Why not?
Moreover why hasn't this been done yet?
No one wants them here anyway.
Ban Israeli users
Israelis are anti muslim and pro nationalism. They are fucking based. Fuck right off to stormfront.
They tend to be interesting and well informed. And them Jews have a sense of humor.
>Israelis are anti muslim and pro nationalism. They are fucking based.
Good fucking goy. Yes goy we just want our own ethno states against the evil Palestinians (who are Christians too by the way) but we're pushing multiculturalism into Europe.
Kekistan is getting cucked at an alarming rate.
>once again kekistan with "based" shit.
let all flowers bloom here, anyway
Sup Forums is a NatSoc board.
Jews need not apply.
And the only person who would defend a Jew is a Jew, so you can fuck right back to t_D
never forget
They didn't choose to be born there, and they're probably more intelligent and rightfully opinionated than you anyway. This is no one's safe space.
>Le based jew brother XD
i'm suing you.