Does God Exist?

What's his endgame?

Heat death of the universe.

Is he really going to send me to Heaven if I do a good job?

Was Jesus a charlatan? What did he gain from his bullshit conjob? Women?

Was Moses full of shit too? Were they all full of shit? Was Mohammed the leader of a criminal gang with a bullshit mythos, like a college fraternity on crack?

Is this a simulation, or an absolute reality? Does anything I do make a difference to "God"?

God exists because god means existance.

God means all things. Nothing is not god.

No thing is not god.

So God is meaningless. He doesn't actually care what I do.

Watch this and your question will be answered.

answer these brainlet



God fucked Mary when she was 12. God is a Pedophile, just like Mohammad, and probably Jesus too.


and this

aand this

Endless complexity.
Human logic is not up to the task.

ur a brainlet bruh

I can do whatever I want! I'm just a robot!

little cucked in the head brainlet

You can literally do whatever you want though.

God won't stop you. Beeecause he isn't real.

>Does God Exist?
Yes, she does.
>going to send me to Heaven
There is no afterlife. There is only this world built by the goddess.
None of them truly existed. The world began existing very recently, there is only an appearance that historical things happened.
>Is this a simulation, or an absolute reality
>Does anything I do make a difference to "God"?
No. Why would She concern herself with you?

My calculations are complete. There may or may not be a God, but he certainly dgaf what you do.

Liberal trying to hide behind a natsoc flag. We all know you're a fucking raiding troll dumbass

>God exists.
>I am God.
>God doesn't exist.
>I am nothing.

litally 0 counter arguments topped with an ad hominem

and they say godcucks are brainlets.
totally not true

The idea that humans are the most intelligent being in this universe is the ultimate height of arrogance. It is also stupid to believe that life is only possible in this dimension. There is no way of knowing for sure, that's why it's called faith. Decide which results in the greater good and fine meaning in your life.

I am literally the Terminator.

Check out this photo I just took of myself. I am sitting in a government lab, shitposting in my new android body. I've got the best AI, the best body. I've got an AR-15 for a dick.

Nope. People who didn't grew up in a religious family, yet choose to believe in fairy tales are fucking retarded.

My droid name be Muthafucka.