Nolans upcoming Film DUNKIRK already triggering the left

Nolans upcoming Film DUNKIRK already triggering the left..
Dunkirk or: let’s put all the attractive, white, British males in one movie

— Yasmin Salahuddin (@iamfindingmeeno) May 9, 2017

What comes to mind when I see the trailer for Dunkirk? A boring war movie with a bunch of white dudes. #nothanks

— Steph | Runs Trails (@stephrunstrails) June 5, 2017

I assume the guys bitching about a female-directed female-driven film will be first in line for Dunkirk, a movie starring only white guys.

— Mike Eisenberg (@Eisentower30) June 4, 2017

Dunkirk trailer: plays
Me: stop showing these unimportant white men, where’s harry the only man who matters

— how much i love you (@thmyscira) June 2, 2017

Dunkirk: more proof Hollywood will never run out of movies about white guys doing stuff in WWII

— dolly (@loather) May 26, 2017

White Hollywood is all about accuracy when it’s making white movie like Dunkirk but is “idk an Asian/Hawaiian” when it come to their story

— (@MaisonDeLucy) May 10, 2017


Other urls found in this thread:

>be white
>do incredible things
>79 years later
>get noticed by Chris Nolan
>get movie made
Remember these people also bitch about lack of historical accuracy in movies.


>run away
>incredible thing



if nolan doesnt use a single shitskin for this i will be very happy. cant wait for the faux outrage to unfold in the next few weeks


I hate people so god damn much


Is Nolan /ourdirector/?

>Best Batman movies, and the third one was about defeating shitskins (I.E. Bane and Talia)
>Redpilled on mind control (Inception)
>Hero is always a huWhite male, only POCs I can think of in all the movies he's made is Morgan Freeman and that Indian guy in inception


The poor bastards who died in the 1st and 2nd Battle of Sevastapol probably thought otherwise.

There were loads of japs in inception.

>British """males"""

Always remember what they were fighting for:
Truly, the greatest generation.
I hope the owner of Sup Forums charges these assheads a fee for their advertisement campaigns.

the only long scene they released for this movie has a black guy as one of the main characters

how the fuck can people be so strongly opinionated without doing any research?

>"White Hollywood is all about accuracy when it’s making white movie like Dunkirk but is “idk an Asian/Hawaiian” when it come to their story"

>tfw the savage Japs slaughter thousands of Chinese and Koreans
>tfw Japs spend most of the end of the way performing horrifying human experiments or dying in firebombings
>tfw nobody in their right mind would sit through a movie about Asia during WWII for the sake of not being sadists

millions of whites males died for this future. top fucking kek.

This video is sadly very relevant:

Does this movie include the part where Hitler let them get away?


>Best Batman MOVIE


If he doesnt include it
>lose all respek for Nolan

So a few nobodies on Twitter said stupid shit? Who cares?

why are you giving a fuck about the whining of cucks and brownies full of hate?


So I can mock them

Animu doesn't count

For you

Batman Begins is the best Batman film ever

This is our reward for winning WW2.

Jews, women and shitskins complaining about white manliness.
Even if they foughtfor the wrong side, these guys had ballz of steel.
Sieg heil !