Are Polish people white?

Are Polish people white?

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they aren't faggots, they don't take shit from migrants and aren't effeminate, so probably not

the correct question is "are they caucasian", and the answer would be yes.

They're certainly not black

only in skin colour

they're still cool in my book thought

>Are Polish people white?

They're barely human.

Half-white half-Slav

No. And neither are Germans, Scandis, Anglos etc.

"White" is a term used for American mixed Europeans.

moreso than you, fucking cuck ass leaf faggot Muslim ice nigger

Yes, we are all niggers. Move alone - othing to see here.

Fck my nigger egnlish education

If they aren't and Germans for example are then what is the worth in being white?
Poles are better.

You are definitely not!

Kys nignog.

we are oriental


Eastern EUROPEAN = white enough

>Soon sill be WHITEST in europe kek

Nope, majority of poles have tons of jewish ancestry.

Aren't you a little obsessed with race, Sup Forums? There's world beside the US, you know, where nobody uses those labels.
We simply hate people for not being similar enough.

Jews are cool tho.

In appearance almost, but autistic from far.
As soon as you meet one- they are most horrid euroniggas by behaviour.
One nation of "whites" , I'd love to have gone extinct the sooner, the better

polish/jewish mix is not bad

Well Poland used to be very Jewish. They were an integral part of Poland so I think most Poles would rather have Jews in Poland than western Europeans.

yes, world is cruel - rejoice, your parcel won't let you suffer much longer

Poolaks are just subhumans
Fair point, apart from not even being intelligent enough to admit disgrace to all EU for being leeches and living on a stolen land anyway
Ever so hard to see difference between poolak and jew, but
even joos have some intelligence, euroniggas are thick shits

well they certainly aint niggers, nigger.

European Jews though, they split off from other europeans by "keeping it within the tribe" but they are still europeans.

You know that he has every right to take a strong stand against your nation, being that too many Poles have come into his country, right user.?

Also thick... Good god they are!
Question was about pooland and poolaks, he starts badmouthing country, that suffers from at least 3 mil of those toilet plungers....
Just die!

That why there are no muslims in Poland, when israel falls we will build together with jews new JudeoPolonia

The majority of ethnic Poles died off during WW1 and WW2.

Today's Poles are a mix of German and Russian rape babies.

>5 million people in Norway
>100k of them are poles

why can't they stay in their own country if it's so "based"?

Whatever you wanted to imply, poolaks always where saviour's of joos.... Hence Jews infestation, hence israhell existence.


6 million

No wonder the globalists love Poland so much, it can get away with the flagrant nationalism because it's always sucked Jewish dick the hardest, and the Jews are running the world now

this, and they aren't being forced to take in migrants . Wonder why? It should be clear. They are already subhumans.
But theyre still way better than non whites though

>The majority of ethnic Poles died off during WW1 and WW2.

Only 15% of Poland died in WWII user, not exactly "the majority"

So many mongrels telling us who's white...


>the globalists love poland
>EU opening up legal proceeding against poland to punish them for not accepting rapeugees
>poland has one of the highest rates of people who hold "antisemitic feelings" in europe

You're just fucking stupid.

go back to r/the_donald you bluepilled retard

yea i get that

my point was to differentiate legal immigrants that don't rape your cities and those that do

also, this is the reality of eu, people be travel
we get 1,5 ukrain people here in the last few years - they dont 'steal our jobs' its open market, you also won't see me describing them as euroniggas and subhumans, hence the sarcastic tone

You are just poolak migrant, as the lot of them degenerates

>tfw you beat juice at their own game

Stfu retard.

put a gun in your mouth you edgy junior high summer vacation LARPer

Oikofobic nigger

>not in the middle of a planned collapse at the hands of the globalists to set up V4+ and sabotage both Western Europe and Russia in one fell swoop

No wonder the Jews won, people like you exist

Prob more white than germans, swedes and norwegians.

>if you're anti eu kikes pushing shitskin immigration you're the real kike because you are taking place in the "planned collapse" of the EU

Gas yourself, heeb

Obviously not, there is literally zero evidence that Poland even exists.

>supporting globalism

There's no migrants in Poland because Poland is shittier than where most of these migrants come from. Afghan refugees in Iran get paid more than professional working people in Poland.


>if you're against taking shitskins

Literal kabuki theater for retarded goyim like you, the entire struggle is scripted so that the rapefugees can collapse Western Europe with gibs and Islam and leave Poland as the leader of the new "white union" while cutting Russia off from its customers and strangling it into Balkanization

Poland is a globalist fifth column being used the same way Japan was used in the late 19th-early 20th century to check the power of Russia and China in the Pacific, before being put down itself


It wasn't banter when i told you to kill yourself

>Are Polish people white?
Even wondering whether we are white or not already is a blasphemy. We of course are SARMATIANS, not some fuckin cucked whites!