Realistic large scale war/ wwiii scenarios

Realistic large scale war/ wwiii scenarios.


Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Anglo sphere instability and possible collapse allows china/Russia to start expanding, global elites will be unhappy about this and try and unify the west in a attempt to end instability by taking us to war, this may happen or the people of the west resist and pursue community justice french revolution style until conquered by a foreign power or a great leader steps forward.

scenario A:
turks invades kurds
us back turks
kurds seek iran/ russia help
war in turkey

scenario B:
us attacks NK
china disagrees
thermonuclear war

Why not both?

Russia invades Estonia in a Little Green Men like Crimea scenario.
NATO powerless.
Poland goes to assist on its own.
Putin tac nukes Krakow as a warning.
War were declared.

China would never fight for NK. Not only is there next to no chance of China winning against the US/NATO and our regional allies, but the comfy life they've been building for themselves will be gone to never return. If they want to go nuclear they have a lot more to lose than we do too.

>ok keep up...

Archduke gets shot by separatists, and a series of aliances draws countries into open war


Charismatic leader rallies economically downtrodden country into Making It Great Again

>Iran proxie war escalates, Israel attacks before they develop nukes


None, it will all be urban warfare or fought in a proxy nation. A large scale war like WWII has close to zero chance of happening because of how diplomatic and tied together the world has become. You can thank globalism for preventing hundreds of millions-billion lives.
>inb4 shilllllllfuuuuck
not an argument.

>EU totally dominated by Germany. Italy, France are but puppet states, run from Berlin.
>Russia standing Firm.
>Poland is the last to resist Germany
>Border Tensions, then actual battles as Germany attempts to force MultiKulti into Poland
>US supports Poland, but doesn't want to lose trading with EU or antagonize Russia so keep out.
>Russia aching to take Poland
>UK aching to help Poland
>Tensions all round
>Some fucktards from middle East let off a device on Russian/Ukraine border
>Allout war as Russia and Germany roll into Poland. Germany and Russia skirmishes
>US, UK coalition into help Poland
>seeing everyone busy Turkey roll into Greece

screencap this.

Whites submit to the superior bbc and get their boipucci rekt like they love to and dont do shit stop it because they are cuck that enjoy muslims gang raping their women.

>Realistic large scale war/ wwiii scenarios.
You die.
Maybe you live in a World where noodles are considered a luxury

It will happen as soon as the elite snatches the US government back from Trump.

They really, really want a war with Russia. They need to control that Eurasian landmass to stop China from high speed railing product and Russian oil into Europe.

Current Chinese developments will cut The Americas out of the biggest economic block of the future. and the USD will no longer be the world reserve currency. They just won't allow that to happen.

The whole Ukraine thing was agitated by the US - they spent billions funding opposition groups and setting up Maiden demonstrations/Coup

They made up that whole Russia boogie man 'hacked vote' story during the election.

They want that war badly while they have the advantage. And they are even developing smaller blast nuclear weapons that could be used if required. Alll sorts of weapons are being installed in Romania in preparation.

Putin is aware of this - and he said on a youtube vid I saw that Russia is looking at assymetrical options if they don't have the budget to defend themselves with standard weapons.

China and India go to war.
We hit Norks
Russia/Iran Attack Israel

We all die!

Germany creates EU mega army of America hating jihadists. Invades Poland for refusing to quarter mudslime division. WW3

Everyone dies in nuclear fire or the atmospheric disruptions that follow it

>As Trump undiplomatic policies continue the middle east explodes
>The political crisis in Russia comes to a critical point when the low energy prices get even lower
>Putin, fearing a coup purges a great part of the political elite and continues to expand west occupying eastern Ukraine
>The EU, stuck between two nuclear powers (USA and RussFed)
>Saudi Arabia and UAE passes trough Jordan and invades Syria, Damascus falls
>The Eurasian union literally becomes the Union of Eurasian republics "UER", aka Soviet Union 2.0
>Proxy war escalates
>The US has Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Center America as satellites
>The UER has Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba and Peru
>Even though Mexico's economy is great but it doesn't have the power it requires to control Venezuela and Cuba while Brazil gets invaded by Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela
>In Europe Germany, France, Spain, UK, etc. declare martial law due to hundreds of simultaneous terrorists attacks
>A coalition between numerous terrorist groups with ISIS as the head is suspected to be responsible
>China takes advantage of the situation and occupies the Philippines and Taiwan
>The US, Japan and South Korea threatens China
>NK threatens Seoul
>Iran responds to the Arabians and occupies Iraq and half of Syria
>Turkey rushes in and takes a bit of Syria killing hundreds of thousands of Kurds
>Chechnya declares independence and Volgograd riots
>Russia is hopelessly lost without the Caucasus oil unless...
>The biggest oil sources in the world would be: Mesopotamia which is non-accessible at the moment, Venezuela is about to crash and Russia's situation makes impossible to extract oil so there is only one great source of fuel standing, Mexico
>So the second Mexican revolution is put in to place
>External Russian powers backing the marxist insurrectionists and (((AMLO))) and the US backing the same old PRI and (((other parties)))
>Mexico falls into chaos
>NK takes advantage and starts the assault on SK


>China rushes in to protect NK from Japan
>Brazil is overwhelmed by the war and declares peace
>Mexican rev gets out of control as many factions take advantage of the climate, nationalists, monarchists, conservatives, liberals, republicans, commies and many others
>The US has to act quickly
>Boots on ground in the middle east
>UER won't take any of that
>Invades the Baltics and annexes Armenia, Georgia and Estern Ukranie
>Assaults Turkey
>The EU starts the assault on Russia
>Belarus falls quickly
>Russia's counter attack rushes through Warsaw
>American and Euro boots on Poland, Ukraine, Finland and Turkey
>The US and NATO are fighting in multiple fronts
>Proxy war on latin america, European eastern front, Mesopotamia and the Pacific....
>On the edge of a nuclear war
>Everything is so confusing
>Wait, what's that?
>American society polarized between races and social classes, Republicans, Democrats, affluent bankers and wealthy leaders are on the edge of a fist fight
>Trump gets desperate, threatens to use nukes on the middle east
>Putin is old and sick and probably the only one who can control Russia
>Heard that?, that's the sound of Kyoto and Tokyo not existing anymore, NK pulled the trigger
>NK and China stop existing as the US nukes on Japan reach the most important cities and strategic locations
>Russia obliterates Berlin, Ankara, Istanbul and Paris in response to the US attack
>Iran nukes Tel Aviv and Damascus
>The US nukes Tehran and Baghdad
>Poland, Germany, France, Spain and everyone chills the fuck down
>Brazil declares peace and so does Venezuela and the rest
>Mexico in the middle of a conflict that threatens the US integrity
>Waves of radio-activeness shakes the world
>Without the external support the republicans and marxists in Mexico are quickly overrun by Nationalists and Monarchists
>US domestic situation makes the President Trump abandon the country with his family to Hawaii
>A headless US breaks into civil/racial war

>Millions lose their jobs to automation
>Immigration drives wages down and makes life even more unbearable in cities.
>Welfare system collapses.
>More foreign adventurism.
>Suppressing riots and terrorism at home and abroad taxes government to the limit, and it starts to pull back from parts of the US.

Boom, Civil War.

>Mexico city is finally taken by the national-monarchists
>Hispanic population in southwest US is motivated
>Newly formed Mexican regency sends weapons and troops to the US but are still stuck in the middle of a financial chaos
>The white house is destroyed by islamic cells, thousands die in the explosion
>Europe and Africa are also getting raped by terrorist cells, social unrest and far-right sentiment takes over the continent, a full-out civil war is being fought on Europe in the middle of a nuclear holocaust
>Putin dies
>Russia breaks a part in many smaller states
>Canada's integrity is threatened and decides to take action in the US
>Canada invades northwest US
>Mexico invades Southwest
>Wait, what happened to Russia's nukes then?
>Woops, in the middle of all chaos they happen to be stolen
>Everyone gets nervous
>years continue
>Europe in the middle of a bloody civil conflict, latin america suffers from a vacuum of power without the US and civil war erupts in many countries, UER is dismantled and Russia ceased to exist
>The middle east is a nuclear wasteland, Jerusalem is evacuated
>Venezuela,Colombia, Brazil, etc. are in total anarchy
>Financial chaos worldwide
>About a year of this carnage continues when Washington DC is destroyed, unknown terrorists planted hundreds of nukes below the city
>Trump and his family are assassinated, no one knows who did it
>Mexico annexes southwest
>Canada annexes northwest and northeast
>Eastern coast becomes a group of numerous kingdoms
>Mexico takes the Caribbean and center america
>It doesn't take long until it breaks into internal conflict again, insurrections in the reconquered territories put Mexico in a compromised situation
>The war is over by now, but Russia's nukes are still there and many terror groups are formed on every corner of the world
>The feudal era has a renaissance
>The 4th ww will be fought with sticks and stones

An ethno virus.

United States government collapses from debt. This causes economic downfall throughouth the rest of the world

Russia invades Europe. China invades South East Asia, Korea, and Japan. Saudi Arabia invades the Middle East and Turkey. India-Pakistan conflict goes Nuclear
Russia defeats Saudi Arabia. South America becomes puppet states to China or Russia.
Only two superpowers are Russia and China.
Cold War erupts between the two.
Africa is still shit

they said the exact same thing about world war 1 and 2


China can't get past our navy.

US can't realistically invade mainland China.

So, stalemate, slightly in our favor. Blockade their ports. Starve them out.

This scenario would likely play out the same way for Russia. M.A.D. is a meme, Russian military hasn't been shit since the Soviet economy collapsed in the late 70s.

There's a couple that come to mind:

>As ISIS implodes in Syria, the Kurds seize power
>two things happen at once
>one: ISIS starts ramping up revenge attacks in the west, further antagonizing the Saxon
>Turkey lashes out at the Kurds, a now Russian and American backed force

>Meanwhile, tension between Iran and Qatar reach the breaking point
>multiple "terrorist" attacks carried out by special forces in both countries occur
>The russians sell arms to iran, the Americans to the house of Saud

>then you have the wild card of north korea, that will pounce if given the opportunity/go ahead by their Chinese masters
>China continues to fortify in the south pacific
>Japan, south korea, and the pacific democratic nations start to arm in response.
>America happily supplies arms
>a secret deal is reached with the Japanese to allow for intensive rearmament

So the chess board looks something like:
>China/North Korea VS America/Japan/South Korea/Pacific region
>Saudi Arabia/Isreal/America VS Iran/Syria/Russia
>Turkey vs Kurds/Allies

So what happens next is the least extreme escalation, which is a conflict with turkey and kurds to establish the power dynamic.

>everyone arms both sides in this fight
>meanwhile China's Banks implode
>China blames a foreign power for this failure
>The choice will be weather to go to war against it's own dog North Korea as a scape goat OR America in defiance of the world order
>naturally North Korea is sacrificed to lure America into a hot and costly war while pretending to be serving the world order
> this allows china to switch sides and strike when American military power starts to grind itself on a well fed and armed North Korean force
> A decisive coordinated attack on NK will be launched by both China and America at once as allies to finish the battle once and for all
> While America is focused on it's target, China pivots, using EMP weapons to disable American military power around the world and at home

no matter who fights who, we will just end up with less white people, do jews win any (((world war)))

>As China and America start fucking around the house of Saud goes on the offensive
>They directly invade Syria and Qatar at once seizing key oil and gas resources
>Iran protests and Sends its forces into Yemen and closes the the straights of Hormuz
>Egypt bowing to Saudi pressure closes the Suez to Iranian and Russian ships
>the oil shock to the world only serves to heighten tensions in all conflicts as economic and technological hacking weapons are unleashed
>An incident occurs and Iran with the Support of Russian forces disguised and Iranian forces responds by invading Saudi Arabia, capturing Mecca within 48 Hours.
>America, already engaged in North Korea, launches nukes in the gulf of Oman at Dar-e Anjar Wildlife refugee in Iran, 50 miles from Yazd
>an ultimatum is given to Iran to withdraw or face the consequences
>in a effort to continue the game, Iran withdraws but burns everything to the ground before leaving
>at some point the American elite realizes they are loosing the world order.
>protocols for total thermonuclear chaos are initiated

Mecca gets Nuked(Sub,Bomber,Missile, Truck, False Flag)

It causes/creates "World vs Islam"(A true World War).

Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Cell Phone Towers Crank up on an unspecified date and fry us all like a giant microwave while (((they))) are in their hideaways.

Honestly Syria is the powder keg at the moment we will see

