>Be me >Xenial went to college in laye 90s >"Study" sociology >Read at least a dozen """peer reviewed"""" studies from 70s saying black population will be 40%+ by 2000 >Never happens
The idea at the time was that even though their families were almost completely broken down, we were foing see a rise in matriarchal, afro american society and you better get used to it.
I think there was just a natural limit to how many people that sort of a society could support.abortion accounts for some of it, but generally having a bunch of single women doesn't really grow population that much over time.
So now we're hearing that "Hispanics" will comprise 40% bu, say 2070. But is that really true? I'd argue that their current growth is supercharged by immigration, not reproduction.
I expect to see their children embracing deleterious liberalism (the poz) and not reproducing. Others will simply integrated into White society and no longer be counted as "Hispanic." I don't really think we're looking at the "Hispanic " future that Buzzfeed is flicking it's bean to.
Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic
Blame the mestizo mexicans for being breeding rabbits but don't blame this on white spanish hispanics like the Sheen family
Don't blame spaniards for mestizo aztec mutants breeding like rats
Andrew Thomas
>Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic
In written American English we often use quote marks to indicate our skepticism around whatever concept is within those quote marks.
Isaac Howard
it's not a race
Levi Powell
>predicting what America will be like in 2070 Good luck. Imagine being an American in 1960 "predicting" what America would look like today. A world with quantum computers and thorium reactors would pretty different.
Aiden Kelly
non hispanic whites are already less than 50% of newborns
Easton Baker
>Read at least a dozen """peer reviewed"""" studies from 70s saying black population will be 40%+ by 2000
funny how that whole abortion thing happened in 1974.
Dylan Perry
True, but sometimes trends reverse, as you can see in pic related.
Gavin Young
It's more than just that. So called "r selected" reproductive strategies typically don't work for humans in colder, advance climates either.
David Morales
Even with a normalized birth-rate the sheer number of breeding-age mestizos will overtake whites at zero immigration within a decade. The white population is incredibly old, the Hispanics are incredibly young. Blacks sit in stasis because they kill each other as fast as they breed.
FYI the largest minority at the end of the century, assuming immigration continues at pace, will be the Chinese.
Camden Brown
>I think there was just a natural limit to how many people that sort of a society could support Correct. But the flaw in this analysis is that your "supply" of niggers was entirely domestic while that of hispanics is foreign.
We know dumbass, and as pointed out so do (or at least suspect) normies out there.
Obviously "hispanics" are a loose collection of people with mixed european, native central/south american, and african DNA: some of them have such irrelevant amounts of mixing in their genetic background that they can be classified as "hispanic whites" [pic relevant] or "hispanic blacks" or straight out indios; others, having higher or lower but still considerable amount of mixing, are almost a race on their own, hence the term hispanics started to be used as a proper nomenclature for race albeit with an asterisk.
Grayson Jackson
So everything will continue to happen exactly as it happens today? Like when you drag stuff down in Excel?
Dylan Torres
that trend reversed itself in 2016 the Hispanic fertility rate dropped 205 in just fiscal 2016 and white babies slightly edged over.
Asher Wilson
*dropped 20%* not 205
Hunter Ward
don't fill me with false hope
Samuel Gonzalez
see the kaiser family foundation.
Logan Williams
whites are incredibly old? false we have a large MIDDLE aged population from the baby boom but unlike Europe we have as many under 14 as we do over 65.
Anthony Hernandez
hispanic is long for spic, nigger enough with the race shit.
Jordan Cox
>Hispanic >Mixed
Mestizo means mixed
Hispanic just means spanish speaking origins of any kind regardless of race
Jack Flores
Can you provide sauce then? I'd like to believe too
Liam Watson
Agreed, the whole coming white minority thing is bullshit because the census used the one drop rule only for white people. The rise in spics is simply due to immigration but that's way down right now and it'll hopefully stay that way. The teenage birth rate for spics has dropped like a rock too recently whereas whites had the least decline by far. cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0428-teen-birth-rates.html
Zachary Carter
With a very small exception, all Hispanics are mutts. The "white" ones are 70-85% southern European, the black ones are 30-40% black, the Mestizos are 30-50% southern European.
John Cook
I've met some Hispanics that are more heavily native. They tend to be more attractive than the usual mestizos oddly enough - at least the ones from central America.
Oliver Evans
Their fertility rate is dropping fast but it is still above ours
Logan Evans
The demographic explosion of Hispanics in the US has been greatly exaggerated. First, Patrice O'Neal taught us that "whiteness" is a culture and a mindset, not necessarily an ethnic group. Net immigration from the southern border flatlined in 2015. Also, the more desirable Hispanics, those with mostly European heritage, can make some claim to membership in our Western-Atlantic civilization. These more desirable Hispanics will qualify as "white." Many of the other Hispanics will marry or breed with whites creating children that will identify equally as "white" and Hispanic.
The anticipated "Atzlan" or demographic doomsday for "white" Americans of European ancestry in the US has been greatly exaggerated.
Brandon Butler
by .1 by fucking .1(Hispanic TFR 2.0)! Dude stay optimistic we have the same birth rate as the blacks!!! that hasn't been since 1970 bromosexual
Hunter Mitchell
Hispanics and Jews will remain separate from whites on the census trust me this is preferable for all groups.
Parker Bell
Hispanic birth rates also flatlined.
Angel Cruz
>implying spics aren't already pozzed liberals what the fuck am I really on Sup Forums? why are we acting like we're debating the shitskin problem?
Leo Clark
cause we are it is about time someone did non whites are gas lighting more and more these days.
Daniel Rodriguez
>liberals Well by that chart you're implying that blacks are liberals. Take it from me. I'm from Mississippi and I can tell you that blacks are some of the most conservative people in the country. They stay with the Democratic party out of tribal identity politics...and the gibs. But they're not liberal at all. Politics isn't about ideas with them. I suspect the same is true with the Hispanics.
We really don't fit together ideologically in the cartoonish way out media would have us believe. Here's a question to ask white lefties: How do they justify the homophobia in the black community?
Elijah Cook
I can't phone posting and we are still 49.9% of all people 0-4 as of 2017. that is an increase by .2% from 2014 but still not enough, I don't mean to black people.
Benjamin Perry
holy fuck
Ian Clark
Blacks also were the most feverish against race mixing as recent as 2001 at the end of the crack epidemic.
Isaac Richardson
*black pill*
Owen Sullivan
blacks are natural conservatives spics are natural conservatives and traditional asians are traditional and based
jesus christ Sup Forums
Josiah Taylor
Do you realize that bureaucrats invented the "hispanic" group with an executive order in the 1970s? ...just totally made it up.
The demographic appeared out of nowhere in the 80s because millions of people who were formerly white were arbitrarily reclassified as "hispanic" minorities.
They aren't even a real phenomenon. There is no such thing. They're a statistical fabrication that is used so that spics can make ridiculous political claims and demand gibs from the government.
Ayden Russell
Nixon did it. people in Cali when it was red noticed mestizos were skyrocketing(actually were)and who weren't like the mestizos there at the time and demanded the government take notice.
Gabriel James
>>The rise in spics is simply due to immigration but that's way down right now and it'll hopefully stay that way.
The rise in spics is due to it being a deliberately ambiguous term. Almost anybody can be counted as a "hispanic" minority, the term is that meaningless.
Charlie Sheen is counted as a goddamed "hispanic".
Camden Reyes
Jorge Ramos who is clearly a spaniard with a spray tan is a hispanic.
Nathaniel Thomas
>>Nixon did it.
Nixon did it, at the demand of Mexican-American lobbyist groups. They needed the term so that they could get federal funding and affirmative action benefits.
Mexicans in the Chicano Movement wanted gibs, but they were not minorities and so were told no. They invented the concept and demanded the government adopt it, all for the purpose of getting affirmative action.
The "hispanic" term artificially made them into a minority group and bolstered their numbers so they could get money and political clout.
Leo Martinez
was that whole migrant worker rights debacle in the 60s & 70s?
Luis Morris
Was probably before Roe v Wade. Black women abort like crazy and has kind of kept their proportion of the population in check.
Hispanics are a bit different, though, are more religious and probably not nearly as likely to abort. I doubt the projections will be that far off. Although all those "Hispanics" are just going to be 1/2 or 1/4 spic (which were already whitewashed by the Spanish and other colonizers hundreds of years ago).
Jace Howard
Yeah, they went to Washington and demanded the federal funding and government protections that black people started to get, but were told "NO" because Mexicans were not actually minorities then.
There was no statistical data on them because they were part of the general white population. They had to invent the "hispanic" concept so that they could get the money they wanted.
Noah Collins
Birthrates are low pretty much everywhere but Africa. Doesnt mean the hispanic migratory horde wasn't a serious issue
Brody Harris
if they were not minorities yet that explains why almost not a lot latin americans came to the US even after the bordered opened up in 1965 cause they were not given special treatment yet
Jason Morales
not even 100,000 "hispanics' came this year we went from 61.3% white in 2016 to 61.2% white in 2017.
James Ramirez
Millions of illegal Mexican immigrants have been voting in your federal elections for at least the last 10 years and you're not concerned?
Oliver Lopez
Well that's a start, but we're still going in the wrong direction.
Sebastian Phillips
yes but now they're going to you not coming here. Europe/canada is where we were in 1990, you think it's bad now you got a whole generation to go before the pendulum swings for you guys. good lcuk
Ayden Reyes
good perspective user
Dylan Torres
>>it's not a race
It's not a culture either. None of those nationality groups have much of anything in common nor have they ever historically identified with each other.
"hispanic" literally means nothing. It's an arbitrary classification that's used for the purpose of fake identity politics.
Nicholas Parker
muh identity politics muh democrats are the real racists
Hunter Ross
Hispanic is not a race idiot
You're not getting what I'm saying
You cannot be genetically "hispanic"
call brown people indians
Hispanic is not ar ace
Christopher Powell
>Hispanic >Race
Brandon Harris
what does hispanic mean in your opinion?
Jaxon Roberts
>ead at least a dozen """peer reviewed"""" studies from 70s saying black population will be 40%+ by 2000
Bullshit, give me one.
Isaiah Wilson
if we abolish the Hispanic category we officially become a Latin American nation regardless if we are still majority white by a sizeable and sustainable margain.
Daniel Martin
The hispanic should be apolished and you should lump brown hispanics in "Indian" white hispanics in "White" asian hispanics in "Asian" black hispanics in "Black"
if you're gonna blame any type of "Hispanics" for turning america into a spanish speaking shithole, blame mexicans
Grayson Walker
Were European hispanics originally white?
Luis Ross
no we can't do that unlike Jews and Italians these people are normally no more than 50% genetically European. Either they keep the Hispanic category or they are mixed race. Also the data for the census always changes and is already complex enough with all the categories that are unnecessary
Gabriel Kelly
blacks were genocided my white women
with a few gererations of mixing hispanics will become white
Christopher Anderson
it pry would have been true. They abort over 50% of pregnancies in NYC. Due to dindu time preference they are retarded with birth control.
Thomas James
no everything you said is wrong. White women in the south never really race mixed(and stilll don't mostly)23&ME adds ashkenazi blood and negro blood to everyone. These people are likely blacks with europeans admixture.
Dominic Sanchez
I don't think so. The kids born here already don't speak Spanish and that's the only thing that distinguishes them. You wouldn't even know most people had latin-american origin after a while. Latin-American or Spanish origin people are not new in the U.S. Its just that today we turned them into a statistical demographic. If they were not, we wouldn't notice.
Nobody knew or cared that Lynda Carter (Wonder woman) was of Mexican origin. Today she'd be described as a "Latina".
Anthony Anderson
they also don't differntiate between hispanic in this either, and I'll bite you really think white women are the reason why negroes have white admixture? Are you sure it doesn't originate from black concubines?
Mason Perez
you can kind of blame spaniards for raping some jungle monkeys and not fapping like we do.
Gabriel Campbell
Was Bater /ourkike/ all along?
Isaac Gutierrez
Yea even the jews knew.
Luis Gomez
blacks would be 40% of the population without the beaner invasion and legal abortion, neither of which would be reflected in peer-reviewed studies from the 1970s.
charlie sheen is hardly someone who can be favorably compared to the average guac goblin
Josiah Rogers
>charlie sheen is hardly someone who can be favorably compared to the average guac goblin
Yet on paper they are identical - all part of the same bullshit "hispanic" demographic.
Ryder Carter
so your saying what we should do is ban abortions for white people only.
Adrian Parker
and 2011 data doesn't show a 33.5% decrease in hispanic of any race fertility rates that took place between 2010 and 2017.
Christopher White
"white" spic detected
Brody Peterson
Mexicans are not a problem in the slightest in Canada. Our prime minister has tried to ENCOURAGE them to come, but they refuse to since "it's cold!!!". Literally have not seen a single Mexican in BC or Ontario. The only issue Canada is having right now is 1) the Chinese horde buying literally every blade of fucking grass 2) poo-loo filth forming ghettos, shooting people, and dumping trash on the roads
Luis Turner
I'd say the chinese property buyers are your biggest problem, but I think the solution is to build a few ghost cities where they can buy property and then severely limit via zoning where non-residents can buy property, since to my knowlege they aren't exacty living in canada.
my personal opinion is that 50 years from now is that most mexican-americans will be considered white by the average person, and probably won't know any more spanish than I do. That does not however address the fact that they'll still swing the political window left, or rather bloc-vote fore Democrats without reference to their policies.
Parker Cruz
The great browning of america is a myth dems buy into because it makes them feel good, since its just a matter of time until they get the nice socialist republic they want
The reality is most will integrate and basically be considered white
Aiden Murphy
>single race non-hispanic whites
Shit like this is basically meme stats
Oliver Kelly
Ted Cruz is descendant of Spaniards from Spain who migrated to Cuba then were exiled
Grayson Ross
May he rest in peace.
Parker Sanders
would you say the same if mono racial non hispanic whites with two non hispanic white parents were the majority again? cause it is true as of 2016.
Bentley Sullivan
>Read at least a dozen """peer reviewed"""" studies from 70s saying black population will be 40%+ by 2000 Abortion was an extinction-level event for black people. Unless you can conjure something like that for Mexicans you are fucked. You already lost California forever as long as presidential elections are concerned.
Ryan Torres
sorta since it is basically ignoring how people self identify/act in practice and a lot of the "white minority 2050" shit was using cherrypicked stats and being willfully ignorant of trends
It would have helped if I had posted the right pic
Henry Ward
TSSSSS poor guy looks like he drank too much chocolate milk, right guys?
Brandon Stewart
Hispanics will just start to be considered white like the Irosh and Italian were made white. Hispanics are pretty much white people and so are arabs
Juan Collins
>You already lost California forever as long as presidential elections are concerned. Silly Argie. As long as our based conservative Christian Mexicans protect the constitution and American culture, everything will be okay. Race doesn't matter, only culture.
Brandon Jones
and just as the italians were once flooding the country, their children will end up being primarily identified as america with your occasional "im 100% x" retard
they will also bitch about not real mexican food
Sebastian Campbell
lol even the stats for racemixing have changed since then.
Blake Bailey
>The anticipated "Atzlan" or demographic doomsday for "white" Americans of European ancestry in the US has been greatly exaggerated
Yes, this is the point I was hoping to get across. Diversity fetishists push this shit because they're emotional. WNs lap it up because they are autistic. And for the normies, its a 3rd rail. I want to know if anyone is actually thinking critically about it.
Ethan Anderson
Jesus. Look at the white row. Massachusetts. The Irish are completely pozzed. The shame. :-(
Hudson Jenkins
WN nationalists eat it up but identity europva constantly check these (((statistics)))
Brody Murphy
Irish Americans voted for Trump 50%. He won one district in chicago and that was MT Greenwood the last majority irish catholic enclave in chicago. MA has all the liberal ivy league schools BTW
Eli Robinson
>"whiteness" is a culture and a mindset, not necessarily an ethnic group
Brandon Johnson
I hope you're right
Xavier Gutierrez
They're already pozing themeselves.
Hudson Reed
hispanic is not an official race
don't make it
just call the brown ones injuns
the end
Jonathan Watson
>The demographic appeared out of nowhere in the 80s because millions of people who were formerly white...
Was with you until this point. Did you ever know anyone who was born before 1915? Because if you did, you'd know that Spaniards and their diaspora were always viewed as foreigners until, like, the 80s. You realize I Love Lucy was actually a controversial show when it debuted?
Levi Nguyen
i refuse to put us in that situation these mestizos who are not spaniards are considered white, they are a mongrel race and the ones who are injuns check that off. Why do you think the injun population is "rising" it is because hispanics are checking that off more and more. the actual amerindian is in a rapid decline.
Justin Wright
>>You realize I Love Lucy was actually a controversial show when it debuted?
No, it was not. Nobody cared. People are making that story up today. Ask the people who were living when it aired. They were not an interracial couple.
They were a legally married couple in the 40's. Desi was white, then.
Justin Green
>> Did you ever know anyone who was born before 1915? Because if you did, you'd know that Spaniards and their diaspora were always viewed as foreigners until
For all of American history people of Spanish people were considered white. Granted, they were a different kind of white people, but they were white.
That all changed in 1980 when the "hispanic" term was introduced.