How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated, while all of the most intelligent, most successful people agree that the world SHOULD entirely become a shithole like Brazil or South Africa?
How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated, while all of the most intelligent...
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wtf is it with these posts? is this a double bait? a square root bait?
Jews are racist though.
because it's the poor that are forced to live among immigrants while the most successful people can buy comfort and privacy anywhere and don't have to come across any of the multikulti enrichment
They blame the brown man for their lack of success in life. They don't have the education to realize that they're in the same boat as the brown man.
They're trash who don't want to compete with the so called third worlders, they know their IQ is too low and their entitlement too high to win
It's basically why these cuckskins voted trump and got thw state to give them welfare in the form of jobs snd forcing companies to pay them huge minimum wages
The smart ones aren't dumb enough to speak out.
You've got it backwards. Wealthy whites live in cities, which are cosmopolitan and diverse, while poor whites live in suburban and rural areas that are homogeneous.
>How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated
Well blacks are the most racist people of all, so I would start there OP.
>Wealthy whites live in cities, which are cosmopolitan and diverse
even there they self segregate, only few rich neighborhoods in big cities have substantial number of minorities.
>How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated,
The smart racists don't out themselves, because they have something to lose.
For instance, I'm an executive in my company, and we have standardized testing. We employ 10's of thousands. I am trying to trick the HR department into removing any race or gender identifying information from resumes so that all candidates are treated fairly.
This will end up with more white employees, as minority employees in this country usually do quite poorly on our testing, which is half IQ and half management.
"Racists are so stupid and uneducated and worthless, you never see an intelligent racist!"
>Also Liberals:
"Racists run this country and operate in the highest echelon of American life and rig the system to keep blacks down and impoverished and imprisoned"
well which is it?
because they havent been brainwashed yet?
Studies have shown that candidates of equal ability but with nonwhite-sounding names are hired less often than candidates with white-sounding names. It'll be interesting to see what kinds of candidates you actually end up hiring, if you're successful.
Choose better straw men. This one's unstable.
It's not a strawman when it's something they actually say. The first is this very thread. The second about institutonal racism is everywhere.
>Studies have shown that candidates of equal ability but with nonwhite-sounding names are hired less often than candidates with white-sounding names. It'll be interesting to see what kinds of candidates you actually end up hiring, if you're successful.
There are also studies done with anonymous CVs. Non whites were hired *even less*.
>How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated
Because the poor have nothing to lose and therefore cannot be intimidated by censorship.
>while all of the most intelligent, most successful people agree that the world SHOULD entirely become a shithole like Brazil or South Africa?
Because they are greedy capitalists who want to glut the labor force and destroy the working class's power to bargain for their own wages. They also probably went to liberal schools, since the education system has been taken over by Marxists that are remnants of cold war era USSR psyops.
I'm a wealthy white living in an european capital of +4m population, I haven't seen a black or arab in ages and none of them live in my neighbourhood
you are the one that has it backwards
Because they're the ones that have to be around other races instead of hiding behind triple-walled gated communities. There's no difference in the amount of racism between the two groups, just the amount of lipstick they can afford to put on the pig.
>Studies have shown that candidates of equal ability but with nonwhite-sounding names are hired less often than candidates with white-sounding names. It'll be interesting to see what kinds of candidates you actually end up hiring, if you're successful.
I already know the test results for candidates, and I know the trends.
The HR Ladies are leveraging against white males.
Only white males have both the technical acumen and the eloquence to do well on both exams with any consistency.
Asians do ok on the IQ side but are terrible managers, they can't handle people problems and can't communicate in a professional manner.
Women do a little better on the management side as a lot of the questions are high schoolish (dealing with interpersonal problems between staff, etc), but don't do as well on IQ.
4pbp. it all comes tumbling down when the elites are faced with reality
There's literally nothing wrong with the whole world becoming Somalia.
The poor and uneducated are the ones that have to compete with migrants, not the bourgeois and petty bourgeois.
Migrants are the reserve army of capital.
99% of the university professors who have ever taught in the United States have been racists.
The smart ones don't show their racism. We all know the leftists who virtue signal in public but are deathly afraid of shitskins moving in next to them.
It's not unstable. Think about it this way, the fact that they are sure that the top institutions in the country and the economic elite is racist and oppressive to minorities should make it clear that there are intelligent racist people. Then they should assume that those intelligent racists just don't speak about it openly. Now the question is why would an intelligent person be racist. The fact that they can't ask this and don't realize the small pool of knowledge and experience they are drawing from should make them think who is the stupid one.
Poor people life in areas with many shitskins so they get the reallife redpill
The “other“ are rich people in nice 0% areas and they have some firms where low payed people are really welcome or real estage where fungis can get in for the 5* the normal price that the government will pay.....
Here in France the state gave up on compulsory anonymised resumes after small-scale testing showed that minorities would consistently fare worse under this scheme.
We need a class war, not a race one.
It's pretty spot on. The intellectual class in the West has this weird suicidal ideology where they LARP as if niggers and spics are equally intelligent when there is zero reason to believe it. High IQ elites in Asia are appropriately racist.
The poor and uneducated end up having to live amongst all the brown and black people and develop a hatred for them based on negative interactions.
The most successful people live far away from the brown and black people and feel sorry for their poverty so to atone for their decadence they use their wealth and power to invite them in... just not in their backyard, there's lots of space where the poor and uneducated live though.
You think your educated but apparently cant handle basic sociology. Holy shit you actually think the rich and elite live in the same area as the other income brackets. A fucking moron with a diploma and 2 months in realty knows ur shit is ass backwards.
Ther very truth is, there are no classes. There's no "working class" and"burgeoise". There is no upper, middle and lower income class. There is only the ruling caste and opposed to them, the fucking pleb wage slave faggots.
Or do you really fucking think someone with 5k income lives a significantly different life from someone with 900 ? They eat the same, they do the same, they wake up, slave through work all day, come home and the cycle repeats.
Sure, the moderately """rich""" people can go on vacation once or twice a year and drive a bigger car. But if you remove all the fancy non-things, all that is left is a poor guy or wymyn that is constantly in fear for their life, their job, their status and all that shit.
That is where the projection begins. "Fuck niggers" vs. "Bash a Fash". "You have to go back" vs. "Refugees Welcome". Because people are made to believe they truly can have influence. If you show people that it is virtually impossible to take have any influence on any level below "ruling elite", then they might start to change their minds towards the better and forget about the fucking infighting and unite against those leaders that are truly treating every single pople on earth like a pile of shit.
1st of all, the term "racisim" is bullshit anyway
2nd, I can give you 2 high IQ examples of "racists"
I would be considered a "racist" and I'm white with two masters degrees from top 20 schools.
>racists tend to be poor and uneducated
I think you're using the wrong word. Racists don't tend to be poor and uneducated. Racism develops when certain cultural groups do things that make everyone else uncomfortable, thereby making themselves unwanted.
Supremacists, on the other hand, tend to be poor and uneducated.
The difference between these? It's racist to say, "I am uncomfortable around black people because blacks are more likely to commit robbery and murder." However, it's supremacist or bigoted to say, "Blacks are inferior because of their skin color."
It's a bit more complicated than that. The poor and uneducated in lily white rural and peripheral areas will also be racist due to either having previously fled from a mixed area or fear that their current area could receive waves of migrants.
They live far away from most of them and insofar as they interact with blacks and browns they typically interact with the right tail blacks and browns. So they've worked with Michael Washington or whatever the talented 10ther in accounting and he's "just like us" so that must mean that all blacks are capable of being "just like us". They don't have to deal with blacks and browns moving into their neighborhood and ruining it. If anything they gentrified a place that was previously a ghetto shithole.
Just look at Tommy Robinson, he was talking about immigrant rape gangs and radicalization over a decade ago because he was living in the poor communities that bear the brunt of mass immigration. No one in the middle class or higher would believe him because he was just a common oink who was not as well spoken or as well educated as themselves.
That all came crashing down with Rotherham
Which, hopefully, aren't just some meme-tier degrees.
>Need a Class war
>Bolshevik Flag.
Oh, i wonder why you'd think that.
>all liberals are the same person and say inherently contradictory things
You're right on the edge of realizing how income inequality and racial inequality are linked.
The systems that make up what we call institutional racism don't need intelligent people to keep functioning. They keep running out of sheer inertia. Intelligent people don't want to acknowledge that the system they were born into is racist and also aided their success, so they let it continue. The shame of being a racist is so great that people don't take the time to realize that many of us are at least a little racist, because of the society we were born into, and we have to take care to work against it. Uneducated people don't bother to work against it.
Wealthy elites live in wealthy elite neighborhoods dude. Have you ever seen those "racial dot maps"? Look at how radically segregated most major cities are. The only somewhat wealthy people living in "diverse" areas are gentrifying hipsters who are staking out a new claim for the urban elite.
The more successful can absorb a tax hike easier then the poor. A tax hike on a upper middle class person wont hurt as much so they throw poor people under the bus in order to look like a virtuous person.
Income inequality and racial inequality are linked in the sense that they're both driven by the same thing - IQ differences. Blacks and browns are less intelligent. Less intelligent people are poorer.
You're very sheltered if you genuinely believe there's no classes
>How come racists tend to be poor and uneducated
Citation needed. Here's your (you).
Because the poor people are the ones who are forced to live with the shitskins the rich people just move away. Do you think the rich people choose to live near shitskins hell no they move else where.
>all liberals are the same person and say inherently contradictory things
Of course not, but both are very common liberal talking points.
Can't find the actual study right now, but here's a paper analysing and trying to come up with a reason for it:
Take off you fucking tinfoil hat. Fucking retarded faggot.
How the fuck is that subversion what I wrote ? Holy fucking hell. American """education""", everyone.
I started off as barely-surviving with 1 meal per day and worked my way up to middle class STEM degree and related job.
I'm not sheltered, I know objectively that the difference is marginal after cutting out the fancy "big house, big car, big shekel" shit that you envy so much.
You got gotta watch at things like they are, not as what you'd wish they were.
Everyone ITT has it wrong.
The rich have high IQ.
High IQ means no racism, or they are intelligent enough not to care.
Poor whites have low IQ; this is why they can not even compete with third worlders.
Poor whites will always stay that way.
Well, will you look at those trips - I am right.
IQ is no objective measure for anything. If any, IQ can help with mildly predicting what the outcome MIGHT BE. Because success, financial as well as non-financial, has obviously a trillion more factors influencing it.
>High IQ means no racism[...]
is literally the most retarded shit I've ever read. What do you think is that minority nanny-ing that the so-called "educated liberals" do ? It's fucking racism. Objectively.
So you better stop spouting your internet wisdom and start to ACTUALLY educate yourself.
Because poor people are too dumb to make money out of their racism.
Intelligent people sell movies, products, concepts and rule based on what they've learned from their racism.
Think about it.
Globalists want pliable, uneducated lower class workers who will work for increasingly less money.
Hollywood wants to turn over profits by robbing minorities of their own self empowerment by packaging it as a product.
Various feminist groups are merely run by con artists who shill the concept of never-ending struggle and oppression to anyone willing to cough up support money.
Intelligent racists are ruling you right now.
T. Loser.
Obviously kek is on my side and agrees.
>muh objective/relative entry level garbage
IQ is real. Intelligence is real. Deal with it, prole.
>The findings of the experiment led the PES to stop the program. However, the government
went one step further: it also abandoned the idea of making anonymous resumes mandatory,
an option that had not been evaluated. Our results concern volunteer firms and should not
be extrapolated to all firms, as we show that a significant number that usually interview
relatively few minority workers decided not to participate. This raises the suspicion that the
sample of participating firms did not include those less favorable to minority candidates –
providing a plausible reason why a policy unable to reach these firms failed to help minority
Oh I see. You've scored a 120 on some random internet IQ-test and now you think you're utterly superior to all those dumbfuck rayciszszsts eh ? Or are you one of those random faggots being payed to shitpost all day ? In that case: Kudos, you've made some money with that retardation.
Either way, you're pathetic.
Have a nice day
Pretty weak as that's an unproven assumption on their part. Enough for a followup study in order to test their hypothesis, but not enough to draw conclusions from.
>If any, IQ can help with mildly predicting what the outcome MIGHT BE.
IQ is very, very strongly correlated with lifetime success in a western civilization.
This statistical correlation is one of the strongest to be found in psychology and sociology. If you want to throw the IQ / success statistical correlation away, you might as well throw nearly everything else about psychology and sociology away since many of the other variables have far weaker correlations.
>w...we live in a diverse city, that means we arent racist
you say while in a segregated, gated community with no minorities because they cant afford to live where you live. the only interaction the wealthy/intellectuals have with immigrants/minorities is from a position of power and influence. You know the nice black man that brings you coffee, the nice muslim that smiles at you when you go to his poshe little sandwhich shop, you now a lot of nice asians who work in the mail room and are always respectful to you so you think this is how they always are. You dont know that they preach about killing you in their own homes, how they fucking despise your gutts, and how they plan to remove all your rights once they get a democratic majority. You only know forigners from the perspective of a rich tourist whom said forigners are putting on an act for in order to lure you into a state of comfortableness.
>The systems that make up what we call institutional racism don't need intelligent people to keep functioning. They keep running out of sheer inertia. Intelligent people don't want to acknowledge that the system they were born into is racist and also aided their success, so they let it continue
This is an interesting point, and i bet there is a little bit of truth in this but its at most a very small part of what keeps the system in place. The economic element seem more important since when you remove the economic factors the institutional differences in treatment become only small annoyances, like the occasional profiling or an insensitive comment. You would be hard pressed to find a system or institution that's only discriminatory or oppressive in race alone. The benefit of taking the race angle to fight a big system appears to be smaller than the division it provides.
> The shame of being a racist is so great that people don't take the time to realize that many of us are at least a little racist, because of the society we were born into, and we have to take care to work against it. Uneducated people don't bother to work against it.
So it's modern educations insistence on multiculturalism and racial equality is what feeds the feelings of shame, because why would you feel shame if you're not taught against it, and make it work against it purpose. Maybe then we should accept racial differences and our natural self segregating ways and focus on the (((real problem))).
Because popular people are not allowed to have a different opinion.
Here we go. Sorry it's in French. The important part is here:
>Menée avec Pôle emploi et des entreprises clientes de l’opérateur public, l’évaluation établit d’une part que l’anonymat « contrecarre la tendance des recruteurs à favoriser leurs semblables ». Ce qui est efficace contre les discriminations de genre. Mais d’autre part qu’« il pénalise les candidats issus de l’immigration ou résidant en zone urbaine sensible ». Ces candidats ont 1 chance sur 22 d’obtenir un entretien par CV anonyme (contre 1 chance sur 6 pour les autres candidats), alors qu’ils ont 1 chance sur 10 (contre 1 chance sur 8) avec des CV nominatifs !
Basically it says small-scales tests with anonymized resumes work well to reduce discrimination based on sex but that ethnic minorities fare more than twice as worse with anonymized resumes.
They underline that those results are true for France but that anonymized resumes work in some other countries.
The issue is that in Western countries many companies have created progressive hiring programs that favor minorities. Of course those programs are no longer effective with anonymized resumes. Anonymized resumes probably make sense in very racist countries like China, Japan, etc...
I live on a block and in a building where whites are the minority. I walk by a mosque every day on the way to the train. What were you assuming about me, again?
>makes presumptions
>ad hominem
>entry level ad hominem at that
No, I have 137 from a standardized IQ test.
No question, I am smart. Can not say the same for you.
Racism is bad. You are just too primitive and emotional to see it.
You can not help it. You can not change who you are.
I feel sorry for you.
The unintelligent can't realize that hiding their racism is a better strategy.
Everyone is racist, poor people just don't give a fuck if you know.
>throwing away pseudo-science
Not much of value lost lel.
On a serious note, I didn't say there's no correlation. But notice that correlation =/= causation. And furthermore, as I've written, there are a gazillion additional factors influencing lifetime success. Because if that wasn't the case then everyone with IQ 130+ would be billionaire - which is obvously not the case. Quite the contrary, most people | in general | are poor by rich man's standards - not to mention spiritually [but this is obviously not the place to discuss that].
And also notice that IQ is - because of all of this - still no objective measure, rather than a tool to say
>yeah, this muffugga could indeed be successful at one point
(as much as I admire Peterson, you shouldn't take everything he says by face value)
It has to do with the societies we live in.
And right now our societies are toxic environments for people who acknowledge their xenophobic nature (in link with Asian intellectuals being more openly racist) and who are into more practical thinking.
We give girls stories to our boys the whole time their in school and you wonder why.
Because the rich live far away from the mulatto shitholes that they create.
There are no gated communities in europe, we're not a third world hellhole like the US, not yet at least
>Racism is bad.
Racism is an evolutionary adaptation. It used to be beneficial. You may argue it is maladaptive now. That doesn't make it "bad".
lol yes there are you have rich and poor neighborhoods Why are liberals so fucking deluded go back to facebook.
>I admire Peterson
Post discarded.
There are several just in Paris.
Nice IP-change.
Hiring and promoting based solely on merit? In my Canada? I don't think so.
At least you could have a chance to change it in private sector. The federal government wants a diverse work force, regardless of how anyone performs.
And of course the policy just makes people suspect that any minority or woman they're dealing with is only there because of the policy and not because they're competent.
>let me tell you about your country
Yes, we have rich and poor neighborhoods, doesn't mean our rich neighborhoods are fucking closed off and guarded like some south american country (or the US for that matter)
nobody will stop you from walking into any neighborhood, just don't expect there to be much to do.
Also what the hell makes you think i'm a liberal
Bad is context sensitive. Racism is bad now, because you could be making friends instead of enemies.
shut up fuck face you dont have a country according to your flag so i am not going to read anymore of you post.
this every time. higher education correlates to higher income correlates to better living conditions
the upper-middle class and above have no idea what theyre fighting for.
>welfare in the form of jobs
It's the same reason why Southern Americans are stereotyped as racists yet the Southern states have the highest proportion of blacks.
Fuck you and your race to the bottom bullshit.
We don't want to compete with desperate asshats willing to work for peanuts and live in the back of drycleaners with 15 other fucks. It would drive our wages into the goddamn basement.
We have labour laws to stop shit like that because we desire a certain standard of living.
There is no point in trying to make friends with people, who, as a whole:
- don't want to be friends either
- compete with you for jobs and drive down wages (in b4 workers' solidarity against the bosses, hard to create a common class consciousness when you have nothing in common with the other, sometimes not even the language)
- make your like less enjoyable by their actions (crime...)
I do agree that blind racism is silly but racism out of well-founded self-interest is perfectly okay.
Kids trolling
South Africa is on the verge of a civil war and the whole nation has become a flaming dump, anyone that knows anything knows this.
>fucking anti-fa retards are spamming this board hardcore
Rich ones just hide it better.
as if whites are the only racists? ? ?
Superior post
reminder that many meximanlets have kike blood from jews who fled spain
explains why they're such a cancerous beta jew rat looking race
>as a whole
I think you'll find many people who are more individual driven and capitalistic rather than tribal. Get rid of your attitude, it is bogging you down. Now go out there and sleep with a Moroccan Queen!
Whites in lower socio-economic levels are forced to live with diversity unlike the wealthy who can afford to move away from the nig,chink,muslim hordes.
lol, 139 here if we're measuring sucks. Gas the kikes, race war now.
Intelligent racists knows how to hide their power level.
What about "blacks are inferior because they commit more crime?
>if we are measuring sucks
Okay, clearly, you are fraudulent.
The poor are racist because they are the first to be affected by government policies such as mass immigration. That is changing now though, the mass immigration has caused such a stir that even the middle class is waking up and once that is done the peasants will take out their pitchforks.
Do not fret american, whites here are less than 10% and we still have a massive amount of power, I will be interested in seeing what happens once the entirety of the middle class in the USA and Europe are forced to face reality.
Most successful people don't necessarily believe what they'd like you to believe about them, they are just clever enough to know that by "playing the good guy," they will have a better life, because they'll be accepted in society and the jews won't make their lives difficult, because remember, racism is in itself consciousness of the fact that we are all fundamentally different, and not magically equal in every way. If it is clear as day that we have physical differences among the different races, then is it such a stretch to consider that we have mental differences too? I concur that it is not, and different communities and societies throughout history have consistently proved this. Leave a nigger and other niggers to their own devices in their own areas, and the place becomes degenerate, but take the nigger and put him in a white neighborhood, and he'll grow up to be decent. In other words, niggers are in fact their own enemies - by default they are born into this world as cancer and should therefore just kill themselves.
Dumb burger you make us look bad you got it backwards dummy!
>How come loudmouths tend to be poor and uneducated, while all of the most intelligent, most successful people keep their mouths shut about real information, and also don't talk to me
How come you post retarded slides?
How come sage?