused" and she wants you back.
Yes you are beta id you actually care what she thinks or how it happened.
Did you miss the fact that I got digits 3 times in a row?
>"turn" her straight again.
post pics of her and her gf
You should have a bitch on the side waiting for you.
BTW I'm not talking out my ass when I say this. I've been through this scenario with a girl. Literally laugh at her. Act like you don't give a fuck and she's being an attention seeking idiot. She wants you to chase her and go nuts. Do the opposite. Ignore her and start hanging out with her female friends and act like or even do if you can fuck another girl. The "lesbian" will be at your door begging to suck your cock in a week tops.
This. My ex came out as 'bicurious' and started trying to convince me to let her 'explore' her sexuality. I later found out she was hanging out with some dykes and they had been putting ideas in her head. I fucked her sister and her best friend then she came back crying, claiming it was all a phase.
Eventually I dumped her because she got fat.
> get both to have a sit down
> rape them both
> now you have 2 gfs
Some people say all women are bisexual. I personally have liked women in high school before I met my boyfriend, but if she does cheat it might be because either shes a skank or you didn't give enough attention to her.
t. woman whose thinking about dropping 15 year relationship and being with a woman because her boyfriend just plays games all day and never has a real sort of relationship. Pic related.
>nazi poster has poor reading comprehension
what a surprise
You should dump him for having shit taste in games.
FIFA is more important, whore
>texted me about it like "yeah I cheated on you"
>like she was all proud of it
>and i was all like idgaf but I'm actually kind of concerned
>Like was I such a passive pathetic excuse of a boyfriend
You say "like" in the wrong manner way too fucking frequently. Stop saying it (usage in a comparison is fine). Start writing/speaking like a man, and maybe, just maybe, you'll earn a bit of respect.
you know the rules
I won't mind if my girl cheated me with another girl. It feels so inconsequential, like it's not really sex, just attention whoring. Am I a cuck?
>Am I a cuck?
Not sure, but based on your flag, you definitely aren't White.
> "yeah I cheated on you" like she was all proud of it ...
Absolute degeneracy. The gay component is irrelevant.
If she just flat out dumped you and there was no 3rd party involved, THEN it might be worth asking if there's something wrong with you. As is, who gives a fuck about what a cheating slut thinks? She hasn't even figured out what she wants.
Lesbian sex isn't taken seriously, especially by women who are pretending to be lesbian. She probably deep down knew it was enough to get OPs attention without really damaging him.
It's well known of break up. She was lying or did that just to get rid of you. Just move on.
Seriously, take my advice and don't dwell on it. She's not a good women even if you're sad excuse for a man.
Women thrive on sociality , not sexuality.
Men want an aesthetic woman; women want a socially viable man (someone with status, via money, good looks, height, etc).
A lot of fake lesbians will kiss girls thinking that they're attracted to them, and they probably are attracted to them on some level, because of the status that we place on women. But a straight woman is not going to go for a bulldyke lezzy. Lesbians want not just the appeal, but the emotional level of a lesbian relationship.
Gay men are unlike straight women in the sense that gay men find men more attractive on a physical level than a "social level".
Women aren't as sexual, therefore they don't get as grossed out by the idea of homosexuality as men do.
Here's a flag that is trying hard to stay relevant.
Give me a nice riverdance and I'll toss you a potato.
Tits or GTFO ya filthy cunt.
People don't really change sexualities, they just figure out whatever one they have. I've dated a bi chick before (she mostly dated men but had dated a few women) and she said the relationships she had with women were different than the ones with men. She was more sexually attracted to men, but more emotionally attracted to women usually. That's probably why we had a good relationship (I'm more soft and emotional than most men but I have a big dick and high sex drive so I could fuck her good).
Chances are your ex is just bi and wasn't getting the satisfaction she needed in certain areas, so she found a women that could satisfy her. If she genuinely enjoyed having sex with you I really doubt she's totally gay.
Haha, get ready for more of that with your new bf. Does he smoke cones too? I hope you're not forgetting to post tits or put shoe on head.
It took you 15 years to figure out that THAT dude was more interested in games than satisfying your ego? It only took me 15 seconds.
Also, where the fuck do people get this idea that they should ever be anyone's priority? You are all literally a few steps away from being fucking shit flinging monkeys. Idc if evolution is a meme. Have you ever seen how monkeys interact? It's uncomfortably similar to the way most people live. Except humans are worse because we're possessive and we hoard bullshit. I'm single forever and I got a vasectomy because I don't want to pass along my shit-tier nigger genes.
TL;DR: Fuck you, fuck her.
No such thing as bi. No such thing as gay either. These people are mentally ill and shouldn't be humored.
Also, if she's not getting satisfaction then the issue is with her. Her place is to serve her husband, not vice-versa.
Is that an electronic drum set?
Shit taste
Addendum: This may seem cold-hearted, but its true. Women want to serve men and are at their happiest when they make their man happy. If a man starts elevating a woman above himself, she gets a fat head and starts coming up with all sorts of ridiculous and unreachable ideals for what she wants her man to be. Ultimately, no matter how much you bend over for her, she will be disappointed, because a man bowing to a woman's will is inherently unmasculine, and a sexual turnoff.