Be the president

>Be the president
> 1am, just got off the phone with Prime minister of Pakistan threatening to drop the MOAB on Western Afghanistan and Pakistan if they don't stop their bullshit
>Absolutely full of energy, don't smoke, don't drink, don't even take aspirin
>Get an email on his phone that North Korea is testing another missile
>Tweet that China is a bitch and Kim Jung Un couldn't run a two scoop ice cream stand
>Sitting on your bed
>Looking through twitter, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, NPR etc
>Every single post is negative
>Start writing a tweet, "The lying fake news media and they're bullshit covfefe....
>Melania walks in, interrupting the president
>No top, yoga pants that say USS on the ass sucking a lolly pop
>President hits send
>Fucks the shit out of his wife
>Media can't fathom any of it because they have to take 3 diff kinds of pills, drink and cocaine just to get off enough to fuck some college kid they met outside the strip club.

This makes way more sense than it should

He really is a madman

>70 year old man
>able to get it up on a whim

Dr. Oz confirmed that Trump still has high testosterone

>believing a roach

>implying Trump has time to fuck his wife

Hahahaha thanks for this

Trump takes finasteride, his dick either got shrunk into a microdick (if it wasn't already) or he doesn't have any libido at all

Jared Kushner's shills like the OP will continue astroturfing for a conman while you schmucks gobble it all up, no doubt about it

>he fell for the erectile disjew
Reminder that viagra is a literal blue pill

Bruce Jenner looks more like a woman everyday.

two white dresses, 1 ugly man

>those disgusting man hands

She's cheating on him. That's why she spent months in NYC and slaps his hand away whenever he reaches for her. She can't stand him. She's just in it for the money and power.


Getting it up for Melania wearing only yoga pants isn't exactly getting it up on a whim

Do you guys think Melania loves him?

Like maybe after 15 years of marriage, she now genuinely loves her husband

Dr. Oz read his blood test.

Either Trump has high test or is doing TRT like many older men do.

In other words, he's still very energetic and sexually active.

That guy's a roach? Wtf I feel tainted

>Mehmet Oz
how did you not know?

>U.N. flag
fuck off

I just heard "Dr. Oz" and thought about Wizard of Oz and stuff. Didn't really look into the guy beyond that


Great input, leaf. Because as we all know, women never do anything catty, they are never emotional, constantly centered creatures. It's impossible that the First Lady might actually be doing her role of, you know, keeping social decorum, by reminding the president that they're in SAUDI ARABIA, RETARD and gender intimacy in public is a big no-no.

Now why don't you go ahead and use your real flag?

lol being this delusional about your own shit country and retarded president