How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated, while all of the most intelligent...

How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated, while all of the most intelligent, most successful people agree that the world SHOULD entirely become a shithole like Brazil or South Africa?

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wtf is it with these posts? is this a double bait? a square root bait?

Jews are racist though.

because it's the poor that are forced to live among immigrants while the most successful people can buy comfort and privacy anywhere and don't have to come across any of the multikulti enrichment

They blame the brown man for their lack of success in life. They don't have the education to realize that they're in the same boat as the brown man.

They're trash who don't want to compete with the so called third worlders, they know their IQ is too low and their entitlement too high to win

It's basically why these cuckskins voted trump and got thw state to give them welfare in the form of jobs snd forcing companies to pay them huge minimum wages

The smart ones aren't dumb enough to speak out.

You've got it backwards. Wealthy whites live in cities, which are cosmopolitan and diverse, while poor whites live in suburban and rural areas that are homogeneous.

>How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated

Well blacks are the most racist people of all, so I would start there OP.

>Wealthy whites live in cities, which are cosmopolitan and diverse
even there they self segregate, only few rich neighborhoods in big cities have substantial number of minorities.