Press S to spit on "careere's" grave.
Press S to spit on "careere's" grave
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Fucking white supremacist scum.
Fuck white people.
What tranny is this
>e-celeb thread
Slide to infinity sage.
It's one of those girls that says edgy stuff to get money from beta orbiters. Like those streaming gamer girls.
Fuck this racist bitch
Glad we took down her "race realism " videotaped
Old /pol is sadly dead.
A kike shill getting shekels from jewtube. Luckily she got exposed for her bullshit.
i need a quick rundown here, family. who is this person and why would i want to spit on their grave?
Her racism is fucking disgusting, I really thought we were through this shit a long time ago.
Especially the fact that she is a woman... I realize there are old men who are still racist but a young beautiful smart woman? Something is seriously wrong.
Regulate the internet now! Before it poisons more young minds.
moar pls
Can you fuck off with this shit? This has been spammed enough over the past couple of days.
A jewish youtube whore attacking Christians on her channel.
I hate her with a passion because I know she's just saying edgy things for money but I hate the skeptic community even more lashing out on her for having a different opinion. So far the main two sources against the blacks have a lower IQ" argument are "muh environment" and "lulz I see you used a white supremacy website as a source, sorry kiddio but you lost".
The skeptic community has really gone to shit.
what was the supposed endgame? what was her point? money, subversion, something else, all of that, etc.?
also, how did she end up getting exposed?
sure is a lot of kikes in this thread
Scared of normies asking the Jewish Question?
She started a channel 6 months ago with 5k worth of recording equipment, claiming to have been redpilled 6 months prior to that. She's 19 and "used to be an sjw". She drops soft redpill and combinedwith being cute gets 90k subs in this time. 2 weeks ago she pisses off the betas on Sup Forums who worship her by advocating against religion. 2 days later she retracts it and a week after that she makes a video about race realism.
She is 100% controlled and manufactured you fucking morons. She's reading off scripts someone else wrote for her to test the waters of conservatism being profitable on YouTube and you rubes are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Look at how she reacted when the retarded liberal "skeptics" lost their shit over her citing the Stormer (after they had all sucked her off for being a new cute girl skeptic of course). If she believed in any of the shit shes spouting, which she does a terrible job of explaining and mostly just talks about herself and her opinions without any hard facts, she would have explained why she cited the Stormer and backed up her claims, s one of which are actually false, which will of course only make it harder to talk about the true ones. Instead she flipped out on Twitter and claimed she used ths Stormer ironically.
She's a plant you fucking idiots. You're being deceived by a marketing campaign developed by whoever is handling her, all because she's cute and young.
Goddamn, it infuriates me how you can all be so stupid as to not see how incredibly manufactured she is - she had custom animations made for her abortion video, which luke most of her videos she towed the line center enough to grow both left and right followers. Now your all clamoring about how she's /ourgirl/ Because youre the ones making her popular and she strategically is making more conservative points.
This is a fucking actress for fucks sakes.
christianity is not european you stupid faggot. Go invite foreigners into your lands, kiss their feet, give away all your possessions, and turn the other asscheek, and keep your eyes wide shut to the rampant pedophilia in your organizations like a good goy.
>edgy things for money
Still better than cam whoring or streaming on twitch playing overwatch.
It is their "fans" that annoy the shit out of me.
He's roleplaying as a dumb Christian.
She said race is real, now everyone in the "skeptic community" hates her.
Money for herself and and subversion for her jewish overlords. That is if she isn't a jew herself. Look at the pic, she looks pretty jewish.
She got exposed in video herself where she attacks Christianity. Also it came out that she did porn like a degenerate whore she is.
Also you know, she's a woman. They shouldn't talk shit to begin with.
she's a money whore but she managed to piss off the majority of the skeptic comminute by implying blacks were genetically inferior. After that things really heated up when a black youtuber came and defend her stance which caused even more shit to be thrown around. Now the skeptic community has officially launched a campaign against Right wing SJW's to save their mone-I mean ideology.
>she's saying things that are true but she's not sincere so therefore...
>i'm not religious, but spiritual
Shes also a degenerate porn maker. She said so on her twitter.
How many of you fucking liars are there? She gets no money from this and she is actually risking legal fines from Swiss hate speech laws. Jesus christ.
why do people keep saying this and not posting links to her pornography, or even her admission?
Can I get a quick Gestahl?
>she doesn't like Christianity
>Shes also a degenerate porn maker. She said so on her twitter.
yeah, they're alt-light shills
>streaming on twitch playing overwatch.
Kinda the same thing but I agree about the fans being annoying. Youtubers could come out saying they are leftist now and their followers would still support them.
>How many of you fucking liars are there?
This thread is filled to the brim with shills trying to make us distance ourselves from /ourgirls/
I will not be looking for porn for you, faggot.
You have no right to carry that holy flag, you fucking shill. Yours is a typical shill tactic, bot wanting to get people on your side by taking a direct shot at our views, but rather pretending that someone else who shares some of our general views is not extreme enough and make us look retarded to normies who are undecided about us.
>muh old pol
surely if those people actually visited this place, they would know from the ridicule they would get not to dress like that in public
that's just /r/thedonald people
>porn maker
Skin worshippers, they never learn.
people are shilling because the alt-light have started an official campaign against muh evil horse shoe theory right-wingers as explained here
Because she is produced by a financial backer and is being paid anyway idiot. Her not taking Patron money is even more evidence of that.
because it doesn't exist. She's 19 years old. If it existed it would have been produced in the last 18 months or so and easy to find.
fpbp as always
fuck "ypepo"
wtf is this "skeptic community"? skeptic about what?
>porn maker
I had this debate with you before and I will gladly say What I told you last time. If she really didn't want any money than she would have closed her paypal too.
> porn maker
what do you mean by this?
This. She's a typical divide and conquer shill.
cuck whiteknight beta-orbiter detected
now go pay some women on Patreon for regurgitating low-hanging fruit talking points on Youtube
you guys act like who she is or why she is doing it is important in the slightest. It isn't.
If she is using our talking points and telling truths, then that is all that matters. If she is nudging people to the right, that is all the matters.
If she loses her usefulness in the future, she will be dropped. Until then, she has a purpose and the only people who have a problem with that are those afraid of people moving to the right.
If you don't like her, don't follow her ffs
There is a reason why threads like this are up at all times, day after day after day. Ask yourselves why. It isn't because some fag is upset some whore is getting money by being a whore. It's because of the message the whore is using
You seem to know a bit too much for someone who does not care about shekel whores who want to attract beta orbiters.
skeptic about muh feminists and sjws and religion
basically its the community who still get their shekels from spouting memes and opinions from the gamergate era
i don't really get why they're called the "skeptic community" but they're basically anti-progressive centrists who defend their relatively conservative views on youtube
Great is this fucking RETARD AGAIN:
Eat shit and die OP
Look at her fucking mug you retard. She couldn't be more of a kike.
And she admited to doing porn on twitter.
>how to mark yourself as a whore without having to get a tattoo
Yes, because I am a conservative on YT and think shes controlled opposition that will fuck up progress for spreading actual information beyond just attracting beta orbiters. I do not think she is a force for good in this fight.
This guy gets it
What is the purpose of this financial backer? Why would they want race realist content out there?
Just like if the career of a Jew could be finished
So no source.
Sorry that you keep forcing ecelebs against you.
This. It was more evident when they kept repeating "i'm just being skeptical about the subject like I was with the wage gap :D". These guys literally can't debate anything without mentioning what they did 3 years ago
>nobody jewtube e-"celebs" spam their shit here constantly
>s-s-she's /ourgirl/ u guys I'm totally not her or a beta shill samefagging in every thread!
that's what he meant, the pic was an example of why old pol is dead.
The important question is: Are both her parents immigrants or did her mother get ANGLOED?
still no sauce
its almost like we're dealing with a shill here
Look at who is behind (((race realism))) on yt. Molymeme: an atheist jew.
It's their favorite divide and conquer tactic. Skin worship is the ultimate blue pill.
Its always the same people user. The fin being here is a great example of it
so it's centristfags who try to maximize views by not alienating any of the sides? fuck them
>Sup Forums
And those kekcucks are r_D-tier. Nobody on Sup Forums goes out, let alone allow someone to take a picture of them. Anyone who is redpilled knows that the camera sucks your soul out.
Funny, because this thread reeks of the same threads that bash literally every single non-leftist eceleb, AKA, kike shills.
You are divide and conquer here.
she just recenlty made Race is Real video where she explained why the nignogs and spics are intelectually inferior and soon after the kikes SHUT IT DOWN
kys kike shill
You know the answer.
t. jew
So it was youtube who removed the video or what?
lol you can still download it:
Blatant anti-pol picture.
Are you legally retarded?
t.wannabe jew lusting over money all day
it's another ShareBlue character assasination shill thread
she triggered the fuck out of libtards and SJW by making video about why the race is real and why the dindus are stupid
she's /our girl/
wtf you are right
I hate white people now
Hi Satan
Funny how you keep stating something without a source. People don't just go on the internet to lie, do they?
People who like shoving bananas up their ass. >centrists
They're ALL liberals. #ALL!
Which skeptics have shilled against her? Sargon?
>christcuck hating ancestral pride
color me surprised
To see if conservatism is financially profitable by floating out a cute girl and testing the waters. They have done this with shills like Laura Loomer and Toni Lauren. This is just the newest marketing campaign to see if far right ideas have become popular in the changing cultural zeitgeist and figure out how to profit from them.
Look at how the "skeptics" who were getting called racist Nazis for having milquetoast centrist ideas 3 years ago are now mainstream,working with MTV Pseudo-celebs. This is a test to assess if selling to the far right is profitable.
It doesn't matter if it is, that's why she doesnt need money for equipment or "college" - it's just testing the waters to see if it can make money and clearly with 90k subs in 6 months, it is
My issue is the content while highly produced is bad. She said some nigger language being shitty was proof Africans can't think abstractly. Thats retarded and draws away from actual info on race realism about IQ and behavior.
Good enough for attracting normies. They are sheep anyway, so it is doubtful most of them will go beyond her level of being redpilled. OP seems to be a shill though.
Where do you even follow all this drama
Andy, FUCKING BASED tranny, some angry oga boga, and shoe
Get out you filthy kike.
i think the kike level has stayed about the same over the years, but the quality has sure gone downhill.
Jew's love them some inbreeding...
>fag on a flag
Checks out.
stop worshipping trees
What about my post was pro-Sup Forums exactly?
You are still a kike, and that will never change, no matter what flag you use.
...we like it here.