So for anyone who'd like to know how the law is gonna affect Germans, I summed it up. If you're German, please read the original law in addition, I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate:
-> Any user reports "hateful" content" -> Facebook reviews that content, decides within 24 hours if content gets deleted -> If fb doesnt delete, user can inform ministry of justice -> ministry of justice decides if content gets deleted
Important to note here is that ANY GERMAN USER can report hateful content. That means you don't have to be a politician, secret police or anything else to enter the cycle (though it is likely that reports from those those will be dealt with first). So, the German Antifa could join a facebook group, report all the "Nazi"-posts and they could quickly become unavailable for German users. The ministry of justice will employ 40 people to review the decisions.
What is deemed hate speech in Germany?
- denial of the holocaust - doxing - libel/slander - justification of the national socialist regime in Germany - stuff that is able to disrupt "the public peace" - calling for violence against people
I guess muslim memes, slightly racist memes and anti-feminist memes fall into a grey area. They could be deemed islamophobic, or a call for violence. To be absolutely sure, I'd recommend Germans to start using a VPN.
Great, now stop using those kike infested shithole that are social media.
Connor Jenkins
>Reporting hateful comments >Not defining what a hateful comment is
Can I report all those leftie comments as hateful against actual germans to get them deleted? Beating them with their own weapons.
Ethan Wright
Camden Gutierrez
Read up, faggot, I stated how hate speech is defined in Germany
Kevin Morris
time to take shitposting to the streets then, how it was done before internet era. Imagine what 50 good motivated people could do in a big german city, say berlin. Print shitton of redpill posters and stickers and distribute them.
Josiah Carter
>- stuff that is able to disrupt "the public peace" >- calling for violence against people
So what's the problem then?
Angel Walker
sometimes you should be able to call out the Hetze and hunt down some subhumans.
Brayden Johnson
>>Not defining what a hateful comment is
My problem is, that it IS defined. Please read carefully.
Connor Taylor
>I'd recommend Germans to start using a VPN. Or take your country back maybe?
Alexander Davis
Just spam ministry of justice with reports on antifa and communists.
Nathan Evans
As I mentioned above, lefties are using the 2 last points (disrupting public peace, violence against people), which means we can cockblock them aswell, amirite?
John Allen
I'm praying to Kek everyday so that AfD will win the general election in a few months. But Kek is a god of chaos and we can't be sure. We can only contribute through massive meme magic
Levi Ortiz
>The German government has raided the homes of 36 people accused of hateful posting on social media.
Owen Williams
Now you get it. But imho, promoting violence is relatively clear. I'm not a lawyer, so i also don't know what falls under "disturbing the public peace". But you can look at incidents like the Böhmermann case to understand how it is applied.
Jaxon Long
>doxing wtf is that? You can't reveal the identity of somebody? What about the media?
Jordan Lopez
this /thread if you get caught on social media for hate you are a living meme
Charles Wright
They want to remove Nazi imagery and other Nazi stuff But they also want to remove Holocaust Denial.
Isn't Nazi imagery removal also Holocaust Denial?
Julian Taylor
>stuff that is able to disrupt "the public peace"
If germans make a reasonable claim that all the postmodernist european expansion propaganda radicalizes them, does this make their propaganda illegal?
Daniel Baker
Jordan Watson
so how is this only going to affect germans? if i decided to report some youtube commenter for hatespeech, google has to delete the comment, or investigate if the poster was german? Or is hatespeech by germans allowed if it isn't written in german?
Grundgesetz was a mistake. We need a first amendment
Thomas Robinson
It's generally about your IP. If you deny the holocaust in English, but with a German IP and someone with a German IP reports you, your post will be deleted. Chances are, you'll even be arrested.
Julian Baker
Kraut, we brazilians know how to read a law. Stuff like "disrupt the public peace" means absolutely nothing, it means whoever is in change will consider something disruptive according to his eyes. We have a lot of laws like this, they are valid only if you're the guy they wanna get.
James Martinez
Angel Stewart
Even if the poster is not German, google can still be fined for not deleting the comment.
Camden Walker
Aaron Fisher
Whites cant understand that our governments act like their guinea pigs and those experiments could work in their countries bcause most whites are sheeps. It´s their pride? their autism? who knows....