how the hell have the jews convinced the majority of the world that they aren't the problem?
How the hell have the jews convinced the majority of the world that they aren't the problem?
Since they are not, but rather the ruling neoliberal ideology is?
they took advantage of the far reaching minority protection laws we implemented after all the genociding
and then turned it into "the minority is never wrong"
They won ww2,and you americunts and britbongs supported them sending your youth to war instead of joining the axis and defeating ussr
They say everybody is just jealous of their high IQ and money.
Those laws were put in place by pope and christian churches in large. It is Catholics fault that they got their specialist task over banking.
WW2 bestowed permanent victim status upon them.
By using patsies like Trump to take the blame.
They havent.
They are hated everywhere but white countries
>jews are the problem and nobody knows it
>any fucktard online knows it
ffs man let it go already
I don't like underestimating myself but there's no fucking way we're behind EVERYTHING
Do you know your whole ideology is jewish?
>Black people are held down by white people because the system is racist.
>White people are just jealous of Jews success.
You can't have it both ways, faggots.
Yes,you are,hope the nationalism wave becomes anti-semitic and do another genocide,but this time killing all of you rats
this. america's, and most first world countries, discrimination laws are so nebulous that only people who cry wolf benefit from these laws.
kikes are a social parasite with some very unsavory attitudes towards blacks and whites, but it is difficult to pin them down because of our naive understanding of equality.
Read Marx`s "the jewish question".
Our ideology is against the jew.
They see the world differently than Western Europeans and other races.
To Western Europeans and their descendants, liberty and equality are the most important things. Live and let live and don't hurt or take advantage of anyone else. Rule of law and fairness are what matters.
For Jews, the only thing that matters is acquiring wealth for themselves. They're dwarves hoarding their gold under the mountain. How they acquire the gold doesn't matter as long as they get it. Laws apply to everyone else but not them because they're "the Chosen." Jews also have higher IQs on average and use them for deception and trickery. They're just fucking evil parasites.
It's hard for white people to stomach that because fairness and generosity is in our DNA. When Hitler called them out we waged a world-destroying war to defend them because we believe that much in our ideals. Jews used that to manipulate us into fighting our own kind for their gold.
stormfaggots are actually very smart but they act like fucking children whenever something includes jews and they refuse to do anything but bitch about it
The Rothschild family is on record saying the Talmud guides their every principle
The fucking family which stole the central banking apparatus and somehow is never featured in the media
I think that would just about do it for Jewish complicity in world affairs
Mao loved the jews.
he was literally a paranoid schizophrenic when he said that.
>The Rothschild family is on record saying the Talmud guides their every principle
Got some sources for that on-hand? I'd love to use them for another day.
how is that true when it's the most truthful thing anyone of prominence has said
the Holocaust is a religion
they havent convinced anyone but cucked americans
everything is own by the J*w, and they will not stop until they posses every property in this world. White genocide is only a phase for they greatest plan, to subjugate every person making them the only pure race, and everyone else will be a slave. The holocaust needs to carry on in order to save the planet.