How did the "blacked" or "interracial" memes start...

How did the "blacked" or "interracial" memes start? Anyone who's lived in a white country as an ethnic minority can attest that white women never date brown, black, or yellow dudes. White Women HATE brown guys and view ethnic minorities with disgust, and despite all their feminist sjw rhetoric, white women only ever agree to date white guys.

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By Jews


^This is correct

Mark Zuckerberg gave internet access to the third world.

The only whites who fuck black/brown guys are 400 pound, drug addict, tattooed and pierced up, welfare rat, mothers of 5.

Jews, like said.

However, although you are correct that women tend to dislike brown guys, it is no longer AS true as it used to be. Many younger girls that have grown up in the Jewish sphere of influence (social media, kardashians, big asses, hip hop, etc.) do prefer nogs over white guys. And it isn't just trashy bottom of the barrel girls, attractive urban American girls gravitate towards social media and social media tells them to like niggers like Drake so they do.

Interracial dating is pretty prevalent in America, especially in high-minority or diverse areas like California.

>white women only ever agree to date white guys

Mudsharks might as well be radioactive though, their value absolutely nosedives to other white guys. Even if some of them aren't fat, they're still dirty.

>White Women HATE brown guys and view ethnic minorities with disgust,
just because they prefer white men doesn't mean this is true you fucking retard.

niggers finally figured out how the internet works and now they are spamming their pathetic memes everywhere because they are insecure

>White Women HATE brown guys and view ethnic minorities with disgust, and despite all their feminist sjw rhetoric, white women only ever agree to date white guys.

Okay whatever helps you sleep at night autist

that might be the case in Straya - my sis was there for half a year and whined about you racists - but overhere interracial couples are quite common, 90% of those white girl + wog/nog.

All races, on average, prefer people who are ethnically similar to them.
That does not mean they will only date people of that ethnicity.

On Sup Forums specifically it was started by the shit reddit says legbeards raiding Sup Forums back around 2012. They kept getting called out and destroyed in arguments so they gave up and spammed nigger dick.

Black guys like the idea of being better than someone, especially white people. The whole interracial BMWF genre caters mainly and mostly to BM (with some degenerate white uggos and white men with mental illnesses). Black men think they're winning because of this fantasy genre they're into, but the real winners are the Jewish porn-owners who suck up their welfare money because they didn't read the fine print about the automatic renewing billing they need to personally prevent/cancel after the 2/3-day trial ends. The only people bothered by the whole "Blacked" (BMWF) are white men with low self-esteem and black females.

Seriously, why are you trolled/mad at a -FANTASY- porn genre? Think about White's history of achievements to Black's. Think about the average income of Whites to Blacks. Think about the crime rates. The two-parent households. Etc. Etc. FFS, there's an issue in the porn industry about women refusing to do scenes with Black men and, at the very least, demanding extra pay to do a scene with them. WHAT SELF-RESPECTING WHITE MAN WOULD LET THIS GET TO HIM?

t.I used to do 3rd-Party Customer Service for Adult Websites, such as Bangbros. I lost count how many times I had blacks begging for their welfare money back because they didn't read the fine print about the automatic renewal.

Shills. Shill information posted here is meant to break the spirit of any white movement, don't forget that.

Social Engineering & Porn.

Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

^Found the nigger

Dixieposters started it. It's a huge fetish in dixie, for obvious historical reasons..

>White Women HATE brown guys
Yes, but kikes hate whites and since kikes control porn, they decided the best way to attack us would be to try to convince us that our women want to be fucked by monkeys.

By a failing porn site started by a kike which he openly admits doesn't make a penny. They constantly spam forums in a pathetic attempt to try and get views. It obviously doesn't work. The truth is whites and blacks don't find each other attractive. It's only our garbage that fucks them. Kikes keep pushing though because they know it will destroy white people

Isn't WM/AF the most memed and common pairing in the world though? But somehow BM/WF causes the most REEEEE moments?

it was always there. same with the yellow fever shit back when they were called "orientals".

My bad. Pic related.

The most common interracial pairing in the US is white/Hispanic. Europeans very very rarely marry outside their race. Marrying outside their ethnicity is already considered a big deal.

Jews, porn where the girls make more for banging black dudes, and disgusting white trash or worthless subhumans looking for free gibs thanks to the government's preference for helping blacks.

a group of asian and half asian incels got together on PSL(Puahate, Sluthate and lookism) boards years ago and many of them have been spamming it constantly here for years because they can't get white girls and whites keep fucking their sisters. The hapas usually hate their parents because they are the uglier more mentally ill ones. Their autism evolved into the r/hapas and r/aznmasculinity subreddits.

Keep dreaming nigger and maybe one day it maybe true. I grew up in one of the biggest metropolitan areas in America and white girls want nothing to do with you. It's only fat, ugly, mentally unstable or drug addicted white girls that fuck you

>"dude look at my chart I found on the internet!"

Shut the fuck up autist.

Jews promote it because nogs are the lowest IQ race and want to dumb down whites because they are their biggest threat. The amount of race mixing propaganda I see on instagram is unreal and with modern womens role models being people like the kardashians and constant exposure to (((rap))) music it is starting to become a more prevalent issue. I don't see as many white women having babies with nogs but I notice a lot of them talking to blacks and some even fucking them for diversity brownie points.

Legit, this makes me feel sorry for black women. Damn shame.

This is unfortunately very true. It is lucky for us that relationships motivated by jewish mainstream media will tend to not work out, and so racemixing will naturally develop an association with trashy, low-class women. Racial segregation is a powerful, natural force.

One thing that WILL bolster the multicultural marxist agenda, though, is a bunch of super insecure white guys from the internet freaking out about bm/wf shit because they've been beat over the head with it by jews on Sup Forums.

Play it cool and focus on your own life. Work hard and your chances are good. You only need one, ONE, honest, loyal woman to marry and have children with.

Google black white porn. It's not just on Sup Forums

I live in NYC and almost every white woman I know dates interracially and doesn't give a shit. They even act non-white. I haven't seen a white, heterosexual couple under the age of 30 in months.

There is only one good looking girl in this picture, the rest is average

>blacks actually buy subsciptions to blac
how dumb are you?


Because black men watch porn too

>not white dweeb + Asian butterface
Cuck detected


It started as interracial porn/fantasies of black men. It is simply the free market catering to black men's deep-seated desires and insecurities. They are the primary consumers of any media based on this concept.

>They are the primary consumers of any media based on this concept.

Utterly false. White women are.

Yeah so do white men and most white men don't want a whole genre of porn dedicated to humiliating them

true love

>t.I used to do 3rd-Party Customer Service for Adult Websites, such as Bangbros. I lost count how many times I had blacks begging for their welfare money back because they didn't read the fine print about the automatic renewal.

Yeah, they unwittingly do because they think they just pay for the cheap trial (usually a $1) and that's it. They don't see the fine print about the automatic renewal that's set as the default, all they see the white girl ass.

Yes numbnuts, people stupid enough to pay for porn still exist in 2017: enough to make a decent business out of it.

I'm not attracted to Asian women

How do you know they are black?

yeah and it's not niggers it's old faggot cucks who film niggers fucking their wife. I'm fairly certain that Jews themselves are actual cuckolds.

please die

Nice job adding the Kekkistani flag for those extra (you)s

>Kekistani flag
Lel le WMBF is le based af fug :DDD
Ooga booga ware de ayzin wimmen at?:DD
Le praise kek le 420 shadilay
PLZ brees my aryan mommy:DDDD

Hear enough voices, you can pretty much guess correctly (like 75%) the race/sex of the person behind the phone. You pay attention to cues, dialect, and associations. For example, an uneducated motherfucker bitching about his Ebony porn membership calling me a "White Prick" along with him sucking in air and other expected mannerisms is definitely not gonna be a White guy: confident enough to bet my paycheck on it.

Yes. Most Whites talk a certain way. Most Gays talk a certain way. Most Asians talk a certain way. Most Indians talk a certain way. Most Blacks talk a certain way. Etc. Etc.

>tfw she will never be your gf
she's gorgeous, especially her complexion, dirty blonde hair with piercing blue eyes.

How about now?

No, even idiots exist within our generation.

>"It's better quality!"
>"It's safer!"
>"I don't want to deal with the hassle of having look for a poor-quality illegal link of the film."
>"I just love the films of (insert porn company)."

Last one is the most common response from Blacks.

Again, see I posted.

>t. skeptic community

>tfw she will never have a boyfriend who isn't a gay chad for the instagram romance drama

>white country

See, here's your problem - the meme comes from USA, which is a pathetic excuse for a white country.

>how dare you show me facts

Nigs gonna nig I guess

I don't think you could find a group of 6 black women and objectively consider them as attractive as this group. Not even possible

How many anons here grew up pretty much completely non-racist, but after years of sjw shit, affirmitive action , and now jew nigger porn you had enough and went full Jared Taylor or 1488?
I know thats me . 32 years of BS turned me

You don't need to date to have sex senpai. Most of white girls takes the black/brown dick carousel before "setting down"

Haha I get it because burgers. Very funny. But she's still fucking ugly.

How can niggers like you be that dumb?

^Found another nigger

If only that were true, Bruce. Here in America, the white women have been proper jewed. Especially here in Los Angeles. I can't walk down the street to get lunch from my office without seeing at least a 8/10 white women walking arm-in-arm with a nigger.

Truly sickening.

Isn't the owner of BLACKED a jew? he could mine and sell their private life to the highest bidder

Can any dutch bro confirm this ?

psyop on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is the first place I started seeing blacked/bbc/cuck shit, this was probably 5 years ago or more, can't remember.

Fuck how do I stop hating niggers

jews own a alot in the us.. it is their thing

Psy op on all of western society is more like it

more racists polluting the movement with their dumb race realism shit
culture is what is important, you fucking idiots, ethnostates will never exist, and your children will speak spanish :)

if it does not work, how will it destroy white people?

Blacked and other interracial porn was pushed by jews. The creator of blacked is jewish. Not even joking check for yourself

screencapt. pic related

Interacial relationships are very rare my black "friend" brags about his conquests and shows me pics and they are all overweight 3/10 single mother pigs

I rarely see it in real life. I mean really rare. It's less than 1 in 200

well here in america I've seen a few white women interracially dating but it's not such a huge deal desu.

you only read negative comments her on Sup Forums

If this is true, then nyc is done m8


>white women only ever agree to date white guys.

Tell this to all the hot european white chicks that become all wet when they see an in shape brown guy giving a demonstration of capoeira.
They love brown dick.

keep dreaming huehe
your inferiority complex is laughable


Words wisely spoken.
You sir are a god amongst us men.

White girl here black penises look like literal shit to me.


I'm pretty sure all the people who are into "interracial" porn are secretly scat fetishists.

Yeah but in cali it's mostly white guys and asian girls.

I almost had sex with a black guy last summer, the minute I saw his dick I stopped and quickly stopped everything I was doing and ran away from the guy as quickly as I could. Never again.

These are the words of a clear mind. Please continue spreading your gospel

New York City dweller here. You are seriously full of shit. While the current fad is to have one black boyfriend in your line-up to brag to all your other whore girlfriends about, the majority date other whites. You see at most one i.r. couple per block in Manahttan, and 2/3 of them are wf/hm. This number changes in college areas where every Suzy Slutsalot has to fuck one of every ethnicity so that she can shock mumsy and dadders.

The thing I am actually shocked at is how young white guys go crazy for blackened white women. They seem to think that fucking a black man means that they are wild in bed. The hoes go back to being unenthusiastic demanding lays once they get some retarded white chump to pay their way.

I grew up in a trashy hick/wigger/spic community full of retarded white people. White women prefer spics in many cases to the Larry the Cable Guy types. Public school bombarded us with race mixing propaganda. We watched Remember the Titans 14 times during my handful of years in that district. Whites need to never stoop low enough to see themselves as equal with browns. It's a subhuman state of existence that drives white women away. Also white whores would fuck spics for coke and pills.

Of course by kikes

>young white guys go crazy for blackened white women.
Blackened ? meaning they got BLACKED or just supper tanned women

My fucking sides. Sure thing 300 pounds Wandercleison

I can't get attracted to a black girl. They look like men to me. There is ZERO feminine about them. I got into a fight with one in high school because I thought she was a guy, she had underarm hair and muscles. I didn't know until they asked us our names and she said "Tarponesha". I dated one for 2 weeks to try it out, had sex and it was weird. Her nipples were these huge sundial looking things that had a weird texture. Hard to describe. She was very "fit" but the contrast of her skin to her pussy made it look like she was bleeding. SO fucking weird. Told her sorry cuz I lost my dick, and that was it. I think I was trying to see if it was possible to work? It wasn't. Really nice girl though. I asked why she wanted to date me and she said I was cute and she couldn't stand black guys. I agreed and told her I couldn't either.