Is he right?

Is he right?

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That valve in his head appears to be leaking

Brit here, yes he is. Mainly due to the fact we're openly mocking our government, and most find them incapable of protecting us, and they imprison us for criticising Muslims.

Tommy is one of the most based Englishmen we've ever had.

I highly recommend you watch this and you're preconceptions of him will really change. The man was put in solitary confinement for months - for no reason. This man has suffered.

(The speech is inspiring........ only watch the Q&A if you want to get triggered, "racist" and "fascist" come up in 40 seconds)

no. nothing changes. just waiting for the next terror attack. in a month, a year, or ten. while the slimes keeping breeding and the politicians keep apologizing, and the normies keep being nihilistic, consumerist drones. oblivious and caught in their naricissim.

By that time society will be in freefall collapse.

But you see the seeds of it already. Something like half a million whites have moved out of London in the space of 10 years. Within cities people are balkanizing heavily, segregating themselves.

"Bad neighbourhoods" now have some kind of self-glorifying mythos where they drive out even ambulance and police personnel sent to help them.

A thousand cancerous growths that consider themselves outside regular society and that hate us on an ethnic basis. What the fuck do globalists think will happen, honestly? We've seen the future. It's the US, and then it's South Africa.

Globalism fails every time. People don't integrate.

You're correct about one thing: they are indeed arresting you for Islamophobia.

Grab your Bibles and chainmail lads. It's gonna be a mad one.

>deus vult larp posting

He is absolutely right, but nothing will change unless there's a major economic collapse, and by that time it will probably be too late.



a militia of any number of men armed with spoons and dull knifes is worthless. only the police are armed and they will not side with the natives

I don't think he means that militias will form against the police, he means against certain muzzies


The English Defence League was basically organised in a similar structure.

Mhm, it's getting to the point where our politicians have been shouted at the in the street. Won't see it in the news however. A heavy tension has cast a blanket over Britain. Something is going to give sooner or later.

Yeah probably, not that it matters. Birth rate still isn't good enough to compete with Muslims. We're being outbred too fast and our own women have stabbed us in the back bar a few who actually want to help the right wing.

The common misconception that elites have is that the economy will still be functional in a collapse-scenario. That even though Western Civilization may collapse, they believe they'll still have their fortunes and resources will be abundantly available. When in every collapse scenario, from the Dark Ages to the Bronze Age collapse, wealth is the first thing to go and everyone becomes poor equally. So eventually, the problem will grow so big that the state will no longer be able to afford Globalism, and then the cities will burn, and wealth will be destroyed.

So to answer your question, when things get bad enough, the money will go away, and then things will begin to change.

the police will defend the muzzies at all cost. why am i having to explain this to you?

Why is he on the jew show? Why are English nationalist so cucked these days?

I have a spare cutlery set if anybody needs it.

Probably. Our police and military are fed up with being pushed around by the chain of command, not allowed to act. They know who these Islamists and child groomers are. And ordinary, working class Brits feel betrayed by politicians, they're sick and tired of Islam. Things could very easily develop into tit-for-tat violence, the police and military could decide to defect or refuse to comply if things become worse, etc.

I don't think there will be a peaceful resolution to the multiculti crisis in Britain as there could be in other countries. British nationalism has been swallowed by UKIP, which is a zombie party at this point. I predict France and Italy will be the first to chimp out.

The first waves of white men attacking will be called mentally ill terrorists and demonized in the media. The first waves must be prepared for this.

Israel loving militias will be formed.
haters of homosexual buttsecks will be dealth with.
we must protect our buttsecks fundamental right.

the answer to that is real money however. Gold and silver are valuable in collapse scenario also. Otherwise I agree severe economic problem bring about political changes.

I'd rather have a gun, food, medical supplies, and a militia than all the gold in fort Knox.

Terrorist wannabe

tommy is right.
based black men in Britain are afraid to go outside. what a shame that is! sad!
they can't even practice their fundamental god given right that formed western civilization: homosexual buttsecks.
someone has to take a stand and brutally insert wooden dildo up his arse. it has to be done to protect western civilization.

I was thinking vigilantes would target single terror prone muslims as i fucking said, not a broad group of them.

Otherwise I agree with you.

Militias are meme tier
Expect an increase in political violence and racial violence
Mostly lone wolf attacks

I've been to these events, and half the people there go to drink and fight. They aren't cucks, and they don't agree with Tommy on everything. Really, Tommy's the guy trying to mediate and demand a peaceful resolution before things turn to violence. He knows full well the sort of people that frequent his venues, the talk about booting out racists is just that, talk.

The elites will remain in power during a collapse, while you starve and kill people for milk, they will tell and instruct you what to do.
see why your wrong?
for 450 thousand dollars a year, i can have 7 fully trained retired army rangers direct my family during chaos and gun down people at 500 yards. it just depends on who you are and where you are.
the catch is, all collapses are planed and controlled, its why the WORLD MARKET is now run by algorithms instead of "specialists" on the floor. kinda hard to run a scam with real people vs. computer programs designed to game the system. note watch a 2017 video of the new york stock exchange or the cme group, there are people still there for effect. the rothchilds don't lose. but some day we will make them lose.

tommy is genuinly a liberal on the nationalist issue however from what i gather.

No, he's on Zionist pay roll. The EDL is also funded by Zionists.

Who do you think bails him out whenever he gets in trouble?

irishman LARPing as an englishman

i read his book, it was trash, thank goodness i didn't buy it.

but on a serious note, the people of the UK are way too docile to actually do anything apart from complain and then fall back into the groove of things

the UK is one of the most heavily monitored police states in the world. there will be no widespread vigilantism and certainly nothing organized. if even just a few natives resist it will only make for more BBC propaganda

I'm sure they'll be protecting Israel, so...yeah


>for 450 thousand dollars a year

What makes you think in a collapse that payment is even possible? What makes you think that the 7 fully trained retired army rangers don't form their own gang and rob the rich person? The law? The law of the gun is the only law that exists in this scenario. Find the richest house, kill the owner, and take his stuff. That's what Stalin did during the fall of the Russian Empire. Just live off stealing and plundering until everything is taken. Look at Yugoslavia and how things fell apart. You really think when the ethnic mob goes at your door, your going to be able to say, "well I have a rich account with my private banker, let me just write you a check..." laughable. Utterly laughable.

There has never been, in human history, an elite that has survived the collapse of their civilization. Not a single one. From Rome, to Spain, to Russia, to France. Not a single instance in history. The only smart option for the globalist elite is to flee to New Zealand and live off being formerly rich for the rest of their lives. Like in a enclave of their former glory.

Collapse is the great equalizer. It makes tiny men large and large men tiny.

Just think - it doesn't really take much does it?

Realistically, someone with enough charm and charisma could easily whip up a big enough group of people that can overthrow a government.

Although - we're a country of cucks, so won't happen

based patriot man demanding love and more rights to based black people regarding homosexual buttsecks, the corner stone of british society

Yeah, he isn't opposed to most minority ethnics. Many of his fans are though.

Doesn't seem likely given how the police have treated him. Also, Tommy is very middle class in terms of wealth. He owned several properties and businesses before starting the EDL.

The police don't like the Tories because of all the cuts and deprivation they've faced. If the vigilantism really kicked off, many of them would refuse to comply, possibly leak information, etc.

Yes, but I wouldn't know where to find them.

I work for an intelligence service. (Private Contractor)

Allow me to fill you in on something.

It won't take many people to start. Maybe 30-100 well armed, well trained individuals who maintain total opsec.

A very small group of dedicated people can bring an entire city to a halt.

If the right conditions are present, and outside actors intervene, you could easily have a situation where "foreign fighters" from the US and Canada come in and really do some damage.

The fact is despite America having such a large amount of gun owners, it would be far easier to overthrow any European government then the American government. Civil war in Europe is a real possibility and you may have more Americans participating in the conflict than Europeans.

>one of
It is the most monitored I think. Not the most politically totalitarian obviously, but definitely the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus.

You realize they've already done that and have a breakaway civilization with tech we have no idea of, right? Why do you think there's been so much talk of wealthy moving to places like NZ?

This. Just look at the K/D ratio in Mumbai.

Maybe not in this future, cell phone towers and nukes could wipe out cities. The elite have high end bunkers and are in it for the long run, however I do think you're quite right, internet screwed them over and too many goyim know about rothschild and jewry and if not every normie is pissed off at capitalists.

The elite seems rather inbreed and useless now too, they think they will always be able to have others do the work and are caught up in satanism and retarded narcissism instead of plans to keep their rule.

Which is sort of smart for them. On the one hand, fleeing to an enclave is guaranteed safety. But on the other hand, the elite will lose their fortunes that were invested in their mother countries. Look at the Russian Nobility and how they formed their enclaves in the West after the fall. They never again managed to become the uber wealthy lords they once were and lived lives as a disappointing shadow of themselves. If the choice is to prevent collapse and remain all-powerful, or let collapse happen and be forced to flee, a sane man would choose the former.

When I say collapse, I specifically mean the state can no longer maintain monopoly on coercion. By definition, if the globalist nations cannot maintain their monopoly on coercion, new elites will arise that will 'take the place' of globalist elites because they will be able to obtain that very monopoly on coercion. For example, if someone gathers thirty armed men in a rich suburb, and the state can no longer afford to 'put them down,' then those thirty armed men become the de facto government and can implement whatever the fuck they want on their former masters.

Take nukes for example. If nuclear war actually happens, and the vast majority of the military is destroyed, then literally preppers inherit the government and become the new rulers. All of a sudden, the rich elite finance manager becomes powerless as the boys take turns on his wife at gunpoint. A collapse is a collapse and brings the end to all the rich and powerful.

Funny you should mention Mumbai...

But Indian security forces are woefully inadequate.
Many of them can't train because they don't have enough ammunition.

100 Army Rangers with enough supplies could hold the entire city of New Delhi hostage indefinitely.

If you get enough people (100) who are well organized and genuinely don't care if they die, and have the proper leadership, British police will get fucked up real fast. What is coming to Britain will make the troubles look like Sesame Street.

Makes sense, I hope I survive for a while just to see how this tale ends up.

If say sweden, cucknada and france collapses with other nations still standing people will stop the virtue signaling to some extent and the research is here now more than ever. Maybe even NZ nationalists would hunt down jews after shtf.

why would you hunt down jews now?

Well bolchevism, communism, feminism and whatever more made us bring all this socialistic mass immigration policies to life pretty much have its roots from jews, the real elite is mostly jewish "royalties" but I guess the problem of course is elites in general. Jews just happen to act as a societal virus brining in usury to nations to supply themselves which has led to a society of rich sociopaths and pretty much sociopaths only.

Either way I think the whole elite overplayed their hand, their children will likely die, but you never know.


how exactly is the jew down the street responsible for "bolchevism, communism, feminism, and socialist mass immigration?

Tell me of these jews who rule us in the west? Because as far as I can reckon the only place you can point to jews in government is the usa (supreme court and congress) and they aren't numerous.

The elite in government in our countries are white

>calling for internment camps

>to answer your question
There was no question, you pompous ass.


Hey now. You think I enjoy the fact that the world is literally falling apart? I wanted nothing more than to curse on the 90's high when the world was alright. And technically, my senpai is part of the 1%, meaning I get most of my money from the very same financial instruments that the 'globalist elite' use to profit. Pride has nothing to do with this reality. I'm literally stating that all of my advantages, and the advantages of my peers, become meaningless in a collapse scenario created by the excesses of Globalism. It's uncomfortable to think about, though. The rich suburb overnight becomes poor and dangerous simply because the global economy that sustained it disappears. Just like the collapse of every other empire.

But you are right. He didn't ask a question.

i would be scared too jew