Why are civic nationalists such cucks?
Low test?
>hating rundowns
Go get laid faggot!
They're just as cringe inducing as ethnic nationalists in their own way.
Your future
Mine? I'm not even white! That's your problem, kiddo. So much for master race.
>A race acting in their own interests is cringe
>I'm not even white
Go back
Duh.. Operation Hide behind Magapedes.
You're welcome!
It's scary how accurate this is.
pls my sides couldnt take that right now
This is the best Future for everyone!
Cloning please!
No what's cringe inducing is you thinking the white race is powerful when it's being controlled by a bunch of elderly jews with severe arthritis. And ethnic nationalism is pretty retarded considering you have nothing in solidarity with other whites other than muh whiteness.
>culture and race are nothing
go back
>still debating civic vs ethnic nationalism
>not taking the national transhumanism redpill
>ethnically conscious Jews are wildly successful
>lol don't do that white ppl it's so cringe XD
Found the kike.
emphasis should be more on culture then race
if culture is valued the way it is supposed to, a nation will remain homogeneous in race also
lmao nice "argument". Try developing it. Let me help you out. Why should race and culture be significat?
>ethnically conscious Jews are wildly successful
Who said I liked zionist jews? I hate them too along with any other ethnic nationalist you stupid cunt.
If they weren't cucks, they'd be ethno
yes user YESSSSSS
>I only support LEGAL immigration!
>I want America to become Mexico but LEGALLY!!!!!!
>shitskin in America doesn't support ethno nationalism
It's almost like people adopt political ideas that serve them the best
Culture is just a reflection of the race
>can't form his own arguments
>"j-just google it!"
You guys really can't debate for shit, can you?
I'm a bastard white. Funny how you cunts admire our ancestors. And the political ideas I have don't serve me best, they just serve fascists, communists, and libertarians the worst.
The nazi larper shills that plague this board are sp retarded that their ideology is completely btfo by this single picture.
Hello civic cuck
You just said you're not even white. Go and shitpost somewhere else shitskins/kike
>the thread is still up
Mods and janitors confirmed asleep
No rebuttal I see. You are a powerless cretin.
Who be these two strange lookin lad? I be needin a quick rundown.
>w-why can't I downboat this!
Go back and stay there civic cuck
Euros aren't moving here you dumb fuck.
And you guys are the cucks of the right. As long as people agree with you, you don't care if whites become minorities. Thats why you don't belong here.
masonchan is that way, storkcuck -------------->
Because it's an oxymoron, civic "nationalists" don't recognize nations. As long as it pays well to sell out their people's birthright they don't mind it, hell they even insist on it.
I honestly don't know what the fuck I am but your anger pleases me which keeps me lurking.
Obviously you are to dense to understand the point of
>le stormfront boogeyman
>niggers and jews are our right wing allies goyim, I saw one with a MAGA hat
>a black guy
>fucking based
Civic nationalists are fucking pathetic cucks
Redd.t is that way, faggot ------> take a left at sargon's gay sex shop
>their people's
Yeah, your daughter will marry a proper conservative nigger.
>lowering taxes will make white have more kids
Are you really that fucking stupid?
Your entire pic is a fucking strawman.
Republicans winning elections won't save the white race. Not that you civic cucks care.
Not whites will continue to come here, only legally now.
Probably just a fuckwit desu senpai
What's funny is that everyone on Sup Forums was saying this before the Syrian air strip missile attack but now reddit is the scapegoat. Both parties are to blame in their stupidity.
You're right. It should be peoples' for you mutts.
A clear sign of a reddit user is outdated rhetoric
Quite possibly, lad. Quite possibly.
Why are OP's so alienated, lonely, and weak?
fucking summer fag niggers
>if you arent a complete stereotypical nazi caricature you're a cuck
.t shareblue
general threads were a mistake
True but Sup Forums likes to pretend they didn't go for Trump before the election. And on the subject of reddit, you won't believe how many of these fuckstones I've had to deal with in other boards who unashamedly rag on Assad while glorifying their spray tanned real estate mogul.
What makes you think someone is in debt to other strangers based solely on the shared commonality that they're the same race as them?
>Don't be a nazi
t. leftist
One of their tactics is to make pol seem as extreme as possible so they can try to shut it down and make articles about it.
Bannon's not a cuck, nor is Trump, and neither am I.
>don't be extreme, that will make the leftists mad and they will blog about you
>me more like them.
You know he was gay right?
Bullshit. Although Ford dabbled in that shit to some extent, apparently.
even if he was a fag he could still beat your ass
Except civic nationalists don't act like that. They go out of their way to promote minorities just so long as they're wearing the same hat
I remember when the NYT breathlessly hinted that Joe Dimaggio was gay. This went on for years. Then a warts-and-all bio came out and revealed he was a regular bordello-goer, who preferred cotton to silk sheets because cotton didn't slip. Straight as an arrow, iow.
Don't reply with another strawman and expect a response.
I implied that wanting to sell out your people's birthright is reprehensible. It's not yours to give, it's your people's and your children's. Birthright. The basis for which is the first and most fundamental of necessary criteria for the legitimacy of a state. That the state exists to serve the people.
i dont even care about them i just want them to keep it to themselves if they are
t. cuck
>civic nationalism
Political ideologies for the brainlet.
A question is not a strawman. Again you resort to basing your argument on emotional appeals to the birthright that belongs to whom? Nowhere does it say that birthright is absolute. You seem to be under the impression that society itself isn't something that is always changing. Now, I'm not here to argue in support for those changes, but I'm merely wondering as to where ethnic nationalists get this idea of some absolute and firm idea that a birthright is
>The basis for which is the first and most fundamental of necessary criteria for the legitimacy of a state
because as far as I can tell, you're pulling this one out of your bum. I suppose I can also having a hairy asshole is essential to the basis for the legitimacy of the state, and you'd have to accept that too.
>this is what passes for an argument on Sup Forums
And people said I would get btfo here? lmao
You're literally a nigger faggot advocating for whites not to act in white interests.
You were BTFO before you even came on here. Now go back and stay.
I wonder what it's like to be so dumb and so mentally impaired that ethnonationalism seems logical? I guess I'll never know, lol!
>what's the difference between goals and expectations
rockwell thought whites owed blacks a lot because we dragged them over here into the US, and we should at least assist them (or forcibly) to get back to their homeland. does wanting to put them back in africa (which we'd have to pay for travel) make me and rockwell a civic nationalist or no
No you illiterate jackass, I'm someone who is against all ethnic nationalists, not just the larping white ones like yourself.
>reee get out of my board
wew lad so much for that right wing intellectualism
Whatever you say non white faggot.
As whites become more of a minority, more whites will start to act in white interests.
Trump is just a step. Not the final goal. Only a small first step.
Fuck you, fuck your Soros bucks and fuck leftism and globalism. Die in a fire, salty bitches.
>As whites become more of a minority, more whites will start to act in white interests.
Yeah good luck with that, kiddo. And why the hell would I want to be white? A lineage of neanderthal mud hut savages.
>Trump is just a step. Not the final goal. Only a small first step.
Yes, a bold step into neoconservatism and serving the interests of Israel. Right on!
>minor issues
>niggers, spics, and Jews are BASED
>I'm ok with lots of them immigrating here as long as they're based.
>I'm a dumb nigger who hates whites but is in a white country because my home land of other non whites is a shit hole
>fucking white people so dumb yo
>A question is not a strawman
It is when you put words in my mouth.
>the birthright that belongs to whom?
>Nowhere does it say that birthright is absolute
Yes, it is. That's the point of it being a BIRTHright. It is absolute, you get it by virtue of your birth, or it would not be a birthright.
>Now, I've got a metaphorical fence post up my ass
>I'm merely wondering
No, you're playing stupid. It's fucking obvious.
A state reneging on its duty (of serving its people's interests) leaves no reason to consider it legitimate and will result in the people demanding sovereignty. If the people's words won't be heard, their actions will. See: your flag.
And soon you'll need a repeat if you want another taste of sovereignty. What is it, 30 years before the mestizo horde decide "your" elections on their own? Of course it won't be your elections, or your governments by that point.
A civnat libertarian unironically said that mass deportation and revocation of birthright citizenship would be "Orwellian".
Civic cucks are kikes larping as right wingers in order to move the right more to the left.
>niggers and spics and Jews and street shitters are all based goyim
>you should allow more into your country because they will totally vote for your interests
>Your daughter would be fine with a based nigger
Oh, you're a nigger. Stop appropriating human languages in order to waste my time.
Based Swede.
Ahaha fuck off darkie, you're a parasite at best.
And I love how you have your own folder of crossracial streetfight videos to attach your own ego to since you've never actually won a fight yourself.
>he votes for Trump who is a self-proclaimed civic nationalist that loves based immigrants and Isreal
>he also claims to be an ethnic nationalist
How do you take yourself seriously? Pic related is you.
>That's the point of it being a BIRTHright. It is absolute, you get it by virtue of your birth, or it would not be a birthright.
Except nothing is owed to you as a birthright. Nowhere in the legislation of your country, or in some national mandate says you, a natural born Swede, has more rights for simply being a Swede. And what we were discussing about was mainly the topic on
>to sell out their people's birthright
>their people
when you forget there are people in your country that choose to live for themselves and have no attachment to the nation state whatsoever.
Very good Sir, very good indeed.
So basically, the mentality of a civic "nationalist" is to cede vast swathes of ideological ground to their opponents in order to make them selves appear more widely marketable to centrists while ultimately becoming indistinguishable from their "opposition"? No thanks. Also you've got this retarded defeatist mentality that assumes that people's positions are forever rigid despite the fact that some of the most spontaneous political changes in history happened in less than a decades time span. A good portion of the "stormfags" you complain about "ruining the movement and chasing off normie liberals" started off as normie liberals themselves (I was one of them, it must be shocking to you that someone could be converted to a different belief system!)
I don't this it's even a real ideology with economic and social tenants it's just something (((they))) came up with as a more digestible form of natsco in which they can still further their agenda
America was white until after WW2.
Globalists and kikes took over because they all ran here. After 1965 the borders were opened. Now fucking nigger faggots like you and your shit family get to move to our country and talk shit about us.
White nationalism is on the rise, and it angers you.
Fucking BASED! When will people realize the Democrats are the REAL racists
If you're so unhappy with America, then leave. The natives were here first anyways.
>calls himself master race that is superior to jews
>is having his country's immigration policies controlled by jews against his will
So who is the master race here?
You do understand your country pays kosher tax right?
Inb4 Google tells you its fake