Where did Germany go wrong in WWII?

Let's say WWII was a do over.

How could Germany have won?

I think they primarily fucked up by attacking Europe first. If their end game was to take oer the world, they should have started with easy targets like Africa, South America and Asia. America and Europe would have sat on the sidelines - maybe even joined in.

After a few decades of conquest and colonization, they could have expended the German bloodline - subsidize families for having more kids, whatever, then built up an ungodly large army to finish off the rest of the world a few decades later.

Bear in mind I think Germany was batshit insane and it's good they lost, just thinking about it from a strategic standpoint, not a wishful thinking one.

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Should of never played with the russians. Instead Hitler should of further entangled them in diplomacy and send them to die on the battlefields instead.

Also Japan fucked up hard bombing pearl harbor. Should of kept the Japs in Manchuria.

germany was already on bad terms since WW1, also a lot of the world (america, africa, etc) was already colonized

>take over the world
that was never really their plan

>what to do better
1. don't break your pact with the soviets
2. don't break international law / violate neutrality
3. kill british and french soldiers as opposed to expecting them to join you for no good reason
4. find better /closer allies than japan
5. don't declare war on the usa
6. actually exterminate the jews and others, as opposed to trying to create the EU
7. don't do civilian bombings
8. don't sink trade ships
9. don't pick wars with slavs in general
we could go on


There are two main reasons the Germans lost from my estimation.

First of all was the fact that Hitler refused to put the German economy on total war footing until it was too late, in 1943. Up to then Germany was still running a near civilian economy, as Hitler promised the German people the war would not affect their way of life. If he had fully mobilised Germany industry before, or at the start of, the war, they would have been in a significantly better position on all fronts and the improvement this could have made to every theatre in every aspect of the war is unimaginable.

Second main reason for their loss was lack of cooperation with the other Axis countries. Germany barely cooperated with Italy, but did not cooperate at all with Japan, while the Allies were cooperating the entire time. If the Axis had worked together more they may have been much more successful, with potentially Germany planning Barbarossa to coincide with a Japanese invasion from the east, which would have meant the USSR would have had to keep a large army on their eastern front. The main reason the Wehrmacht failed to capture Moscow in 1941 was because the USSR signed a non-aggression treaty with Japan and they were able to reinforce the front around Moscow with elite winter troops from the Japanese border.

Germany's biggest problem was Hitler himself. >Always thought he knew better
>would deny better weapons for his army because he didnt like how they looked
>would second guess his generals
>Thought denying rations to his own troops would motivate them
I could go on

Oh and he also all development on his Luftwaffe because he thought they were already perfect. Giving the allies time to improve their own aviation technology

Betraying the commies.

He had to. The USSR was mobilising and rearming at the same time and if he had waited any longer there would be no chance of victory against them.

The Soviets kept 3 million soldiers minimum in the east for the entire war and 80% of the IJA was held up in China. There was no way on Earth that Japan could've opened up that front and won.

Now that's just stupid. Well over half of all German war production was planes. They fielded a large amount variants that were produced and improved bases on their combat experiences, including the first combat jets.


Stalin legitimately thought they could've had an alliance up until Barbarossa.

The Russian winter

The mass rearmament programme of the USSR suggest otherwise.

Germany could have never won the war because it wasn't within god's plan. Literally lost before it even started

Hitler attacked Russia in a preemptive attack. They were going to try rush through an already weakened Europe, so Der Fürher saved Western Europe from Communism.

Why? Their military was in shambles because of the multiple patterns of rifles, tanks, uniforms, and trucks used and issued, not to mention that Stalin murdered most of his officers.

It wasn't a "re"armament it was a fucking armament program. The Red Army was a joke.

Japan never should have attacked Pearl Harbor. Were the Japanese TRYING to destroy western civilization? I say we nuke Japan again.

Doubtful. There is pretty threadbare evidence to suggest that.

History is written by the victors. Its easy for evidence to disappear.

Im the type that thinks most of the bodies in the Concentration Camps came from the Russians and as a cover up the Good Goys couldn't leave the public think their ally army was actually the mass murderers

>"Haha, you would think that NS was an alternative to niggerloving bullshit, but guess what, IT ISN'T. Hahah loving niggers is freaking based, celebrate diversity with noogs in Stahlhelms"


More info on this, thought Nazi's were raiding other country's to keep to German economy afloat?

>Where did Germany go wrong in WWII?
Letting Hitler have to much say on the battlefield.

>If their end game was to take oer the world
It wasn't. Hitler wanted former German parts and new parts in the east. That's it. He tried to find peace with western nations (france, UK, US) but they wanted war. The only reason Germany was fighting in Africa and the balcans to begin with was because Italys army didn't get shit done

>didn't approve the making of the first assault rifle that would have won russia
>didn't approve the first fighter jet until 1945, when it was already too late
>should have prepared for winter
>should have captured the 400,000 soldiers trapped at dunkirk, and could have negotiated peace with the anglo's with such a large blow

wrong, hitler didn't even use the fighter jet until the last months of the war, while they were overpowered 1000 to 1

Not fuck with the Russians until Japan could come at them from the other side.


when will this meme die?

Japan attacked the USSR in 1939 and got its ass handed to it.

They had no plans to attack USSR again.

Dunkirk was the only real mistake and cost them the war.

Also should have given up on the obsession with super heavy tanks

No, like, we have access to a lot of after action reports and reports from Allied advisers on the Ostfront that detail pretty well how poorly organized and equipped and how little prepared the Red Army was.

The standard issue rifle of the Soviet Union was the SVT-40 until war broke out, and they realized that there was literally no way to arm even most of their soldiers with the rifle in the time it would take to organize a resistance which is why they said fuck it and went back to the Mosin.

In the opening months of the war the Mosin, captured Finnish Mosins, SVT-38s, captured Finnish SVT-38s, and SVT-40s were all being used and even that left some infantry divisions with a third of their men unarmed.

they tried before.


How was what I said wrong?

>most of their war production was planes

Yes, literally over 50% of their war industry was being used for planes.

>they used several variants of aircraft based on their encounters

Just look at the number of variants the Bf 109 has, all of them developed after encounters with enemies (mainly the RAF)

>they developed jets

Yes, they developed and deployed fighter jets.

no. Hitler's surprise invasion on the soviets was a great move.
The soviets were in attack formation with fucking millions of soviet soldiers captured, tons of soviet hardware was destroyed. It was a masterstroke.
Italy idiocy in the balkans and other places delayed Operation Barbarossa.

The japs didn't have to advance on the soviets only hold them and hope for a partition for when Germany causes a collapse of soviet government. Japs had no threat of mainland invasion at that moment in time.

Japs on Pearl harbor was a bad calculation. The axis needed to keep the US out of the war as long as possible. Japan was too dumb to understand that from WW1 lesson.
Japan should have peaced out of the second sino-jap war for some natural resource concessions and Manchuria. It was not a winnable war.

I think it was called Operation Thunder. If you watch Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told they go on about it at the end.

Ok even if the Germans won...
>They cloud never keep all that territory.

You read all that in a "History Book"

they should've never engaged in war.. with the people actually understanding what was going on it had never come to that.. germany before the war made US look little toddlers. evenso i admire his resolve in all the anti european rethoric though i don't agree with the decision.. if there ever was a time for take a slap in the face for us all that time was it.. evenso that strength that they stood for without backing down shows true courage.. there's a lot of elements to why hitler was fighting.. and why he went into russia so massively in a fight he could not possibly win. 1918-23 commie revolution in germany attempted, similar in russia succeeded. Hitler threw the house of germany against the communists.. what happened just after the war they don't talk about that much.. i wonder why. massive rape deliberate killings of tens of millions of german civilians etc. "deserved it" not even mentioned it's "ok".. and ofcourse the oppression for resistance to be ruled by the jewish banking system, continued for 50+ years this undermining of some of the best people in world history.
Hindsight is always 20/20 but consider these two speeches for what hitlers motivations were, they were not about war
These democratic zeroes..

>Le Based Neger

a few videos of germany before the war.. notice.. clean streets beautiful idols of strength and authority.. all gone.. Don't forget hitler was not a dictator in that he just fucked the people, no he elevated them like never before and got them out of a depresson after ww1 by their work and their achievements they created it. This was germany before the war.. US looked like shit in comparison hitler even joked about how these stupid people talk about bringing germany down when they could not even take care of their own properly.. boy did he end up being wrong about the outcome though.
To go a bit bump in the night, i think hitler discovered the lanteans technology and wanted to utilize it hence the order of the black sun was etched into the ss headquarters, with this technology they indeed would have defeated the entire world, but was not for them to use because right lineage the conditions of criteria was not met... effaced germany lost big league..

The Panther was a decent tank and would've been great if they fixed the drive train issues.

The issue is that Germans developed a variant of everything for everything even though they really didn't need to.

Look at the most prolific US armored units and you will see mainly Sherman chassis. Lots of them. They used them for the Sherman tanks, the M10 TD, the Priest, and the Kangaroo APC. They used the same parts, had similar maintenance, and had been improved over years to be almost totally reliable.

The Germans were lucky to get 30% of their tanks combat ready at any time of any variant by 1944 because of parts shortages, shortages of people trained to maintain the tanks, and inherent unreliability in the designs. Even the measures they took to simplify things were bad. They tried to use a modified PzIV drive train for the Panther which was like, twice the weight or something which is why they blew transmissions every 100km or less.

Every new variant, every new vehicle, every new gun, is a new logistic web, which taxed an extremely shitty logistic system.

At the onset of Barbarossa the Germans were using 134 patterns of truck, so you have 134 supply lines to supply the trucks for your supply lines. This is why even by the end of the war most of Germany's logistics were horse drawn, compared to the Western Allies being totally motorized.

The original plan for Barbarossa was to force capitulation in 13 weeks. The logisticians, worried, said that German supply lines could only hold for 12 maximum. The new plans were the same except given a deadline of 11 weeks, some generals believed they would have Moscow within 6. That is the delusion if the German general staff.

Idiots talk equipment
Amateurs talk tactics
Experts talk logistics

Their entire logo/swaztika/black sun/ depended upon this technology brining forth the lineages was only a part of the step. Denied of this..could not hope to succeed.. The kind of research for why tesla was also killed.

You don't get it. The Japs couldn't "hold them"

The 3 million (minimum, after pulling over a million to defend Moscow) would immediately curbstomp the IJA and would liberate most of China within the year. These men were not the conscripts that were raised in the West. These men were generally contract or professional soldiers from before the war, well trained, well fed, and fully armed with SVT-40 rifles and PPSh submachine guns. These guys were no joke, and the Japanese did not have the manpower, armor, or equipment to stop those men while still fighting millions of Chinese.

Whatever. That's not an argument but alright.

for hitlers larger motivations. youtube.com/watch?v=ukwA--tIokg&spfreload=10 hitler speaking of europe in total and his humility of trying to protect it.

he threw the germans against the communist russia to save europe from communism.. The ultimate sacifice. This communism tried what they succeeded in russia to do in germany in 1918-23 and NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT..

Why so passive aggressive?

Tits or gtfo.


russia was pretty critical and most people agree

everything else is more speculative I think,

Lenin was essentially a German plant to destroy Russia. They asked for it. It wasn't their plan exactly to cause a revolution bit that's what happened.

You either see the facts or stuff your head in the sand. If you want to debate me that's fine, come up with an argument and some facts and we can have a nice back and forth, but "jews" is not am argument whenever we have pretty detailed reports from Germany, the Allies, Japan, Allied advisers and observers in the Soviet Union and (some) reports from Russia.

>Lenin was essentially a German plant to destroy Russia. They asked for it. It wasn't their plan exactly to cause a revolution bit that's what happened.
How many times do i have to hear this argument it irks me so much.. Communism was JEWISH INVENTION.. it was the JEWS who destroyed russia and also attempted similar overthrow in germany in 1918-23.. which was part of why hitler hated the jews so with a passion that he wanted these communist jews OUT of germany so much that he did the havaara agreement to send the jews to an establishment of a jewish state to get rid of them.. so then they atleast could not be a concern to start shit in the middle of europe..

The entire war was an accident.

Germany had specifically developed their military for short, sharp wars to be fought and won by crushing morale and forcing capitulation. We saw this in Poland, Yugoslavia, BeNeLux, and France, with an attempt in Russia.

Germany was simply not built for long wars, their generals were not versed in them, their logistics were total shit, and their natural resource pool was a joke.

Poland folded because of the Soviets, and could've fought a decent defensive war if proper aid was actually supplied instead if just promised.

France folded because they legitimately thought that Belgium would build their part of the Maginot, and their combined arms doctrine (or lackthereof) was so shit along with absolutely no popular support and something close to a revolution almost occurring anyway.

Russia collapsed in the opening stages because of the conflicting orders from Moscow, the total lack of supplies, the absence of real leadership on the ground, and the refusal of Moscow to accept the current situation and a pile of operational fuckups in the first weeks.

You forget that russia was an proud situation with the tzar etc. and the communist overthrew him.. and plunged russia into such depts that they are still recovering from it.. What was their argument, that the tzar (gods protector of russia) was a sham and that this system was oppressing the workers.. And they tried same in germany to destroy the german empire. But failed, and after which hitler rose, and they had every reason to hate the jews who tried to orchestrate such things.. THEY FUCKING NEARLY OVERTHREW GERMANY WITH A COMMUNIST REVOLUTION YOU CUNTS..
>oy vey all that antisemitism
Look at russia look at the leaders of that failed overthrow of germany.. JEWISH.. So ofcourse the germans hated the communist jews there would be something mentally wrong with them if they didn't..

Here dude. I cant be bothered typing but this is part of the theory.


>Lenin potentially starting shit in Germany
>Germany sends him to Russia so that he can be their problem
>Lenin leads a revolution and creates the Soviet Union

Literally asking for it. There are a set of events that led to the creation of the USSR and among them were the fact that the commoners were being taxed into the ground and feudal style serfdom still fucking existed. Anyone offering a system better than literal serfdom would've gotten attention. If an American patriot promising freedom was in his shoes instead we would've seen a democratic uprising.

1. Don't let Japan attack America
2. Have Japan focus forces on Russia from the east

It was literally that simple.

Where did it go wrong?

The simple fact that they"d kill people simply because of their birth and not because of their deeds.

>Think it's good the nazis lost
You sure you're on the right board?

>a bunch of crazy megalomaniacs winning a war

>Literally asking for it.
Go see my new replies.
Sometimes people like you just need a slap in the fucking face.
I don't even hate you but you are so obstninant and unfortunately much of the populace are idiots like you who don't even know the things they need to know. But make decisions by a majority vote.

Yeah, but Glantz, probably the most well read westerner on Soviet doctrine and wartime efforts offered a complete and total rebuttal to the theory. Point blank, the USSR was nowhere near a war footing in 1941.

It is an interesting theory in hindsight, but the evidence just doesn't stack up.

The Tsar? Same inbred germanic figurehead which ruled simply because he was born to? The same moron which kept Russia the least developed country in Europe?
The same guy under whose rule there were more famines than one could count?

The only good crowned head is a decapitated one.

>Le juice
Yup, every jew ever is a conspirator. If you ever see a poor jew, he is just hiding his shekels, eh? I mean, it is clear, all jews have a collective mind, all arabs do so too, and all the other people, it is just whites that have differing opinions... Hehw right?

Goddamn, antisemites should be fed to dogs

Read literally anything by Glantz and get back to me. You can hate me but I'm right. The socio-economic situation in Russia was ripe for a revolution, and the communists did it first.

You can blame the jews, that's fine, but even if we accept that Jews did communism, the whole communism, like, the whole jews did the entire communism, they would've never gotten any ground if Russia gave half a shit about its people.

France, Germany, the US, UK, and Canada were all touch and go with some form of socialism in the 1920s-30s, but it never really happened because they had human rights and codified laws that protected people and made it look less necessary (even during the depression) but the fact that Russia had de facto slavery made communism pretty appealing.

The main issue in WW2 was that none of the Axis countries took it seriously at first, since everyone expected UK to arbitrate a peace deal between Germany and France/Poland, but Churchill got in power and he was a rabid war dog who would rather see Britain lose its empire than let Germany achieve its goals of restoring some of its clay.

So Italy was basically focused on grabbing as much land as it could before Britain sued for peace, and opened up theatres with no strategic value, purely as a move towards expanding its post-war influence.

So in other words, in a do-over, Italy should get its head in the game and focus on winning, rather than land grabs.

1. Germany shouldn't have declared war on USSR as they had just been BTFO by British in the Battle for Britain. Even without the war against USSR, RAF could have probably waged and endless air battle against Luftwaffe and it would have been a stalemate for years between British and Germans. Without op. Barbarossa Germany could have maybe even won in Africa.

2. Germany should have never declared war on USA. After that it was just a wait until America gets the nukes and hits them on Germany.

But I always admire how German army did major attacks in eastern and western fronts even when they were on the defeat, and it's different for them than it was for USSR when they were defending desperately. It wasn't sure that Soviets would lose, but when both USSR and Western Allies were pushing towards Germany with superior numbers and material it was clear that Germany was going to lose. I don't know if the German generals understood that in their time, but it's amazing they managed to launch attacks in middle of their defensive war and the men obeyed. Great army discipline.

Communism was created to destroy western civilization you FUCKING IDIOT.. the larger reason why jews hate european christians is too broad of a subject to get into.. but it's BUILT TO FAIL.. ON PURPOSE.. and recently venezuela is another of its unintended victims because ofcourse as it's mobilized to create a discord and mobilize low vs high.. and then as in the case of communism even farmers are burgoise.. creating a permanent upper class called THE STATE in control of everything. you silly cunts. if you are that stupid to believe communism is redpill fucking kill yourself. Not even saying it satirically i mean it LITERALLY..

Still wouldn't change the fact that the German war machine was not geared, prepared, or even capable of a long war or war of attrition.

That's fantastic but that addresses literally none of my points.

Only a melanin-enriched individual uses "of" as "have".

Also, just a quick question, where have i said I support communism? I'm merely stating pretty objective facts about the war.

Again, Glantz. Might as well have been rebutted by Moses himself. I would refuse point blank to trust a kike on the history of the Reich.

The Jews declared war on Germany (in a way sort of similar to how the shitskins are now). The drawing of stars on their businesses was in revenge to this.

We have been fed nothing but kike bullshit for almost 80 years. Churchill and the 2 American presidents covered up a lot of shit the Russians did East of Germany.

what is your fucking point other than vladimir lenin was a good guy and he dinduniffin.. You retards are a dime a dousin.. "it's not real communism" "hitler was bad cause he was against communism" GO LIVE IN A COMMUNIST COUNTRY see how that works out.. go live in cuba you faggot. People want to flee, you're excited to go ride in cars from the 50's..

Again, if you read Glantz (he's a pretty strong patriot, by the way, legitimately good guy) you can look back through all of his sources. He does good work, he is very reputable. He has spent most of his life uncovering as many Soviet and German wartime documents as he can and he's done a lot to progress the West's understanding of Soviet and Russian doctrine.

Saying "well jews" doesn't refute tens of thousands of documents and after action reports at all levels. If you have an argument, present one. "But jews" is not an argument.

This has to be a troll.

Lenin starved people to the point of canabalism. Happens pretty regularly in Commie shitholes.

Only reason for them to bomb Pearl Harbor was US trade embargoes, I don't see how Hitler could have commanded what or what not the Japanese military does from half the globe away. They were not a hivemind, just like-minded nations.

Only attacking the commies after you have control of the middle east. Bonus points if Britain is out too.

You guys seem to think that because I'm saying that the USSR didn't seem to have immediate plans to invade Europe that I think communism is okay or good, which is not what in saying at all.

By saying that there doesn't appear to be proof that the Soviets planned to invade Europe I am just saying that there doesn't appear to be evidence that the Soviets planned to invade Europe.

>legitimately good guy

Did you misspell goy?

Again, I will never take the word of a Jew seriouslyin regards Hitler/the Nazis

Germany could have won the WW2
>Had operation Barbarossa started on time instead of 2 week delay because of Italian fail in balkans
>Had Hitler listen to his Generals
>Had Japan attacked SU from flank instead of being pussies and just pillaging poor villages and civilians in pacific
>Not oppress Ukrainians who already hated communists and
>start War production UP from start like in the end days when you started losing

Germany was very close to winning they came to Moscow and if Moscow fell Germany would soon be winner

He is not an expert on Germany he is an expert on Soviet military doctrine with emphasis on WWII, specifically the Ostfront.

Please learn about who you are insulting before you do it. And again, "but jews" is not an answer.

The ethnic Ukrainians largely welcomed the Nazis as heros

>By saying that there doesn't appear to be proof that the Soviets planned to invade Europe I am just saying that there doesn't appear to be evidence that the Soviets planned to invade Europe.
Ofcourse they did, hitler went into russia because they were mass producing tanks by the shitton.. he knew that the jews ultimately responsible for communism wouldn't let him get away with it so lightly. They tried similar overthrow in germany.. but failed.

Ofcourse hitler knew the conditions of russia and the winter it was an act of desparation.

Not attack Poland in the first place, therefore the Third Reich could have survived without war, Hitler would be seen by normies as a good goy, and Germany would look like this

Whole point of Hitler was fight against Bolshevism. The goal was to bring down communism and soviet union

Nah. There was no real capability of them to pull it of. Their logistics were shit and getting worse every day. The Allies had the logistics of an entire planet, capable of supporting theater level operations anywhere on Earth.

AND WHAT HAPPENED AFTERWARDS, RUSSIAN TROOPS RAPING GERMAN WOMEN.. ALL THESE THINGS.. OH WAIT.. "greatest allies won a fight against the evil nazi's the end"

>I think they primarily fucked up by attacking Europe first. If their end game was to take oer the world, they should have started with easy targets like Africa, South America and Asia. America and Europe would have sat on the sidelines - maybe even joined in.

Have fun with your lvl-1 reality hollywood narrative of history, I guess.

Maybe read a book instead of roleplaying on Sup Forums OP.

I cant be bothered with you any more Noseberg.

Just ask yourself when you read it, who and why are they writing what they are writing.

Choose to believe the status quo and continue to be a good little sheep.

Maybe if Hitler hadn't been a grade A retard and attacked the Soviet Union, he may have had a chance. Declaring war on three of the world's most powerful nations is pretty damn stupid. You should have to be pretty stupid yourself to idolize him.

Soviet defenses were not dependant on 2 weeks. Italy was just additional ally for Germany, not a burden. Imagine how it would have been if Italy was neutral/Allied nation, it's just one more enemy.

Hitler listened to his generals before and when Eastfront was doing good, when it collapsed he snapped and started ignoring them in 1942-1943, it didn't matter then anymore.

Japanese Manchurian army was so poorly equipped it was only capable of fighting shit nation like China, every time there was any confrontation between them and Soviets they got BTFO hard. Japanese had no land army to speak of, of course they wouldn't attack when they could hardly control their own enemies. When Soviets attacked them in 1945 they were completely helpless.

But I agree on the war production. Germany produced more militarily when they were losing the war hard than when they were winning.

Fucking wish germans were able to unlock lantean technology and i would proudly going heil the victorious ones. EVERYTHING would objectively be better than the shitshow we have today.

They shouldn't have declared war on America after US declared war on the Japs, it was a sign of retarded friendship.

Had to attack to save ethnic Germans. Would have been an absolute shit show if he didn't. He made multiple attempts at peace after Poland fell also.


They weren't mass producing tanks. Germany also was not really mass producing tanks. The most prolific German tank at the onset of Barbarossa was the Pz 38(t) which was a fucking Czech prewar tank.

Also, Barbarossa was in the middle of summer, and the winter thing is a meme, German commanders believed that winter would give them an edge due to the ground freezing over and allowing German armor units to operate more effectively. This is obviously not the case but the winter thing is just something tacked on in hindsight.

>I can't come up even with the most basic argument so I will call you a Jewish puppet and trust in the hivemind that is Nazi dickriders

Okay, stupid.

>germans didn't understand russian weather cycle
Do you honestly belive the bullshit you're peddling or are you just hoping i will? Russia has always been recognized for being historically hard to invade because of its climate and contours, same thing with iran. Hitler didn't just do a oops i totally forgot about that shit.. And yes they were mass producing tanks

Back you go kike

If Germany would have started the war in '45, they would have taken Europe. Think about it. They would have a stronger economy, FUCKING JET ENGINES, more advanced armor units, as well as a competent ally in the form of Italy. Japan could have finished off China, and they could have landed in the USSR as the Germans pushed in from the west. Also, give more aid to Finland.

>Had to
No he really didn't have to attack. The Germans could have just left the country they no longer controlled even if there was any discrimination.

When the war was lost russia fucking destroyed germany in many ways.. And the jewsA came in as a coathanger "we did this you guys we're totally the saviours of the world and awesome now".. whilst by direct order letting millions of german civilians starve to death for no reason at all except "they deserved it". Top kek.. right up there with turk atrocities.. much pride.