
GOP thinks this is fair.

Other urls found in this thread:

Federal income tax bracket
50k = 15%
900k =40%
billionaires = can get away with not paying any


fuck trump. tax the super rich 50% at state level

13% of 50 million is a lot more than 9% of 50 thousand

are you retarded? compare 87% of 50M with 91% of 50K instead.

Ok what? The rich person is still paying a shitload more taxes.

13% is nothing. they have more money to spare.

>number of families and singles making >50k
>number of families and singles making >50million

and there you will have your answer. The amount you can '''take''' from the rich is peanuts in comparison to what you get from taxing everyone else.

Is that bad?

>tax income at 50%
>tax capital gains at 20%
What did you mean by that ?