How do we capitalize on this?
How do we capitalize on this?
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By spreading this
Protestants are mostly right wing though. We need to go through leftist channels to redpill more of them on the jew.
The Left won't believe any redpilling against kikes/kikery/or any other wise "anti-Semitism" because they are retarded enough to believe that the Holohoax was real and thus that the Jew is the eternal victim, in their mind, anyway.
they really aren't, at least not in Britain.
kek, it has always been there for years. Despite the love and peace coexist bullshit progressives spout, there's always been the BDS movement because they HATE Israel. But they don't really hate them for the same reasons we do, but just because the Israelis are killing Palestinians and stealing their land. But
>muh antisemitism
is so broad nowadays that any negative actions or criticism of Israel is antisemitic.
We should promote the BDS issue under a guise though. Spread their messages and shit, and get more traction against Israel with an already existing movement by hiding in it. I'm saying we become the jew and co-opt it if possible, or just strengthen it. Everybody hates the jew in some way.
Wow... Here in the states, the dems would probably win every election if it weren't for the hated protestant right.
I think once you start to realize how much you should hate jews, you naturally will move to the right since the left has most of the friedmans and steins. At the very least, they will not be so inclined to vote for (((Bernie))) types.
Jews are worried about this. They created a monster they won't be able to control.
Their strategy is to equate Anti-Isreal activities with Anti-Semitism and have them outlawed as 'hate-speech' - particularly in universities, where this stuff usually develops.
I don't think they can contain it. Once the left gets hold of something they don't let it go easily.
The left is going to fracture, it's getting too 'diverse' They are going to find out the hard way, that diversity is not really a strength, but a big weakness
not a surprise, nazi BS is 99% generic anti american talking points wrapped up in a pretty bow tie of antisemitism
by posting articles about rabbis views on gays into the lgbt eco system gotta get it while its hot
Okay shlomo.
>progressivism is made by jews
>progressives now against jews
What if we were meant to win? Nationalists I mean. What if the left is so comfortable in their freedom of expression that we literally know everything about them? They're certainly not afraid to say what they think online, like we are. What if the Jews want the degenerate left gone as much as you or I do? Israel (particularly Tel Aviv) is flooded by libtards and feminists, what if we are the guinea pigs in a test on how to expel muslims and degenerates from our lands? Who could possibly benefit from that knowledge?
Progressive hate white people for being the most powerful race in the country and the only reason they think that is because they're too stupid to distinguish Jews from Whites.
It was the only place that ever had it
I came to be altright from the anti zionist left. Antizionism in the left is nothing new
Easy, speak their language, "israel is the oppressor and palestine is oppressed". Instant hate
emphasize Jewish privilege
the whole idea of Jewish privilege will drive Jews nuts because they have a persecution complex and are incapable of honest self-examination
they are always victims and persecution is ever their fault
At the same time, it can be easily shown that Jewish privilege exists merely by pointing out the fact that for only 2% of the population Jews are disproportionately represented in the 1% of finance, media, business, and government.
>persecution is ever their fault
*persecution is never their fault
Reminds me of my jewish english teacher in high school. She complained about how people stereotyped her and used those experiences to try and bond with black students and no one really fell for it.
She also was the advisor for the school newspaper, the left-leaning (((press))) of the school, funnily enough.
>Anti-Semitism is creeping into progressivism
Semitism has been creeping everywhere else for the past 200 years.
of course greece, hungary and poland are fucking based.
cradle of civilization and the european bulwarks.
Jews control the world. Jews are liberal. Non-Jewish liberals are starting to hate the Jews.
Hmm, the liberals hate the richest 1% and half of the richest 1% are Jews. Of course liberals are so stupid that they think Jews are white even though they come from the Middle East and whites are descended from the cro-magnons of Europe. Is it possible to convince them that half of the richest 1% whom they hate so much are a completely different race from whites and are more privileged than whites? Also, Jews hate Muslims, there's that.