Why not just reduce the size of government and social spending to match the reduction in population?
Mass migration needed in Western countries due to declining birth rates
It seems like you're running low on grease to fry up your french fries. So I've decided to dump cow shit into it because #ThereisoneliquidTheLiquid
Because we must continue to expand the economy and entitlement spending goyi- uhh guys
somehow the welfare seeking migrants are going to expand the tax base so the government can afford to dole out welfare
>Why not just reduce the size of government and social spending to match the reduction in population?
That would not be enough to avoid a decline of GDP.
Race and culture > GDP
Or better yet. Encourage people to start families.
What they do instead is to promote childless couples, women working instead of having children, pushing the overpopulation meme with face tactics about the enviroment etc.
The whole reason for migration is to completely destroy the European people.
Either that, or to ferment racial hatred and push for a war in the heart of Europe again to complete the plan of world government.
I am not sure which one of those two it is. But I am hoping it is the latter.
>Why not just reduce the size of government and social spending to match the reduction in population?
That would be too intelligent for government
Maybe give tax cuts to native citizens for having kids rather than taxing them more to pay for the subsidies & welfare of immigrant leaches.
>That would not be enough to avoid a decline of GDP.
>what is automation
higher quality people result in higher GDP