Czech Republic Parliament Passes Constitutional Right To Bear Arms

The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies (the Czech equivalent of the House) and will move on to the Senate later this month. The bill passed the Deputies with a 70% affirmative vote and is expected to easily reach the three-fifths majority needed for constitutional amendments in the Senate. Once it's ratified by the Senate, President Zeman can sign the new amendment into law.

The amendment recognizes the inalienable right of all citizens of the Czech Republic "to acquire, retain, and bear arms and ammunition" as well as the importance of maintaining an armed militia.

You're almost there, Czechbros. Soon you'll be a member of the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED club. Things are looking up in the V4.


Welcome brothers!!! We're all so fucking happy for you. I'm going to buy a 12 pack of Czech beer and await time to celebrate.

This is great stuff Czech Bros. Very well done.

Let's skip to the real questions, though: is this going to put a dent in the supply of exploitative street porn?

sounds pretty good, so does this mean that they can posses automatics as well?
how will the (((EU))) respond to this?

Chechz needs God, no guns, only God can save you from evil, no guns

brb learning Czech and moving to the Republic

The EU won't be happy about this...

>they can posses automatics as well?
Probably not. This is a very Diet 2nd Amendment, it includes a very sheisty paragraph about how the government can still set limits.