Damn Australia wtf
Percentage of Country's Population Who Thinks U.S. Military Would Defend Them
What a bunch of cucks
Might have something to do will all of those treaties and alliances and all the bases the US has here
Australia shares all of its military bases with the United States, so an attack on Australia is an indirect attack on the US.
I'm surprised it's even that high in China. Who the hell there hasn't realized the two are massive rivals?
>not knowing that Aussies are MNNA
also, at least the Pakis know what's up
>under half of Taiwan believes we wont defend them.
Defending the ROC has been one of the most consistent US policies. I dont know why they'd think that when we have Trump
Uyghers and Tibetans maybe? Remember 10-15 years ago when the free tibet movement was big? (or are you underaged/new?)
>dying for the austrailans
Americans want to defend the only civilized country south of the equator