How did the "blacked" or "interracial" memes start? Anyone who's lived in a white country as an ethnic minority can attest that white women never date brown, black, or yellow dudes. White Women HATE brown guys and view ethnic minorities with disgust, and despite all their feminist sjw rhetoric, white women only ever agree to date white guys.
How did the "blacked" or "interracial" memes start...
By Jews
^This is correct
Mark Zuckerberg gave internet access to the third world.
The only whites who fuck black/brown guys are 400 pound, drug addict, tattooed and pierced up, welfare rat, mothers of 5.
Jews, like said.
However, although you are correct that women tend to dislike brown guys, it is no longer AS true as it used to be. Many younger girls that have grown up in the Jewish sphere of influence (social media, kardashians, big asses, hip hop, etc.) do prefer nogs over white guys. And it isn't just trashy bottom of the barrel girls, attractive urban American girls gravitate towards social media and social media tells them to like niggers like Drake so they do.
Interracial dating is pretty prevalent in America, especially in high-minority or diverse areas like California.
>white women only ever agree to date white guys
Mudsharks might as well be radioactive though, their value absolutely nosedives to other white guys. Even if some of them aren't fat, they're still dirty.