This is you civilization high on God.
This is you civilization high on God
Other urls found in this thread:
THIS is your civilization high on atheism/nihilism.
Any questions?
Literally all of the most developed/nicest places to live in the world are mostly irreligious and the worst places to live on earth are almost all extremely religious.
lol civilizations like these will never be seen again. Not before another massive world war anyway...
>taking credit for shit you didn't do
The west was overwhelming religious for most of it's lifetime until like the past 20 year, until (((they))) pushed atheism.
that's a pagan civilization
Hmm. About the same time the west became a shithole.
Also literally all of the irreligious places in the world are being conquered by religious people. Religion is a system that keeps culture strong and healthy but of course you fedora tipping morons will never realize this.
Are you retarded? Show me where he took credit?