Cunting thread 404'd
You know what this thread is about, stop talking shit about Britain on the 4th of July.
Why is this acceptable behaviour?
Cunting thread 404'd
You know what this thread is about, stop talking shit about Britain on the 4th of July.
Why is this acceptable behaviour?
>More mudslime fugees learn how to use a keyboard everyday.
Last thread was very productive, I like the part where every single american poster ganged up on me.
I think I could make a negative thread about the US, no matter how true, they'd still zealot rush me.
I know, i'll post some of your replies so you don't have too:
#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1 MUH MUN!
"Britain", literally who?
I like the confederacy c:
We don't think about any other country cause we're too darn important to care.
What's that a non-american poster is saying something bad about america? He must be a mudslime!
OP we love the Britain, AC/DC is my fav band!
Me and my 2 friends have never said anything bad about the UK on the 4th ever.
We done saved your ass in that done ding dang world war the third we done did do.
Stop complaining about america all the time, btw Trump is a cunt, cry cry cry cry waaaaahhhhhhh!
You talk straight shit, but you are right about Americans bad-mouthing Britain on July 4th
I know I'm right, please help back me up against the coming shitstorm of zealots
It's acceptable because we won, faggot. Don't be a sore loser (again)
No it isn't, stop being a sore winner. Also it's not about that, its about general anti-british mindsets in the US that only come out on this date.
Don't bother getting mad at americans. Just reply with "56%" and leave it at that. Nothing annoys them more.
Also can we have one thread where Americans don't talk down to me or tell me how great they are? Just try for like 5 minutes.
I'm not trying to make them mad, I just want them to be aware of this issue and try and help resolve it. Either that or just collect more evidence they support it.
Wow, britbongs are serious pussies. You complain about merica bad mouthing you on one day of the year, yet you constantly bitch about us litcherally everyday. Get fukt.
Yeah but everyday us taking the piss out of each other is fine because its just bantz. What I'm on about is legit hatred.
Also fuck you with your reddit meme, lurk more fagget
I wish I could go to England this 4th just to walk around in a Trump shirt/hat on and wave a small American flag around. Cheers Britfags.
Go cry about it over tea and crumpets while your mudslime bull fucks your wife.
Also people can't just reply "I don't agree with you", >"Wow, britbongs are serious pussies"
see bait posts will be ignored, but will be logged to help backup my theme of Americas anti-britishness
>He can't even greentext
Britbongs, everybody!
Like I say, this isn't an attack on all americans, just this one specific group.
Brits are fucking pussies and cant even Brexit properly.
Whoops forgot to change flag lol
No, you obviously do not understand how the world works. See, the losers DON'T win, that's what the winners do. Even the perverted mindset that you suggest Americans have would be justified. In actuality, you wronged us and then we kicked your shit; whether you want to take the L or not, it's yours.
The majority of us don't do this, we just eat burgers and bbq and drink beers and have a good time on the 4th.
Nothing personal dad.
Whoa pal, you seem tense, you okay? It was just a post bro.
Britain got fucking humliated
>Why is this acceptable behaviour?
Your nation did not immediately grant independence when petitioned. Suck it.
see kek
The problem isn't with the actual war, the problem is parading it over us and spreading an anti-British mentality in modern times.
Yeah its not the majority, it is a small group, i just want to stop this group.
First post is best post.
bait detected
If it's part of the world, it gets fucked. No exceptions
Should've just granted independence if you didn't want us to turn a harbor into a giant pot of shitty tea.
Aw c'mon, I added a little bit to mine. You guys are getting cucked so hard over Brexit.
>thinking any (white) actually hates Britain
also reminder, Brits STILL think it was actually indians who threw the the tea into the harbor
For sure man
IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR INDEPENDENCE, Just stop with talking shit about the UK on the fourth and making it acceptable for other people to do so.
Never heard the thing about Indians doing it? explain? Also they do, not all of them but it's there.
Struggle is real
>stop talking shit about Britain on the 4th of July.
>Why is this acceptable behaviour?
Well you did try to prevent the formation of our nation. Surely you deserve a tiny bit of shit for that, right?
Don't worry, it's only for a day. On July 14th, we'll be back together with you making fun of the French.
You mean on our Independence Day?
Well then you are the problem. You are apparently not mature enough to realize that America isn't attacking Britain anytime soon, and we reserve the right to parade on OUR land for whatever reason we choose on any given day. Don't worry, I'm sure the queen will be able to skip into dementia for a day and never know the difference
Sorry, who's the back to back world war champ here, Muhammad?
Also i don't give a shit about your moonlanding, the entire moon is going to be a shitting street by 2040. You'll be just as irrelevant as everyone else once China takes over.
"We" did not, the people involved in that conflict existed hundreds of years ago, we are not them.
Yes, all countries are independent from something, who gives a fuck. You don't need to bad mouth over countries to celebrate it though
Not physically attacking, and you can parade about whatever you want but once you start bringing other countries into it expect backlash.
The Allied forces I believe, we didn't need you to win btw, Russia dominated everyone. Your army was tiny back then.
>TFW you're still salty about losing your cotton supply and a place to put your nigs
Here is a reply, use it wisely
>You don't need to bad mouth over countries to celebrate it though
Sure, but we get to. And we're gonna.
RULE BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA RULES THE, u-um, something i guess after brexit.
Again, talking down to me, acting all dominant.
>pls no bully or i'll threaten to hit you on the internet
>They're all against me because I'm talking about a problem in their country.
Let's pretend we're talking about Albania instead, woah whats that? a load of Americans are now on my side and want to invade Albania, Wwooaah
I can spread my opinion to others, vote negatively for Americans, you can do quite a lot if you complain enough about something
Also if you're just gonna take the piss, please go to another thread.
I'm going to take a moment out from the bants and ask, you ok man?
Fuck off, King George.
You have my support
Fuck off sand nigger you're not english. go back to bombbanghistan and practice your shitty religion of peace there.
Been to the UK many times for work the last 15 years. Fucked tons of british girls using different names, especially the last 4 since tinder came out. Never used a rubber, always came inside them.
Wonder how many mulattoes are running around the UK that are mine?
No, I'm not. I'm really angry about this,
supposed to be allies with this country but they just allow this shit.
It's like when the EU president talks shit about the UK, Fuck'em, I'd rather have the UK go to complete shit than be allied with these kind of people.
Watching you lose your mind is far more interesting than anything else going on at the moment.
You're alright, sincerely hope you guys brexit successfully and fuck Germany up
I was giving you an actual opinion and you were ignoring every post I made. you fucking spaz cunt
but trump doesnt really talk shit about uk so its not like that
"You're not supposed to defend your side of the argument if I'm arguing with you. I'm always right and that's final. Americans shouldn't get to celebrate inventing national liberty because it offends me." - quote from faggot OP
damn right we would achmed
Well, it's about 2am in England right now. You have probably had a long night of the drink, so you can calm down and get to bed, you should watch something funny.
I'm going to start my drinking, and I will raise a glass to you mate, from a Yank to a Brit.
See the difference is no American really gives a shit if other countries "Don't like us." We're better than them. So the opinion of lesser entities means jack shit to us.
^ This shit is also driving me crazy,
>Say something is bad about US
>Tidal wave of USA USA USA USA USA!
Death by "Freedom" spam
You're right he doesn't, its not him, its a selection of the citizens who are doing this.
That's not an accurate quote from me, Fake News. I don't care about the arguments against this, I'm looking to gain support to try and solve this.
IT BURRNNNSSSSS, is this some sort of torture, when does Bruce Springsteen come out?
Saturday/Sunday who cares, thanks for the kind words, sorry if I insult you.
same. cheers!
But why?
>Brit being mad that he's getting shat on
just be happy it's just for a short moment you absolute faggot jesus fucking christ.
Thanks for the reply, here's a (you)
fuck of sand monkey. go back to building bombs out of twigs and shit. you're lucky britian is tolerant but you'll never be a part of a great nation like them because sand monkeys aren't people.
See the moral of the story is "Don't pick a fight you can't win." That's the beautiful thing about America, we stand on a broad political spectrum and we love to argue amongst ourselves. However if you: oppress us, fly a plane into our Harbor, or destroy something we hold dear, we will beat you into the earth and then party to remember the ass kickings that we have served since 1776
Oh fuck off you absolute cunt
>bohoo Americans are being Americans but they're doing to ME not WITH me
And a (you) for you too, you butthurt shrew
I'm anglo though?
You're a shrew, AN UGLY SHREW!
Fuck noooo,
i meant the (you) response for Like a fucking wasps nest!
>What do you mean other countries can bully me too?
Just seriously fuck off. This level of hypocrisy from a brit?!
Are you even british?
(yo- yourself
> Thinks I care
> Thinks he made a decent insult for even if I did care
> mfw
I tried that burger. Couldn't finish it from how disgusting it was.
Happy independence day, you limey tea-sipping crumpet-stuffing bitty-worshiping redcoated faggot.
Why are you even mad about this? Do you see my flag? Do you know how much shit I get just because I'm Swedish? And you're prancing about thinking it's bad because you're getting bullied on a fucking congolese nigger killing discussion board. Jesus H. Christ.
Honestly OP British folk really need to get their shit together before anyone here will respect you. At this point Britain is nearly Sweden-tier.
>27 posts by this ID
I saw another thread you made a few hours ago. What the fuck is your problem, dad? Jelly because you can't barbecue?
Yeah, hot dogs and burgers do not belong on the same sandwich, neither do chips. It's a great webm though.
>250 years later
>still mad
What? Brit can't handle the bantz? Must be a "quintessential Brit"
You also forgot the part where it's just a single fucking day of "serious" banter.
OP just wants attention
I don't care if you care that you think that i think you don't care.
You are mean :(
Because, this isn't just every day banter, this is an official US holiday that allows people to make fun of the UK. Thats like us having Fuck Sweden day.
We'll fuckin fix bayonets and charge your limey ass.
Calm down Dad
>mfw browsing this thread sipping a beer and listening to fireworks go off all over my neighborhood
BUT YOU HAVE THAT! It's legit every single fucking day. But excuse me princess America has independence day.