Are White women more valuable than women of 'color'?
Are White women more valuable than women of 'color'?
ask the oil shitskins that buy them
humans have no intrinsic value
>No, that fat loudmouth sheboon in wal-shart is worth so much!
Dead bodies have value. Are they worth more than the living?
White women are aggressively stalked in raped in America. By men of all races. Lots of black men do it.
Meanwhile look at the white on black rape statistics. Go look. Then laugh out loud.
Objectively, since a dead person has no debts or wealth
are cows more valuable than roaches?
What if they had good enough credit to cosign for stuff?
well we can certainly put an economic pricetag on the use value of a life, and marginal cost of avoiding a fatality, but that's not what he's asking, crewman
considering how every nigger wants a white gf i would say yes
absolutely because they give birth to white sons provided they aren't retarded
nigs breed nigs and they will never be anything but
There are fewer of them, and dating site stats suggest they're most sought after.
Id say that's grounds for them being of higher value.
pic related could very likely kick your ass. what's that worth?
No. Their value relies solely on their ideology.
do you even thought experiment flagfag?
Yes, they are. We've had 3 threads about this in the past few hours.
>Does Sup Forums like white women more than non-white women?
>[arguments ensue]
I'm sure you've gotten all the responses you want so far, no? White women are the standard of beauty worldwide and white men are not oppressing non-white women because we don't ask you out on dates enough.
White people are getting rarer and rarer
Thus white women will gain value as a status symbol
Plus they look better and have more exotic colouration than women of colour
They're relatively more scarce and in higher demand so economically speaking I would say yes.
Most non-whites pretty much look the same, only white people have diversity within their own race
Irrelevant once you're dead
Anything you had passes on to next of kin, including debts
If a dead person is to given monetary value, it will be appraised based on their organs or as a toy for a necrophiliac
wonder if they EVER buy niggers
>Are White women more valuable than women of 'color'?
Yes but dog shit is more valuable than women of color.
where does this wrong belief in the US come from?. debts aren't inheritable. debtholders get to extract what they can from the estate and anything left over is shit out of luck.
very much, every time I see a light skinned green eyed mongrel I get rage but no boner, they can tell
Yes, I want a white wife because it is like a thropy all the niggers will be envy
Yes, as long they believe in the preservation of their race
>family lives on a rented property
>but family owns a single vehicle
>dad dies
>has funeral costs, has debt
>funeral cost covered by insurance, but family has no liquidated assets to cover his debt, let alone living expenses afterwards since mom is a housewife
>vehicle is an asset, vehicle is property of family estate, vehicle is therefore taken to cover debts
I'd say that an inheritable debt since the family lost its breadwinner and means of personal transportation
> this is nonsense
what do you think debt is?
a debt collector will certainly call the family and tell them a bunch of bullshit, but personal debts are disposed at death. Exceptions would be debt shared IN LIFE -- credit cards, mortgages, vehicle lease with cosigners, etc. But please stop spreading this're giving (((them))) a foothold to deceive widows.
look up community property law
A thousand non-white women are not worth a white woman's fingernail.
I don't get it, is this a trick question? White women are literally the most valued women on Earth.
>community property law
we are in agreement
probate deadlines ftw
but a roastie is worth less than a stay at home virgin daughter
The Chinese text on that sign is hilarious.
that would make sense if I was a muslim.
I am not
>women of 'color'
They are worth nothing. At least white women can be used as cumdumpsters and can birth you worthy sons to carry on your legacy or daughters that can be nurtured and married off to find a another good son in law. Black women have no genetic value. If anything they have negative value considering the amount of abortions they have and the single mother count.
depends really
no whore is valuable
Good point.
If they're not degenerate, they're more precious than gold
I took Chinese in high school and my Chinese name was BaiRen
>white person
Gooks really are the best at racism
nothing has intrinsic value, value is based on demand
>There's no difference between niggers and chinks
Come on man don't be so retarded
>female purity
if a muslim and a jew had a dickless son