Why can't we be proud of our country anymore?

Why are all our leaders incompetent cucks who won't stand up for us?
Why is national pride frowned upon?
Why are we taught to be ashamed of our history?
Why can't we have little patriotic things like this:

Political correctness and socialism have destroyed this country.

Other urls found in this thread:


(((I wonder why)))

I don't know about you mate but we're proud of our country

>and socialism

socialism is fine within closed boarders.

because you let them get away with it
That is the only answer

>socialism works

This is the attitude that destroyed this country. Socialism does not work. Every socialist state in history has been a failure. Britain became a socialist command economy after WW2 and it was a miserable failure.

It was the spirit of entrepreneurship and competition that made this country great and it needs to be restored.

We need a revolution

Cymru am Byth

Our only paki-owned shop got closed recently :)

You can be, just do it.
The more you hide away and keep secret the worse it gets.

Glad to hear that. The Welsh have always been loyal to the crown and staunch unionists. We are brothers England and Wales.

Too bad you guys always vote Labour.

Problem is all our politicians are complete cucks with no gravitas or sense of the greatness of our country

>Taking pride of your war-mongering and barbaric history
>taking pride of anything british past 1918

full-on cuck

Wtf man?! Brits are literally the second proudest english speaking country after America

I'm no unionist and I certainly am not loyal to your English royalty.

And we vote Labour because we have no nationalist party, Plaid are EU puppets who don't even refer to Welsh people as "Welsh" anymore. They say "People in Wales" to be more politically correct. And also we'd never vote corrupt Tory bastards.

You English are alright though, sort of.

We have lost our way. The average person in this country today is football-hooligan-tier. The average person knows nothing of our history, or if they do it is the left wing version that is spouting here. Our politicians are petty and intellectually vapid. We are at this very moment in the grip of socialism as a literal communist is polling highest in the country for prime minister.

You wanted it that way.

I don't think there's one reason. It's just seeped into the cultural zeitgeist that being too nationalistic and proud of one's heritage is somehow demeaning. I think it's folly to suggest it's the Jews alone, but perhaps the burger is right.
One of the problems that plague the West is that education (at least stuff outside of hard science) is controlled by leftist and even Marxist ideologues. They have a natural aversion to shows of national pride and as such, it is reflected in our educational system.
Nigel Farage has done a lot to rekindle national pride however.

Can you guys post some British nationalistic music? It's my drug. I'll start:


You had the world by the leash and gave it all up.

Anyway Sup Forums I will go into politics one day and try and do something about this country. I'm not just going to sit and complain on my computer like most people on this website.

Truth be told, the United Kingdom should have forced Canada to accept peers so they'd have a more local aristocracy and the London administration would not have been so overstretched, user.

The Nickle Resolution was a huge turning-point in world affairs, user. Yet, it's still forgiveable because nobody could have forseen the consequences, and the future is not written.

Because this man did not succeed.

But Wales isn't even a proper country, and never has been. It's just the bits of Britain that the Anglo-Saxons thought were a bit too foreign to even bother settling.

Another slimy socialist who would have ruined this country by driving it further towards a command economy and increased government power

Sweden became a great little country with economic liberty and staying the fuck out of the dumb ass Jew wars that we fought in. So they adopt socialism and slowly erode into complacency and get cucked by Muslims until they're essentially wiped out of existence. Socialism is the worst plague ever devised. Never say a nice thing about it. I'm disturbed to see redditors in this thread saying it works within certain parameters. No. It doesn't work.

Surely lefties are proud of winning the two world wars against us though? I mean fuck they call everything nazi they have to be proud of the people who actually stopped the nazis.

>Brits are literally the second proudest english speaking country after America

nah, probably Australia desu.

Well you are correct. At least the left are proud of that. But they still criticise us for targeting civilians in our bombing campaign and Dresden, even though you guys did the same thing to us.

We aren't as far gone as Germany yet. You guys need a similar revolution to restore Prussian values, though that seems much harder for you.

Because of this meme

At this point what is there to be proud of? We surrendered our empire. We are no longer a great or significant country.

>But Wales isn't even a proper country, and never has been.

God this is why sometimes we don't take the English seriously. Learn some history on Cymru.

In a democracy, education makes or breaks the system
And the (((left))) have successfully hijacked the system, it's over

We are a great island nation which gave the world civilisation and freed Europe from tyranny. We should embrace freedom and become a libertarian paradise and a tax haven. Our economy will grow and we will become rich and relevant again.

>But they still criticise us for targeting civilians in our bombing campaign and Dresden
What goes around comes around

You are correct. Even England's unofficial "anthem", which we have to sing in our schools, is lefty propaganda.

In reality our anthem should be Land of Hope and Glory

>We are a great island nation which gave the world civilisation

What do you mean by this? Are you suggesting that Britain was the only civilized country until the modern period? Or are you talking purely about colonization, in which case how do you explain India have two millennia of being one of the most advanced civilizations in the world?

Aside from a few small exceptions, like the ancient Greeks, we were the only civilisation to truly value freedom. India and China were great civilisations, but the common man was oppressed. We brought liberty and democracy to India, which is why today it is the largest democracy in the world.