ITT we properly debunk pizzagate

The shitstream media tells us it's debunked, preposterous, absolute insanity. Alt right conspiracy theories based on outlandish and Russian fabricated claims that Hillary's emails -- which were hacked by the Russians -- contained code language that would imply she and everyone she hangs out with is a pedophile Moloch worshiper.

Where are the original sources that aren't part of some autis infograph? Surely they came from somewhere. The so-called "witness accounts" of McCann's kidnappers might look a little like the Pedostas but how do we know those actually came from Scotland Yard? Where are you getting your information, niggers?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Where are you getting your information, niggers?
its all over the fucking place if you know where to look.

I was here when pizzagate unfolded and it all started with the Emails of Pedosta that got leaked on wikileaks and the whole spiritcooking stuff, .
Comet Pizza was mentioned in there and because in wikileaks you could see where the mail went we could figure out the people who were conspiring there.

When we found Comet Pizza we also quickly found out who owns the property where the place is, via streetview we knew who else was having a store in that street (that other store with the pedophile symbols).
on instangram we found the employees posting sick shit like the killroom and the disturbing show, alefantis and more proof that they hang out with the democrats.

then the whole shit exploded when we found out more about podesta, his brother and the art they collect.


>it all started with the Emails of Pedosta that got leaked on wikileaks and the whole spiritcooking stuff, .

No, it all started when people saw Huma forwarding emails to Hillary on updates about Laura Silsby who got caught smuggling 33 kids out of Haiti, got represented by a person who wasn't even a lawyer and a convicted trafficker himself, and then got off thanks to the Clinton and then went on to work for the Amber Alerts company. The do the notifications on your phone that notify you of MISSING CHILDREN.

That's what started pizza gate. AFTER that is when we went back into the emails and found all the strange code that seemed out of place.


yea right now I remember, never understood why they needed nigger children tho.

Organ harvesting. Africa has an open slave trade market going on as well thanks to Libya's destruction. Other niggers might buy them. Middle East never abolished their slavery markets. Intel Agencies/Pharmaceutical companies for experimentation.

but who would buy a malnourished nigger kidney?
and where niggas have enough money to afford other niggas?

I always thought they smuggled them because Podesta likes to fuck little niggas, he seems like that kind of a man.

Pizzagate is real. You cannot debunk it.
I got my info straight from the horsefaced cunt's mouth.

>slide thread created to give the feds access to all of our pizzagate related reconnaissance
Please ignore all non-EWO pizzagate related threads

t. pedophile

Have some pedowood links, degenerate

There is nothing to debunk.
This is just a fantasy some basement dwellers dreamt up based on some old guy's emails where he jokes about eating pizza and playing dominos.

In the autist mind these are secret "codes" and the pizzeria owner liking pictures of his godsons is some conspiracy, because they themselves are warped in the head from masturbating to anime of little girls so they aumatically assume people in the real world must be as warped as them.

The facts are:
* Clinton's campaign chief emails were hacked and the worst shit they could find are some references to eating pizza.
* Comet Pizza is a family place, there is no hidden basement, no Satanic artwork and none of this fantasy bullshit. You can walk in there are see for yourself.
* Most of these so-called "facts" are based on speculation, fake news websites registered in Albania, and random pictures floating on the net that have nothing to do with the people involved.
* Sup Forums virgins haven't realized they were used as pawns in a Kremlin/SVR disinformation campaign to get Trump to win the election.
* Now their precious God Emperor has ditched them because he got what he wanted. (The Presidency). "Crooked Hillary" will never go to prison because Trump doesn't give a fuck and most of these so-called accusations have no basis in reality, no hard evidence to back them up, and wouldn't hold in a court of law.

Uneducated bitter NEETs are the main problem with Western civilization nowadays, you should all be drafted into the army or force to get real jobs to beat the autism out of you.

>Where are the original sources that aren't part of some autis infograph?

It's called wikileaks you mouthbreather, just google "wikileaks podesta emails". There are emails that reference pizza but none of them seem like pedo code to anyone who isn't a pedophile with a tenuous grasp on reality. Some emails are rather cryptic in the way that anyone's personal correspondence is: they reference things that aren't in the email itself in an oblique way that would baffle a third party. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.


Are Russians making these too?


>nothing to do with the people involved.

Literally from their own Instagram.

Those are efits, nigger. They were digitally created from video.

>Hacked by Russia

Seth Rich was American ass hole.
