Jungle Fever

Is there any cure for jungle fever? What should I do about it?

Go smell one of them.

id fuck anything man.
fatty, nigger, fat bitch whatever man
warm and moist id stick my dick in it.
recently was stroking an ereftion in the bathroom while aiming at my neighbors window making hand gestures to "call me"
i am slipping into insanity. you are all delusions none of you are real

There's nothing wrong with it.

In every other Latin-American country the Spanish and Portuguese fucked black and/or Indian women left and right.

It just means you're not white either. Go ahead and mate with the other animals.

And look how that turned out.

Same cure for Yellow Fever.

Go fuck a girl from that background. It'll be out of your system.

No, there is no cure for aids yet.

Blow your brains out

nigress musk is hot af though

I fucked a black coworker.. shit was crazy. She was in good shape but she sweated a lot.. it was an exotic experience. Black women are top tier.

become a black woman's little pet.

Argentina tryna be Brazil baka


There's no such thing as "jungle fever". Embrace your love for different races, and act accordingly to achieve personal happiness and satisfaction.

Fuck her and get it out of your system.

smell her neck. If you are still interested try to get one with a clit smaller than your dick

we must live with it.

The cure for jungle fever is seeing black women

Kill a black person. It'll fix your jungle fever.


have sex with black women

How did you become that desperate?

>making tatoos as a nigger



sex is like air, not all that important unless you are not getting any

