Should Women Have the Right to Go Topless?

>Should Women Have the Right to Go Topless?

>Dozens of women marched topless through the streets of Charleston recently to protest the objectification of women, and norms that discourage breastfeeding in public.

>Charleston Mayor Danny Jones called it "a naked spectacle" and asked marchers to stay clear of a street fair going on nearby.

>West Virginia state law does not specifically prohibit women going topless. But the uproar around the march shows that it continues to be controversial.


Should women have the right?

Are white men too sensitive about what women choose to do with their breasts?

Should white men have any say in what women do with their breasts?

Shouldn't they (white men) just mind their own business?

What do you think about this?

Sluts need to keep their tops on

>streets of Charleston

I don't think this is supposed to be plural.

Depends, if they are ugly they are violating the NAP

what a shitty non-issue for retards to waste their time with

We have satanic pedophiles run amok in our governments planning the genocide of the white race and you're whining about fucking topless women

I support women's right to walk around with their tits out. As long as I can whip my dick out and jerk off.

I have always felt that if men can go topless, so can women. They are just boobs after all.

>planning the genocide
As if they need to plan anything
white people are happy to genocide themselves

>Are white men too sensitive about what women choose to do with their breasts?

This is somehow a white thing now okay.

fucking women